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Position requiring innovative, challenging employment that will utilize myeducation and professional skills and offer me an advancement opportunity.Desire to keep pace with the moving trends and to new technologies.Good Team player....
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Portfolio Projects
- Team Size : 21.
Role : Sr Project Leader, Scrum - Redmine
- Summary:
ProjectScript is an AI based project management tool. It gives a holistic view of project management with automated resource allocation. It consists of different modules connected and interacting with each other seamlessly. It gives management real time dashboard with real time analytics for better decision making.
ProjectScript enhances the construction planning and scheduling abilities to help customization of crew of any size of the project. Explores millions of different schedule sequences and give the teams the power to answer what if scenarios and completely reschedule in just minutes. This software automatically produces detailed schedules and resource allocations, which accurately estimate the cost and time frame for a project. Users understand the construction process through an interactive visualization, and can quickly tweak or modify a schedule to reflect the shifting realities of construction cycle.
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Role : Technical Leader, JIRA, Confluence, BitBucket.
- Summary:
Paywizard is one of the entertainment networks in the Europe, which handles the distribution of entertainment channels to their consumers. Paywizard project is about the registration of the customer and consumer for their business. All functionality of the projects are been created as small micro services where are independent of each other. The UserService is the one that registers Users in the Cognito User Pool and provides the AWS tokens that will be carried across all the services as authenticate token. Customer service is centric upon which all other services are been utilized according to their needs. There is consumer service which will have the entry of the customer. Consumer service is the one that will be used by the Paywizard to track the activities like registration. It gives in depth knowledge of the login success and failure details of each customer. There are also services that sends SMS or EMAIL when customer register happens. Apart from the same, there is notification services which speaks to the Agile services using queues.
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Role: Architect,Team Leader, JIRA – Scrum.
- Summary:
iTravel F&A module is finance module that handles all the finance related activities related to Travel. We can find general accounting system around but can’t find an accounting system that is specific to Travel. This system provides accounting system for the Travel Agents who can also keep track of the transactions as this module helps to get in sync with External accounting systems.
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Role : Team Member
- Summary:
The Customer Delivery project is the one that is used in Barclays for delivery of the transactions to its customers. The current release will deliver the report as a file. Balance calculation is the one the verifies the transaction that are been made before making the report as only report perfect balance has to be shared. A Tivoli alert will be sent to the Support team if any balance doesn't match.
The balance calculation is been done for both EOD & Intraday report. Based on which the system would decide either to send the report to the customer or raise an alert to the support team. The Clearing Lines Utilization Engine is used as an intermediate application that helps to forward Customer and Facility information from RAPID system [i.e. a third party tool] to Regional Balance Credit System (RBCS). CLUE also sends credit utilization of the customer to Credit Engine. CLUE also helps to override the information before passing them to RBCS.
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The Clearing Lines Utilization Engine is used as an intermediate application that helps to forwardCustomer and Facility information from RAPID system [i.e a third party tool] to Regional BalanceCredit System (RBCS). CLUE also sends credit utilization of the customer to Credit Engine.CLUE also helps to override the information before passing them to RBCS.CLUE functionalities: The CLUE main functionality is to hand over the RAPID information to allRBCS. The process of handing to RBCS varies based on Regions like NA & Non-NA regions.CLUE handles accordingly. Apart from this it sends a Daily report of Credit Utilization to anotherthird-party tool, Credit Engine. The Scheduler is being introduced to run the report to thespecified time.
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The Cisco Storage Connect is used as a storage where files of huge size will be uploaded intothe Nirvanix Server. Nirvanix has given its own applet were client can make use of the NirvanixApplet to upload the files. Cisco will slowly hand over the storage of the files from its currentserver to the third party server. Currently its single file upload.CSC functionalities: The CSC will help the client to upload his files to the Nirvanix StorageServer. The Nirvanix has handed its applet to CISCO. CISCO need to embed the applet into itsUI which makes the upload of the files. The download is also be a single file download. TheDownload screen list all the files that user has uploaded. The User can edit the properties of thefiles that are been uploaded.
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The Centralized Work Bench provides a centralized working facility by integrating all the legacyapplication that CISCO has. Legacy application like Ordering Tool(OT), Diff Utility Tool(DUT) andother tools related to them are been integrated in CWB.CWB functionalities: The CWB gives a detail about the SKU, Item Path, Product Category,Product Model and Optional Classes (e.g., Cards, Ethernet adapter, etc.). It deals with thetagging process of the products models. The application also does KBS generation for theSelectica to proceed further. It provides functionality to lock and unlock the tagging process.New models can be added to product list. Editing and deleting the SKUs are carried out throughCWB.
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Ordering Tool (OT) is e-based procurement tool, which is interfaced with Oracle CRM for placingthe orders with speed and accuracy. This can be used for placing orders for Cisco from the worldfor different customers. The Cisco will get total 60% of the orders through the Ordering Tool.OT functionalities: Place an Order, Creating Templates, Setting the default values, Routing theorder, Acquiring the orders, Adding the products to the order and configuring them, setting theShipping address, shipping preferences levels, Billing Information, Payment/Tax Information, etc.User can provide the information like duration, site addresses and required information for theservice products. Also the tool was doing the initial validation for the information provided by theuser while submitting the order.
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The tool Grow is Ciscos growth management system of each user. This provides user to trackthe growth in his career. It also provides the user to know about the Skillset of an employee andthe trainings undergone.Admin – The Admin module use to generate the Reason codes, Assignment of theManager and the Proxy for a group or a single person.Search – The search Module is used to help the use to reach out the group of skilledpersons based on the criteria defined.
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The tool eITMS is Ciscos Inventory and Tracking Management System. eITMS provides easymanagement of the CISCO labs round the globe. For end users, eITMS makes it easier andfaster to find and reserve desired equipments. For Cisco, eITMS allows far better usagedistribution of resources, more information about their costs and utilization, and very significantfinancial savings.Checkin and Checkout – The user can checkin the Equipments from the labs presentround the globe. The user can also checkout the Equipments that are present under his name.Search – The are three types of Searches a) Google Search, b) My Search, c) AdvancedSearch. Google Search searches only few criteria. In My Search user can customize the searchcriteria. Advanced Search contains all the criteria for the user to search. All the searches can bemailed to the users.Saved Search - User can save the searched he carried out in this application. This isbeen introduced in this current release. Mailing the search Result is also been introduced in thisproject.Reports - User can view all type of reports based on the search Criteria. The mostimportant is the Lab View Report. This report will display the elements that are been stored in theLab all over the world.
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This tool will allow Cisco to ensure product development resources are aligned most effectivelyand customer satisfaction is at the forefront of decision making related to product futuredevelopment.My Roadmap Features - Users can automatically view updated balance and transactiondata on one screen for all their personal online accounts, providing the ultimate convenience.Over 8,000 online accounts are supported, including the leading banks, brokerages, investments,billers, email, travel, and more.My Feature Requests - User can keep track of all futures that have been committed toyour customers in one location.Features I Am Tracking - Keep track of all the futures that are important to you in oneconvenient location.Admin - This is where Engine Linecard relationships are been made. Technology Groupusers are been created. Business User list are been made for a Business Unit.Internal/External/Actual dates are been specified by the admin for a specific OS/NMReports - Users can view the Futures associated to the Engines and Linecardsaccording types of reports (Quarterly report, GSR Matrix Report, Summary report).Search – There are two types of search a) Quick Search and b) Advanced Search. TheQuick Search will display all the records in that match the word. Advanced Search is a detailedsearch in which user will be allowed to do a clear search.
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The main objective of Yodlee is to provide a single entry for various accounts in PersonalFinance. Yodlees OnCenter suite is a Personal Finance solution for the masses that automates,simplifies and enhances key PFM (personal financial management) tasks.Yodlee OnCenter provides unique, value-added capabilities, such as:Account Consolidation - users can automatically view updated balance and transactiondata on one screen for all their personal online accounts, providing the ultimate convenience.Over 8,000 online accounts are supported, including the leading banks, brokerages, investments,billers, email, travel, and more.Portfolio Management - Yodlee automatically updates holding information frombrokerage accounts so users can analyze and track performance and gains/losses across theirentire portfolio without having to manually update a watch list.Expense Management - users can view regularly-updated banking and credit cardtransactions to monitor account activity, avoiding the need to call customer service or wait for apaper statement. Yodlee totals debits and credits for these accounts to provide users with asummary view of their spending behavior.Account Access - with Yodlees Auto-Login feature, users can access their accountswith one click to pay bills, transfer funds, trade stocks, access proprietary content, etc.Account Monitoring (Alerts) - users can personalize the level of control with which theymanage their finances using Yodlee Alerts to monitor balance and transaction activity on all theiraccounts
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