About Me
Around three years of experience in developing Data Visualization and Dashboard using Tableau Desktop; developing workbooks from multiple data source using Data Blending; building dashboards for measures with forecast, Trend Line, Reference Line etc....
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Portfolio Projects
This project is related to a customer who manufactures different flooring solutions, such as tiles and marbles. The client has different stores in different states. He creates dashboard visualization to analyzeloss and profits of different stores across different states.
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This project is a web based application, used by a Financial company to get financial reports of day to day transactions. The client provides Financial services to different institutional investors, individuals, banks etc.The client keeps records of the clients, incomes, expenditures etc.
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This is a web based application used by a web-portal who communicates between service providers and clients. Clients may enquiry about different types of services such as buying and selling in real estates, business contacts, education, employment etc. The web portal provides information to the clients about the service providers. This project collects, stores, manages and interprets information from different business activities.
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This project is a window based application used by the Ministry of Industries. There are certain taxes, collected by state governments, on which the central government impose certain percentage. This project verifies the total amount of taxes collected from the state governments.
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This project is a window based application used by the cable operator. The cable operator provides cable connection, internet connection or both. It operates in different area. Each area has different policies. The payment of the subscribers depends on these policies. It has to keep the details of each subscribes, such as payment type, status, accommodation, payment date etc. It also prints the selected policies and the subscribers. It also keeps the details of its employees.
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This project is a window based application and used by BSNL to provide new telephone connections. When a subscriber applies for new telephone connection he is not immediately given with the Telephone No. He is provided with a registration no. Then work order no. is generated for each registration and considered as a pending application. Then after completion of the outdoor work, each pending application is completed by providing with a telephone number. An existing subscriber can apply for broadband facility, shift from one exchange to another or close the connection permanently. This application also provides the facility to reopen the closed telephone no. In this project, the SDO can view reports of total registration, total completed registration, total pending and cancelled connections. The SDO can reprint the registration whenever he requires.
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This project is a window based application and related to jewellery trading. The gold suppliers supply gold to the jewellery shop. Then the shop gives gold to its workers as per their requirements. In exchange of the gold the workers give ornaments to the shop and charges making price from the owner of the shop. The jewellery shop also exchanges old ornaments. The gold price varies from time to time. So the price of the ornaments changes frequently. The price of the ornaments also depends on the purity of the metal, such as platinum, diamond, gold, silver etc. It also includes the weight of the items and tax imposed on it. This calculation is very time consuming and cumbersome to do manually. It is also a very complicated process to keep daily records of account and stock. So the jewellery shop needs the system to be computerized.
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This project is related to trading system in a watch shop. The watch shop deals with different models of watch and also with their spare parts. Sometimes it also provides special offers to its customers. It repairs the old watches and also responds to complains made by the customers. If the watch cannot be repaired in the shop then it is sent to the service centre. After the watch is repaired, it is delivered to the customer either in hand or on courier services. The shop also keeps the records of services and labour provided to the customers. It also keeps details of the daily cash and bank transactions and keeps accounts up-to-date. This system is very complicated for manual handling. So the shop needs the system to be computerized.
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This project is related to a wholesaler which trades in both consumer goods and consumer durable goods in wholesale and retail quantity. It has two sections, one for consumer goods and another for consumer durable goods. The consumer goods are considered in a case and the consumer durable goods are considered only in a piece. The consumer good can be sold in single piece. The goods can be delivered to the customer directly or by the sales officers. The wholesaler can also verify all the account heads and parties from both the sections. Calculation of VAT, verification of details of accounts from both sections, keeping details of goods purchased and sold daily etc. are quite difficult to be handled manually. For this reason the wholesaler is interested in this project.
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