About Me
Progressive and accomplished leader with over 21 years of experience in IT Services Leadership, encompassing diverse domains. Over the past 5+ years, I have demonstrated expertise in Security Solution Designing and Architecture. Proficient in capturi...
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Portfolio Projects
Program Management fof Deployment of Security Tools for a Singapore Based Financial Client on AWS, Azure and Google Cloud
Prequisite : Security tools re-engineering with the Security tool vendors.
Time Frame : Jan 2019 - Ongoing
Role : Program Manager / Technical Architect
Our Singapore based client had an ask to deploy their financial service Application to various cloud systems and expected Infosys team to develop the peripheral security tools deployments. The tools those were deployed were as follows:
- Palo Alto 2. Symantec CASB 3. Symantec CWP 4. FireEye HX 5. Tenable IO 6.CyberArk PAM
7. RSA Netwitness SIEM
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Our Singapore based client had an ask to deploy their financial service Application to various cloud systems and expected Infosys team to develop the peripheral security tools deployments. The tools those were deployed were as follows: 1. Palo Alto 2. Symantec CASB 3. Symantec CWP 4. FireEye HX 5. Tenable IO 6.CyberArk PAM 7. RSA Netwitness SIEM
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ITRS is an online reconciliation system. The project takes the help of the reconciling based on the customer input and store the reconciling related information to a NAS databse and information to a PostGre SQL database.
The customer’s ask was to develop a cloud system which could deploy the complete ITRS system to the cloud each of one version in AWS and AZURE.
Solution:My team has architecured and deployed the complete application in both the cloud system i.e. AWS and Azure. Different processor services were deployed along with IMQ service to the AWS EC2 and RDS instances. S3 Buckets are used to store the files which stores the file to store the reconciliation information.
Services Used :
Amazon Web Services :AWS EC2, S3, AWS Load balancer, VPC , EC2 Security Groups and RDS.
MS-Azure :Azure Load Balancer, Availibility Sets, VM with prime storage, SQL
Challages experienced and resolved : There were latency issues while deploying PostGre SQL database to the AWS RDS, However the issue could be resolved with the introduction of High IOPS RDS instances.
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Pre-requisite : Product Re-enginerring.
Time Frame : April 2018 – Dec 2018
Role : Soltion Architect / Team Manager
This project was intended to deploy MainFrame Based application to AWS cloud for that concern a small segment of application named ‘ACT letter’ was deployed in AWS cloud. The ‘Data Led ‘ Based deployment strategy could provide proximity of data in the cloud and thereby improving performance and adding business functionality like Analytics and adding cloud native features to the deployed application.
Tools and Environment Used : AWS Mangment console , AWS CLI, AWS Cognito and Blockchain
Challenges experienced: Code transformation from cobol code to Java Code was tricky as minmal amount of the documents was present. During reengineering of the legacy application , significant amount of functionalities are either supressed or not fully implemented because of lack of documentation.
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This project was revolving around the deployment of a renowned US based electrical company's WebApps and Databases in to AWS and Azure cloud environment. The WebApps and Databases were the part of PaaS and was deployed in to the cloud outside of VNet/ VPCs. The AWS based and Azure based VPCs and Vnets were containing CI/CD tools and Jump servers. The Azure Gateway/ Amazon API gateway was reciving incoming traffic and then processed by the Apps. For network secrity the PaaS layer issecured by Palo-Alto firewall.
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Pre-requisite : Product design and development from the scratch
Time Frame : Jan 2018 – April 2018
Role : Soltion Architect / Lead
Cloud migration assistant is tool developed by my team for checking the cloudability of any industry specific project on any technology stack.
The application that was based on winform was capable to scan the project on following parameter s:
- Input parameters like Programming language used, Operating system, Security certificate etc : Each parameter has certain weigtage.
- Scanning for dependency and interdependency : Scans the project for SQL Injections and local socket connection etc and provide the weitage accordingly.
A report on the cloud deploybility is being published at the end of the project scanning with a percentage cloud deploybility w.r.t to different cloud vendors e.g. AWS , Azure etc.
The application is a TM for Infosys cloud practices group in general and used for accessing customers project w.r.t. cloud deploybility.
Development Environment: Visual Studio IDE with plugins
Challages experienced and resolved : Deploybility could not precisely measured till the time the weightage for the dependency or independency is not involved. As these parameters are measured by third party tool a remarkable deviation is being observered in multiple round of scanning the same project. A median value of these observation gives a tentative value approximating to the precision
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Cloud Migration assitant is a tool developed in WPF ( VC#) and was developed to predict the deploybility of Java and .net based projects to Different cloud system. The tools scans the Technology stack and other factors of an exsiting system and give each paramter weightage based on the business rules. The final report is genrated based on these parameters and predicts the deploybility of the applications in different cloud systems.
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United Kingdom : Deployment to the AWS Cloud
Pre-requisite : Product Reenginerring.
Time Frame : July 2017 – Oct 2017
Role : Soltion Architect / Lead
Project Description :
Ally Bank is UK Based Online Banking company caters the worldwide set of customers for Loan , Finance and Mortgage. The exsiting Ally Bank Website was receiving 1.5 Million clicks per week from the customers across the globe making the legacy system incompatible with the current work load. The Parameters like Availability and Fault tolerance were also major pain points for the Customer. Ally came us to deploy their current system into the cloud with two flavours of the deployment into cloud one in AWS and another into Openshift.
Solution : Me and My cloud team came up with the Architecture diagram on each of the AWS and Openshift deployment model to deploy the exsiting system to the cloud. The proof of concept has deployed BITS and database modules and final deployment is done in a span of one and half months. The Major area of focus was Serverless computing.
Services Used :
AWS API GATEWAY :To receive client HTTP request from client.
AWS Lambda: To process the request received from API gateway and invoke SOAP Services hosted in AWS Elastic Bean Stalk.
AWS RDS : To store information like customer and account information.
AWS VPC and AMI : To create a private cloud for the sensitive information and to lauch the customized instances.
AWS cloud formation : To launch a stack of AWS services.
Challages experienced and resolved : Issues with AWS toolkit for IDE for different Access Keys and Secret Keys for multiple subaccounts created under one AWS account.
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Ally Bank is UK Based Online Banking company caters the worldwide set of customers for Loan Finance and Mortgage. The exsiting Ally Bank Website was receiving 1.5 Million clicks per week from the customers across the globe making the legacy system incompatible with the current work load. The Parameters like Availability and Fault tolerance were also major pain points for the Customer. Ally came us to deploy their current system into the cloud with two flavours of the deployment into cloud one in AWS and another into Openshift.
Solution : Me and My cloud team came up with the Architecture diagram on each of the AWS and Openshift deployment model to deploy the exsiting system to the cloud. The proof of concept has deployed BITS and database modules and final deployment is done in a span of one and half months. The Major area of focus was Serverless computing.
Services Used :
AWS API Gateway, AWS Lambda , AWS RDS ,AWS VPC and AMI, AWS cloud formation
Challages experienced and resolved : Issues with AWS toolkit for IDE for different Access Keys and Secret Keys for multiple subaccounts created under one AWS account.
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