About Me
A dynamic professional with more than 5+ years of experience in Software Quality Assurance , testing and Possess significant experience in SDLC including agile(Scrum), Functional Testing, Usability Testing, Mobile Testing and QA team management. Work...
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Portfolio Projects
The CDMS application is being developed to automate the Collection Development process. The key objectives for the application are briefly mentioned below:
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·<!--[endif]-->Enhance customer service levels and experience byRapid turnaround of collection development lists and eventually hand over the system to external customers to use CDMS.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·<!--[endif]-->Ability to cater up to 90% of the collection development process requirements. It is expected that the remaining 10% of the activities will be done on a special case-by-case basis, that will continue to need manual steps
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·<!--[endif]-->Ability to create custom profiles
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·<!--[endif]-->Level of automation leading to reduction of manual intervention effort and minimization of errors
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·<!--[endif]-->Ability to lock-in customers
<!--[if !supportLists]-->·<!--[endif]-->Ability to handle more number of customers at any given time through use of scheduling, automated de-dup, automated output generation, automated cart creation etc. It is important to note that the ability to handle more number of customers at the same time is more important than the system turnaround time for individual customers.
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Review requirements, specifications and technical design documents to provide timely and meaningful feedback. Create detailed, comprehensive and well structured test plans and test cases. Estimate,
It (www.onlineALT.com)is a platform for teachers to manage assignments and other activities related to students..
Kindervention / DIG :Whether you are starting the beginning of a new school year, implementingKinderventionduring the second half of the year, or planning to use it for summer school, the first step in getting started is to determine which students need early intervention.Kinderventionwas developed to help students quickly learn the foundational literacy skills they need to keep up with today’s literacy standards. For that reason, be sure to use an assessment that measures ability in:
Phonological and phonemic awareness
Concepts of print
Alphabetic knowledge
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It (www.onlineALT.com ) is a platform for teachers to manage assignments and other activities related to students.. Kindervention / DIG :Whether you are starting the beginning of a new school year, implementing Kindervention during the second half of the year, or planning to use it for summer school, the first step in getting started is to determine which students need early intervention. Kindervention was developed to help students quickly learn the foundational literacy skills they need to keep up with todays literacy standards. For that reason, be sure to use an assessment that measures ability in: Phonological and phonemic awareness Concepts of print Alphabetic knowledge Phonics
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Nelson is Canadas leading educational publisher providing innovative products and solutions for learners of all ages. Nelson values and respects the lifelong learning continuum and dedicates its business efforts to the diverse learning needs of students and Educators alike. Nelson is active in Canadas K-12, Higher Education, Professional Learning, Business, Industry, and Government markets. Our success now and in the future is based on our strong partnerships and ongoing relationships with educators across the country.
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True Balance is the Balance Management Utility & Recharging Application for GSM telecommunication markets. Mobile Wallet Balance checks VOICE, SMS, DATA, Offers without dialing any USSD codes Recharge Own Number or other through wallet, debit/credit card and net banking.
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This project is designed in Drupal as Content management system. It keeps the record of all news which are published, unpublished (In draft) , under approval and pending status. There are five roles: Editor, shift Incharge , Social Desk , Desh Incharge and reporter(Normal & with published rights.)Which have their own dashboards. This project also have various content types(Abhi Abhi , News , breaking news, Media Gallery, Photo Story , joke , celebrity page, Hash Tag).Published news will reflect on Front End developed in HTML 5.(livehindustan.com).
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Not86 is a web-based, android and iphone application for Chef and users. It is a fast, easy and efficient solution for placing order, getting food of their choice. Orders are placed only after registration and search, on the basis of availability of food post by the chef at their account.
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www.multisoftvirtualacademy.com is a web-based application for multisoft students. It is a fast, easy and efficient solution for students to judge themselves for certification exam in their technology by completing mock tests. The main Feature of this application is to judge on various parameters like exam performance, self evaluation etc.
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