About Me
I have been working in the IT industry for 24 years and given the opportunity to grow professionally and excel in the work I do that entailed team leadership, IT project plan management, problem resolution... , IT project plan management, problem resolution and analysis, and solution development.
In 2006, I was hired as Team Lead III to work in the Group Tape Project. I assumed ownership of the Manila offshore operations. I provided leadership and direction to the team. The company had a tool that I used to capture the activities needed in the project and the timeline to complete the activities. I was able to create a project plan that was complete with task tracking information and man-hour needed to finish each task. One of my responsibilities was to monitor production jobs in control-M. I encountered a BMP job that failed to finish successfully. I analyzed the IMS return code and traced the problem to duplicate records. I performed an IMS checkpoint restart procedure on the next record thereby bypassing the problem record to resolve the problem. The stakeholders’ business need is to provide service to clients through a better response time. The Group Tape applications run on IMS environment. I came up with the solution to that business need by making sure the clients’ records were stored accurately to the IMS database and updated when needed.
I am an IBM certified IT Specialist and my area of expertise is in mainframe technology.
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Portfolio Projects
I provided 24 by 7 on call support to two critical applications and real time assistance to users during off hours in the US. I investigated live defects and problems in production and resolved them.
RETAIN is a collection of applications used by IBM employees and IBM customers to resolve problems that customers report with IBM hardware and software products. RETAIN is an acronymfor Remote Technical Assistance Information Network.
I provided critical job support and 24x7 support to RETAIN applications to ensure users around the world are able to access RETAIN to report problems with IBM hardware and software products and to get timely response for them.
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I provided leadership and direction to the team. I assigned tasks and monitored their progress. I monitored production jobs in control-M. I performed daily table moves on behalf of onsite team.
The Group Tape Project is a healthcare and insurance project of a US company done offshore involving production support and maintenance of the applications.
I provided production support, handled JCL client setup, mentored team members, assigned tasks and monitored completion status, conducted performance assessment, and attended conference call meetings with onsite team.
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I collaborated with the clients on site the business requirements and the direction to take in order to achieve them. I managed the activities of Retail Team 2.
The Caremark NPI Project is a healthcare project of a US company done offshore involving retailclaims and retail pharmacy and uses Java for front-end applications and COBOL/CICS/DB2 for back-end applications.
I assigned tasks composed of Cobol programs to team members, tracked and measured their progress, created test plan document convering all test conditions, logged defects in design and testing to a Worksheet Log (WL), updated WL for run time errors and discussed them with client with recommendations on how to rectify them, and installed tested programs to production to implement the business requirements.
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I implemented 7 high level application design specs in 5 baseline modules and 2 proc modules. I performed problem analysis and resolution.
The SBC Project is a telecommunication project of a US company done offshore involving the implementation of high level design specs and investigation of live defects.
I performed actual coding, testing and peer reviews. I investigated 3 live defect problems involving the analysis of monthly reports, the contents of IMS databases, production data, program functionalities and application flow charts.
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I find ways on how to improve further the application and make enhancements as appropriate.
The CTRS Project is a time-reporting project in Aramco. CTRS is the acronym for Computer Applications Department Time Reporting System.
I performed high level analysis on how to improve the application. I added enhancements to CTRS programs to enable users to report their time more accurately. I supported its maintenance. I investigated and fixed problems in production. I assisted users with access problem to CTRS and mentored new users.
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