About Me
Enterprising professional with expertise in managing SDLC via Scrum & Agile methodologies including scope analysis, business requirements study, design, development, implementation and testing, as well as application enhancement and change. Proven su...
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Portfolio Projects
SpatialWEB is an enterprise web mapping application that delivers network asset information accurately and cost-effectively across the communications service provider’s enterprise. By offering access to network asset data through standard web browser and interactive map technology, SpatialWEB ensures that users are always making decisions with current information which improves operational efficiency for the entire organization.
This simple browser-based interface with advanced mapping tools designed for a broad range of users expands the use of network asset data and improves decision-making capabilities.
SpatialOFFLINE is SPATIALinfo’s mobile application for workers who spend their time in the field constructing, installing, and maintaining communications networks. Bringing network inventory data to the mobile user’s laptop computer, SpatialOFFLINE allows field workers to view maps, manage data, and edit network elements while disconnected from the network and then conveniently update the database when they reconnect again. Intelligent synchronization architecture ensures accuracy and currency of enterprise data both in the network database and on users’ local PCs as multiple field markups and as-built changes are uploaded to the operational inventory.
Role and Responsibalities -
Requirement Analysis & Design
Developing the presentation layer (UI)
Developing some common utilities required by the application.
Development & Unit Testing.
Peer review.
Major and Minor enhancements.
Managing the team (Task assignment and review) and mentoring.
Demonstrated the Products as a part of RFP for new client.
Brief description of the project:
I/B/E/S RT (Institutional Brokers’ Estimate System Real-Time) is a real time message delivery project. It uses TIBCO EMS third party tool to host these message for clients. IBES handles message transformation, client entitlement in real time. The IBES design allows the system to be grown as needed by adding different modules at runtime.
Responsible for:
Development & Unit Testing.
Involved in weekly status meeting with managers in the US.
The Data Management Studio Install Shield Wizard is a utility that guides you step-by-step through the process of installing an application that contains the complete collection of the files required to install a Data Management Studio on a computer system.
Typically, a Data Management Studio setup performs some or all of the following tasks:
Sets up shortcuts and folders
Updates the Windows registry.
Runs sql scripts to create Data Management Studio (Overrides) Database information.
Sets up the application for future modification or for uninstall.
The ‘Data Management Studio’ is a tool to manage data in the content set’s master database under TRDW. It can be used to manually override erroneous entries in Master database and push these changes in UPD file for distribution. This tool is designed with a generic approach so that it can be used to manage any data source with just the configuration entries. The data in master database can be viewed and edited through this tool without worrying about the internal details of override feature. The editor silently keeps the reference of all modified entries in override database. It also logs all the actions performed by the user in audit trail. For a user all these are hidden actions. All the entries logged in overrides are picked by the DIS Update phase and included in the UPD file for distribution to customers.
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Brief description of the project:
RCare Magnum: An application which is developed in win form. An Application Package which consist of
Hospital Management and ERP under a single exe, covering 25 modules and 400 Reports. Modules are
Patient Registration, Operation theatre, Physiotherapy, Dietary, Laundry, CSSD, Doctors workbench, Nursing
Workbench, Nursing Management, EMR, Wards management, Laboratory, Radiology, Pharmacy, Blood bank, Order communication, Insurance, Patient billing, Security, Admission & Discharge, Appointment Scheduling, Laboratory interface, Inventory, Fixed Asset, Procurement, Finance and Accounting, General Masters.
Responsible for:
Involved in Review SRS and Preparing Review Document for the Module.
Involved in Reviewing and Preparing LLD for the Module.
Involved in development of new C# Classes for the Module.
Involved in coding and Unit testing the complete module.
● Involved in development of SQL queries
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Monitored and relayed projects progress, conducted design and code reviews and worked on bug fixing and improving application performance, optimizing applications according to platform.
Developed Web application using AngularJS, NodeJS, and bootstrap with responsive design and mongoDB as the backend.
Used HTML5, CSS3, AngularJS, and Bootstrap along with Material Design components in the project.
Implemented responsive web design (RWD) and mobile friendly design with CSS and Bootstrap.
Developed and implemented solutions as per policies and procedures.
Coordinated with QA team to define test cases, metrics, and resolve questions about test results.
Used version control system GITHUB and bug tracking tools JIRA in an Agile Scrum environment.
Setup initial projects with common packages, dependencies, and build scripts prior to leading the development lifecycle.