Chandan S.

Chandan S.

Data Analyst with 3 years of experience and aspiring to Be Data Scientist having couple of Projects.

Bengaluru , India

Experience: 9 Years


Bengaluru , India

Data Analyst with 3 years of experience and aspiring to Be Data Scientist having couple of Projects.

40504.4 USD / Year

  • Notice Period: Days

9 Years

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About Me

Data Analyst with strong math background and around 3 years of experience in Finance and treasury background using predictive modeling, data processing, and data mining algorithms to solve challenging business problems.


Experienced Senior IT Specialist with a demonstrated history of working in the Hospital & Healthcare industry. Strong Information Technology Professional skilled in Healthcare Information Technology (HIT), Data Analysis, MIS Reporting, ERP Implementations, SQL Technologies, and Web-based Applications.

  • Hands on experience in Jupyter notebook / Spyder Anconda.
  • Experience in complere data science life cycle, i.e., source =>clean=>Modeling=>Evaluate=>communicate.
  • Strong experience in converting unstructured data into structured and workable datasets.
  • Expertise in data exploration techniques using various statistical tools.
  • Good command on prediction modelling techniques like simple linear regression, multiple linear regression and logistic regression analysis techniques.
  • Good exposure to data mining techniques like Clustering, Principle Component Analysis and Market basket analysis.
  • Knowledge on Machine learning algorithms such as Decision tree, Naïve Bayes, k-NN, SVM & Neural networks.

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Portfolio Projects


  • Predicting the Fair Market Value of Foreign Exchange deals booked at SGTS based on historical data.
  • Dataset of approx. 50 fields and 5000 records, Done Data Visualization (Used seaborn) and EDA (dataset.head, info, describe etc.) , identify missing values (Imputer), removed unwanted fields, Encoding Categorical fields, Scaling the data , Training & Testing.

Model selection based on k fold cross validation and grid search to find the best parameters and accuracy

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Predicting if the Sony Sister companies would be defaulters based on Historical data.

· Data Visualization (Used seaborn) and EDA (dataset.head, info, describe etc.) , identify missing values (Imputer), removed unwanted fields, Encoding Categorical fields, Scaling the data,Training & Testing .

· Model selection based on k fold cross validation and grid search to find the best parameters and accuracy

· Measured accuracy using confusion matrix and classification report.

· Increased accuracy by 7 %( achieved accuracy of 88%) by tuning the hyper parameters.

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POC : Sentiment analysis of amazon reviews on Sony products

· Data Cleaning using python library re to remove numbers, punctuations etc i.e. only keeping letters a-z

· Converted reviews into lowercase.

· Removed irrelevant in reviews stopwords(using nltk library) to prepare them for machine learning.

· Stemming the words using PorterStemmer to keep the root of the words .

· Created bag of words model using CountVectorizer.

· Applied classification model on this bag of words model .

· Measured accuracy using confusion matrix and classification report.

· Increased accuracy by 7 % by selecting model based on k fold cross validation and grid search to find the best parameters and accuracy.

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Key Insights Generation And Suggesting Action Items to increase Sales in the Sales Regions .

Fetching Data from Multiple Sources and doing Adjustemnets to reflect Accurate sales And profitability .

Generating Insights out of the data using Excel Pivot Table .

Comparing Revenue and Profitability with Last Year and suggesting Action Items for Next Year to Increase Sales And Profiatbility .

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