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To be associated with a stable company that offers skill utilization, potential development and career advancementopportunitiesfor themutual benefitof thecompanyandmyself....
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Portfolio Projects
I am the developer for 4 Business unit. there 2 developers for this tool each individual handles different Business Unit
the tool is created using visual studio c# for windows with SQL server as the back end database. The C# platform is used as front end for all users, where they can upload task, start task, pause, restart, complete or cancel. Each Autotracker Tool is catered to fit the process per Business Unit needs and procees. This tool is used to compute for the utilization of each employee and to track where they are having a hard time processing that will lead to another transformation project.
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Main Developer from start to end.
below are the tools main usage.
- perform data extraction from pdf to excel.
- from excel to temporary table for data rearranging and verification.
- Load data to SQL server for Data Manipulation/ transform.
- extract data back to front end temporary table to prepare for template ploting.
- plotting of data to Visa and MasterCard Template for Bank Use.
Main Developer from Start to End.
The Tool is used to generate a web report using visual studio SSDT and SQL Server with SSRS. the Report is open globally for all accountants to see all their pending Journals that needs to be closed, this also used to show all completed Journals for the whole company.
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