Arpit B.

Arpit B.

Full-Stack Developer

Indore , India

Experience: 5 Years


Indore , India

Full-Stack Developer

30196.3 USD / Year

  • Notice Period: Days

5 Years

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About Me

A Full-Stack Developer with 8+ years of experience building custom software solutions. As a Java developer I am primarily focused on frameworks like Spring Boot and Hibernate which are related to Java. I have demonstrated my ability to work with vari...

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Portfolio Projects


FaxCorporateisthecloudfaxserviceproviderthathelpsthousandsofcompaniesinhighly-regulatedindustriestotransmitandmanagesensitivedocumentsefficientlyandsecurely.WitheFaxCorporate,employeescansecurelysendandreceivefaxes.IthasadesktopapplicationthatcanbeinstalledonallmajorOS(Windows,macOS,andLinux)anditachievesHITRUSTCSFcertification,reflectingthehighestlevelofcommitmenttosecurityandcomplianceinanorganization.ThisapplicationconsistsoftwopartsCAM(Corporateaccountmanager) and eFax MGMT that is for managing users and fax numbers.

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Thisisahubofalltrendingspas, all major spa brands are going to register on this hub where users can explore spas according to his/her current location or via city-based search. Many custom filters allow the user to personalize search according to price, distance, categories, and many more. Users can wish list offers next and it can be checked out.

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SpikeView is a prototype project for Microsoft. Simply we can define this is a LinkedIn application for Students or a platform for middle and high-school kids to track their unique life experiences and enable them to connect with each other and contribute to their schools and to society.

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MARS is a powerful mobile automation suite developed for Ericsson's FSO department. This uses a web application to dynamically create the input data forms which can be

uploaded and published to the mobile application that allows the field users to capture the requisite data on the move. These forms are then assigned to appropriate users through a role-based model. This is backed by a dynamic and user-centric reporting module to facilitate analysis of the captured data. Owing to the dynamicity of the system, Ericsson has successfully deployed it across vivid geographies in Asia, Africa, and Australia.

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Wandoo is a social media-based application for chatting and planning tasks. This app as a platform helps us live at the moment making real-world connections and doing things that we like to do.

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The E-Learning Platform is a comprehensive online educational system for seamless learning and teaching experiences. It allows students and teachers to enroll with students able to purchase courses complete quizzes save their ranks and apply for jobs. Faculty members can easily upload their course videos. The admin has full control over managing both students and teachers.

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This is a hub of all trending spas all major spa brands are going to register on this hub where users can explore spas according to their current location or via city-based search. Many custom filters allow the user to personalize search according to price distance categories and many more. Users can wish list offers next and it can be checked out.

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Wandoo is a social media-based application for chatting and planning tasks. This app as a platform helps us live at the moment making real-world connections and doing things we like to do. Here is how it works: simply type what we would like to do - today tomorrow etc. and our post will be available to anyone who uses this app in our current location. Anonymously we then have the freedom to choose and further chat with whom we would like to get together for the activity once they show interest in our post. Likewise we can also anonymously like other users activity posts and will be connected with them if they choose us back. Our posts disappear after the expiry so we are living in the moment without a worry about history or privacy.

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