About Me
Full-Stack Software Developer with 12 years of experience in developing and designing software for the web, specializing in building custom web applications and e-commerce sites. Enthusiastic, self-motivated, and reliable professional....
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Portfolio Projects
Responsibilities :
- Convert PSD to fully functionale wordpress theme (responsive).
- Integrating and customizing woocommerce plugin.
- Usingaction and filter hooks for customization.
- Extneding theme and template.
- Creating plugin.
- Payment processing.
Responsibilities :
- Convert PSD to fully functionale wordpress theme (responsive).
- Integrating and customizing woocommerce, BaddyPress andbbPress plugin.
- Usingaction and filter hooks for customization.
- Extneding theme and template.
- Creating plugin.
- Payment processing.
Responsibilities :
- Convert PSD to fully functionale wordpress theme (responsive).
- Integrating and customizing woocommerce plugin.
- Usingaction and filter hooks for customization.
- Extneding theme and template.
- Creating plugin.
- Payment processing.
- Configure Multisite.
Responsibilities :
- Convert PSD to fully functionale wordpress theme (responsive).
- Integrating and customizing woocommerce plugin.
- Usingaction and filter hooks for customization.
- Extneding theme and template.
- Creating plugin.
- Payment processing.
- Export , import and sync products information with external application.
Project : EventBookins
Platform : CakePHP3
URL: https://eventbookings.com/
Responsibility : Team lead, database design and development.
Description : EventBookins is a e-ticket selling platform where any organization can register here to sell their events e-ticket.
Key features : i) Generating different kind of seat plan and use can see visual presentation of seat plans and click on any seat, ii) admin can create unlimited event and each event can have multi-level ticket pricing and each level can have multiple ticket type.iii) Stripe payment gateway integrated to support multiple currency.
Project : Reed Graduations
Platform : CakePHP3
URL : https://www.reedgraduations.com.au/
Responsibility : Team lead, database design and development.
Description : Reed Graduations is a e-ticket selling platform for student who have completed their graduation. Many universities in Australia has registered in to this platform to sell e-ticket, ceremonies gown and cap, ceremonies photo and frame.
Project : Vinloco Subscription
Platform : Laravel5
URL : https://subscription.vinlocopro.com/
Responsibility : Team lead, database design and development.
Description : Vinloco is wine subscription portal. Braintree subscription payment API integrated. REST API implemented to work with remote site.
Project : SGUA
Platform : CakePHP3
URL : https://www.sgua.com.au/
Responsibility : Team lead, database design and development.
Description : SGUA is online application software of an insurance company. Use can submit new insurance form and pay installment. User can claim for their insured property for damage or loss.
Key Features : Interactive PDF created using adobe live cycle and write javascript in PDF. Complex quote and claim form.
Project : BluVision (Real time monitoring - Cloud Project)
Platform: AngularJs, Kendo UI, Foundation
URL : https://bluvision.com
Responsibility : Front-end development using AngularJs, Kendo UI, Foundation. Written Advance JavaScript code, Extensively worked in google map and map tiller.
Description : The BluVision end-to-end mobile marketing platform helps enterprises understand and make sense of the world around us– with a comprehensive Bluetooth beacon management framework that can power the Internet of things. Mobile devices will allow us to sense, control and understand the physical world by making objects smarter. The BluVision framework brings ‘Internet Of Things’ into a single platform by connecting the unconnected through intelligent beacon networks.
Project : Cloudly (Cloud Hosting Control Panel)
Platform : AngularJs, Kendo UI, Foundation
URL : http://cloudly.io
Responsibility : Front-end development using AngularJs, Kendo UI, Foundation. Written Advance JavaScript code,
Description : The main purpose is move any database in and out of Cloud in few simple clicks. Migrating existing database in AWS or Azure, in a short amount of time and get started immediately. Intelligent schema analysis helps to optimize Cloud DB. Support multiple databases and Cloud Platforms.
Project : DAEDALUS
Platform : Laravel, mysql, javascript, html, jquery, bootstrap
Responsibility : Database Design and software development.
URL : http://daedalusportal.eu
Description : DAEDALUS is a cross-border platform for matching labor market demand and supply with young people and professionals in the Mediterranean basin.
Project : StudyPal
Platform : CakePHP, mysql, gumby, javascript, jquery, html5, facebook-api
Responsibility : Database Design and software development.
URL : http://www.studypal.co
Description: This is a community website in which student and teacher communicate to each other.
Project : Core4Switch (Billing, MLM system)
Platform : FurinaPHP( Customized Version of CakePHP ) , mysql, javascript, jquery, Foundation
Responsibility : Database Design and software development.
URL : https://www.divineit.net/products/core4voip-billing/
Description : It is a VoipSwitch manager CRM.
Key Features :i) Support multi level reseller. Ii) Reseller and Client Activity Monitoring, iii) Generating report for admin, resellers and clients.
Project : Core4Voip V3.0.1 (MLM system)
Platform : FurinaPHP( Customized Version of CakePHP ) , mysql, javascript, jquery, Foundation
Responsibility : Database Design and software development.
URL : https://www.divineit.net/products/core4switch/
Description : It is a VoipSwitch Reseller and client management (CRM) and billing software. There is 3 different user type (Admin, Reseller, Client). Implemented ACL for users. Support multi level reseller. Resellers can sell their calls limit to other resellers or client. Accept payment from child. Admin and reseller can create tariff. Keep track of all calls. Admin and reseller can see their running and failed calls list. Manage Gateways and Tariffs.
Project : Travel ERP 1.0
Platform : FurinaPHP( Customized Version of CakePHP ), mysql, javascript, jquery, bootstrap
Responsibility : Database Design and software development.
Description : Efficient travel booking and management Travel ERP offers fully integrated end-to-end solution for travel agencies and travel management companies. The solution provides unparalleled insight into your operations, customer service and profitability and reduce the needs of multiple software use. Through quick and easy access to online information, all customer queries is answered fast and effectively.
Project : SolarOps (CRM)
Platform : Laravel5
URL : http://veem.webmascot.com/nslobby/
Responsibility : Team lead, database design and development.
Description : SolarOps is a CRM.A registered company or persona can create solar kit/package by choosing different type of solar product items. SolarOps calculates approximate output energy from a solar kit by considering location, temperature, direction etc. Compares cost and savings between various solar kits output energy. Generates a graph and report in pdf format so that customer can learn how much money he can save with respect to time duration. User can create quote pdf and send the pdf to their customer. SolarOps calculates commission of whole seller.