Python Developer

Pune , India

Experience: 4 Years


Pune , India

Python Developer

28284.6 USD / Year

  • Notice Period: Days

4 Years

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About Me

Offering over 6+ years experience in Back-end API / WebsiteDevelopment targeting Software Engineer assignments with anorganisation of repute as well as DevOps engineer with 1+ yearsof experience in supporting and automating critical deploymentsover b...

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Portfolio Projects


It is mutual fund product base organization. Here I am working as API Developer using Django
rest Framework. I write API for communication between mobile application and other third party api(BSE) and as well as
mange user data. In this platform buy, sell, mange your MF portfolio.

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: It is internal web based record summarization system for ITCube KPO team to identify the record, summarize the record, organize the record, scaling large amount of data and it is fully automated system. As a backend developer, I have written several automation script for a web application.

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: In this project, I worked design Admin panel using Django forms and jinja2, Report Chart Report, Print format and Role permission of this project using MySQL, Django framework. I have worked on Django rest API, create product, update product, delete product, get API, Post API and customize API

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: In this project, I Working on Admin Panel and Make rest API for Cross Plat Mobile application using Django Rest Framework (DRF) This project belongs to Studio booking. In this project I integrated, SMS integration, Webmail integration, FCM, and APNS notification, Django multiuser access control

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Basic motto of this application is to control appliances in homes over the internet. This project belongs to IoT (Internet of Things), where user can control their home appliances, can see status and can monitor energy consumption of home appliances from anywhere in the world. In this application there are some features moods, schedules, automations (IFTTT) and sensors-based configuration where user can easily configure their own set of appliances

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It is asset management product base organisation. Here I am working as API Developer
using Django rest Framework as well as technical lead. I write API for communication between web application and
other third-party API(Kfin) and as well as mange user data. In this platform buy, sell, mange your AMC portfolio.

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