About Me
An accomplished Sr. Project Manager and Enterprise Architect with a proven track record for building and managing world-class Infrastructure, software development and program offices for small to mid size IT Service corporations.
Expertise includes: IT Modernization, Federal Enterprise Architecture, Federal and Commercial Professional IT Services, Professional Infrastructure and Data Center Services, Big Data, Business Process Reengineering, Agile Development and Management, Partnership Development, Strategic Planning, P&L Management.
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Portfolio Projects
s Leading a portfolio of 30+ Million Cisco Infrastructure IT services a year and geographical dispersed team of 30 people with SLED (State, Local and Education) clients in 7 states.
s Managing a Data Center and Network Operation Center (NOC) to support 13 SLED clients using Cisco Network devices, ASA, F5, Palo Alto Firewalls, Windows and VMWare Servers.
s Successfully architected and led team of Cisco, DSI and NetCom Engineers to design the 100Gig Optical WAN Network for the GISD, TX and BCSD, SC school districts.
s Successfully architected and led team of Cisco, DSI Engineers to design the WAN and LAN Network for the City of Rockville.
s Managing and Improving the P&L, by establishing IT processes using ITIL and Cisco Gold Audit practices.
s Instrumental in proposal and bids presentation on multimillion Statement of Work (SOW) to SLED clients.
- Instrumental in leading the DSI to recertify in the Cisco Gold Audit, 2017,2019.
- Managing a portfolio of 20+ million a year and geographically dispersed team of 40 people with diverse skill sets and technology base.
- Led the USPTO Open Data Initiative and architected an AWS cloud solution using Tableau, Solr and Cassandra. The initiative provides the data APIs to the developers to build the applications on Patent and Trademark data.
- Leading and architected the solution development efforts on USPTO project using AWS, JEE, MQ, Oracle, Cisco Networking, Cassandra, .NET, Solr, Hadoop and Elastic Search Technology stack.
- Led and architected the solution for the TMNG Private Cloud platform using VMWare, RedHat JBoss, Linux, Oracle, MQ and F5 firewall.
- Leading the multiple Agile development teams to deliver USPTO patent and trademark solutions using Cloud Computing, Big Data, and Open Source technologies. These task orders support 15+ USPTO application in Google Cloud, SOA, J2EE, .NET, VB, C, C++, COTS technology areas.
- Managing and architected the infrastructure and application architecture of Legacy Trademark Systems, Trademark Official Gazette (TMOG), Patent Quality Review Systems (QRS), Legacy Content Management Migration (LCMM)
- Instrumental in winning the new business on multi-year task orders such as Trademark Systems, TMOG, QRS, LCMM, ODD and RDMS.
- Managed a portfolio of 10+ million a year and team size of 20 people with diverse skill sets and technology base.
- Build and developed the SDI-NG program and team by winning the new business development efforts and developing the CSC SDI-NG business and technical proposals.
- Led the effort on developing TMNG Data Mart using Business Object XI, Oracle Database and PL/SQL.
- Led the effort in developing application and infrastructure architecture for USPTO systems such as CPC, TSDR, Trademark Systems O&M, TMOG and OPD.
- Led the team and Program building efforts on this program and instilled the Agile, SAFe SDLC, QA and CMMI best practices.
- Managed the development efforts using Google App Engine, Open Source technologies and RESTful Web Services to move unstable and unscalable legacy USPTO patent and trademark applications into the next generation.
- Nominated and Completed the CSC Certified Solution Executive 2013 Leadership Program.
Instrumental in CSC USPTO team’s wins of the USPTO SDI-NG program.
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- Managed a portfolio of 15+ million a year and team size of 30 people with diverse skill sets and technology base.
- Led the effort in winning the multi-million efforts such as PALM, TrademarkNG, TSDR1.0, TDR 2.0 and EFSWeb.
- Led client presentations and managed relationships by demonstrating solution and EA concepts to the USPTO CIO and USPTO Undersecretary for key patent and trademark next generation initiatives.
- Managed the development, operation, maintenance and enhancement activities for USPTO Patent, Corporate and Trademark Task Orders. These task orders support 37+ USPTO application in Google Cloud, SOA, J2EE, .NET, VB, C, C++, COTS technology areas.
- Established the software development and program management processes and practices to improve cost management and reduce the development cycle by 20-40%.
- Successfully managed and supported geographically dispersed user base and development teams of 100+ members.
- Developed the training and team development plan for the program. Initiated the effort to ensure the team leads and project managers on program are PMI and ITIL certified.