About Me
15+ years of IT experience in software life cycle, application development, which includes Requirements and Analysis, Design and Development, Testing, Documentation, Project Planning and Tracking etc. Strong problem solving, analytical skills. Knowle...
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Portfolio Projects
QuEST Global is a product engineering company working for various domains like Aero Engines, Aerospace & Defense, Hi-Tech & Industrial, Medical Devices, Oil & Gas, Power, and Transportation verticals. Quest is working for the renowned client Philips HealthCare R&D Center, Pune to develop various Medical system protocols, applications, tools for the Super01 (Mobile Surgery X-Ray System) product. It contains various H/w components like X-Ray generator, detector, EM-Brakes, GPIO, SCU etc. Quest provides services to develop C++ based applications, RTOS based applications and its Unit tests. And also supports maintenance and integration activity.
- Design, development and improvement of Flat Detector protocol (Light-Weight Transport protocol) on top of UDP.
- Design, Requirement tractability matrix, DFMEA and Test documents creation with different tools like VISIO.
- Unit test framework development (GoogleTests) in C++ for various medical system protocols.
- Development and unit testing of C# based GPIOAppInfo tool used for firmware validation.
- Enhancement and bug fixing of various X-Ray system software’s.
Actively involved in team handling, mentoring juniors to resolve technical issues, client discussions and recruitment activity
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“ArgOS” is next-generation Gaming Platform built on Windows7 (64bit) using main foundational technologies, like Common OS Platform Services, Common Game Development Kit (GDK), for the purpose of gaining efficiencies in the game creation process and enabling better game presentation. It uses industry standard protocols like SAS, G2S, X-Series. It runs on specially designed CPU-NXT processor which supports Next Generation 2D/3D graphics.
- Development and bug fixing for OS services.
- Porting Boost references to standard library.
- Replacing ICE IPC library code to legacy IPC code.
- Enhancement in SAS protocol logging functionality.
- Development of Operator Menu views.
- OS Build image batch file scripting.
Automated Test Framework development (HostProxy -TCP client)
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WMS acquired by Scientific Games was a leading global innovator in the design, manufacture and distribution of electronic and digital gaming entertainment and electronic gaming machines (EGM’s) for the casino industry. All EGM games driven by Game-OS, which is Linux, based customized OS built on top of Red Hat Linux. It runs on specially designed CPU-NXT®3 processor which supports Next Generation 2D/3D graphics. There are different gaming services running under control of GameOS like, GameManager, I/O Services, Video engine, etc. It also provides different state machines to handle power tolerance cases.
The communication interface provides different gaming protocols designed for communication between hosts and distributed gaming machines (EGM’s). The SAS protocol is RS-232 serial based gaming protocol used for local network controlled by SAS host. X-Series protocol is also serial based protocol used in Australia which is specifically designed for NSW jurisdiction. Also G2S is TCP/IP based protocol designed for communication with central G2S host which is superset of all protocols.
- Design and development Non-Cash Prize voucher as part of X-Series serial based gaming protocol.
- Enhancement and defect fixing of Non-Cash Prize voucher using USB network analyzer for X-Series protocol.
- Enhancement and bug fixing for Game Manager Service.
- Defect fixing and enhancement in client side of I/O device like printer.
- Performance improvement of G2S, SAS protocols.
Enhancement and bug fixing for Money handling classes
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CARMEN: This is Customer Care architecture specially designed for this project which is based on Customer, Administration, Relationship, mBusiness/eCommerce, Network, and Billing.
By Deutsche Telekom offers broadband, Mobile Communications and fixed-network services all over Europe. The system allows entering new customer information and maintaining all the information of customers. This system also interacts with other partner systems, which may be COTS products or other systems used by other service providers.
Neugeschäft (NG): It is one of the applications in Carmen domain, which is used to activate new contracts of customers. Basically using C++ Batch processes (actors) in the background on UNIX machine. Kundenpflege (KPF): The Customer care application is called “CC- Kundenpflege” in Carmen, which is used in Customer-Care application to modify customer contracts.
- Defect fixing and enhancement of different CRM applications like NG and KPF application to activate new contracts of customers and modify existing contracts.
- Enhancement in T-Mobile Framework Classes (C++ based Framework) for the development of the Client or Client-Server-applications in GUI and console-field with T-Mobile.
- Development and defect fixing of demand “MNC E-Store link to the backend systems”.
- Enhancement in GUI controls in CRM applications.
Improvement of CSD Performance-CC application
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TOSHIBA Medical Systems Corporation (TMSC), Japan is a leading worldwide provider of diagnostic imaging systems and comprehensive medical solutions, such as CT, X-ray and vascular, ultrasound, nuclear medicine, MRI systems as well as information systems for medical institutions.
MRMPlus platform is developed for MRI software’s for MR scan machines which closely based on MPlus platform. MPlus is multi-platform; middleware framework which is specially designed for clinical applications by TOSHIBA.
There are different modules take parts in the MRI product like for handling patient/scan registration, processing body scan parameter editing using shared memory, Recon - Responsible for Image reconstruction and processing, storage, System Utilities responsible for common libraries and utilities used by different MRMPlus modules, NSDE Tool (New Sequence Design Environment tool is developed for new sequence designing), System Utilities are all common libraries and executables used by MRMPlus modules. It includes logging libraries (MRErrorLog library, MRTraceLog library, MROperationLog library), Communication library (PCommLib), VoiceManager, PDataTypes, PDataParser etc.
PCommLib: Patni communication library provides synchronous I/O operations, and it’s implemented on Factory design pattern. It provides Socket factory with peer to peer socket or listener socket etc. to different MRMPlus modules.
- Development and enhancement of System Utility modules like MRTraceLogLibrary, MRErrorLogLibrary, Voice Manager, PcommLib etc.
- Enhancement in PCommLib library for synchronous communication.
- MPlus design document creation using Rational Rose and Rational Software Architect (RSA) applications.
- Enhancement and defect fixing of UI modules of MPlus modules.
- Code merging and Library maintenance of MPlus and MRMPlus modules for onsite and offshore.
- Enhancement in WSE for exception and error log functionality.
Testing, defect fixing.
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NSDE is one of the most important modules of the MRI system, which is responsible for the development of the new sequences. Sequence can be defined as a set of RF pulses and time spacing between these pulses, which are used in the MR system to capture different types of MR Images.
NSDE module is divided into three sub modules like,
NSDE View provides a user interface for viewing various scan parameters in the study file, and updating the parameters through prolim interface.
NSDE Tool provides a user interface to the Sequence Developer to develop new sequence. NSDE Tool also provides the functionality to view the imaging sequence data generated using the new sequence.
NSDE Sequence Difference Tool provides the functionality to view two imaging sequences simultaneously and to view difference between two imaging sequences.
NSDE uses various XML files. Direct editing of the XML files is not a good approach. So a general user interface NSDE General XML Editor allows users to edit these XML files.
- Development of NSDETool application side, UI designing and coding, Help functionality, Multiple Views development, Testing and bug fixing of the NSDETool.
- Understanding the requirements of System, Contribution in the project Life cycle process, such as Study report, FRS, SDD, and SAD etc.
- Development of Param.dll, UI designing and coding, Multiple Views development, Testing and bug fixing of the NSDETool.
- Detailed view and summary view development in NSDETool-2. XML files reader and serialization.
- Onsite Engineer, handling Prototype, code merging, intermediate deliveries, interacting with client regarding new requirements, Query resolution.
- Testing, defect fixing.
- Team handling for NSDETool 4, task allocation, unit testing and code delivery.
Hitachi High-Technologies is a leading innovation-oriented solution provider that develops manufactures, markets and services equipment and systems in the emerging technology areas. Advanced technologies have been optimally applied by the organization in a series of Product offerings involving Device Manufacturing Equipment, Life Sciences, Information and Manufacturing, Design and Manufacturing, Electronic Components and Advanced Industrial Materials.
This project is all about development of the GUI for the Clinical Analyzer instrument of Hitachi High Technologies (HHT). HHT makes two types of analyzers. First type performs only Amino acid tests. Second type performs only clinical tests. The new instrument is a hybrid type instrument, which performs both tests.
To develop the GUI, Model-View-Control (MVC) Architecture is used. By using this architecture GUI, business logic and database are separated in different layers. If there is any change in any of the layer, it will not affect the implementation of other layers.
- Understanding the requirements of System, Calibration, and Maintenance tabs with the client and act as a sole functional resource.
- Interacting with the client on various forums to discuss the status of the project, clarify any queries regarding the functionality etc.
- Customized Setup project development, which provides optional installation of dummy data and Application.
- Writing Unit test cases.
- Testing, defect fixing and performance improvement related development.
- Analyzer Help Implementation, GATS script creation.
LOA Award: For Clinical Blood-Analyzer project (Hitachi-High Technologies, Japan), awarded LOA (Letter of Appreciation.) for successful completion of System tab development and customized setup project.
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This is an Interactive movie maker system. ImaginAuthor system consists of two parts, ImagninAuthor as a diagram authoring tool and ImaginVideo Player. ImaginAuthor provides facilities to create movies through graphical building blocks, such as, starting scene, scene, two-way loop scene, three-way loop scene,ending scene. These components are finally saved as ImaginVideo Diagram; the ImaginVideo Player runs movies as per ImaginVideo Diagrams sequence. Also it can export the interactive video for deployment on either CD or Web media.
- Graphics Framework Library Development (Scenario classes).
- Configuration Manager Library Development.
- ImaginAuthor Setup.
ImaginAuthor Help (.chm file)
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This system will be used to digitize the echo signal of the existing radar system. These digitized signals are averaged and stored along with the Antenna and information. Stored data is to be further processed to generate the echo displays of PPI (Z), PHI (Z), and Rainfall intensity maps on the computer monitor screen. Echoes have to be displayed in color-modulated scheme based on their received Intensities.
PPI (Z). Display Module development:
It is a plan position indicator display. This display has to give the plan view of weather phenomenon around the radar site. Echoes are to be displayed in different colors based on their signal strength (z).
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This system is all about developing an application, which implements Geographical Information System (GIS). In the strictest sense, GIS is a computer system capable of assembling, storing, manipulating, and displaying geographically referenced information, i.e. data identified according to their locations. System provides excellent Graphical User Interface for easy navigation through the system.
This system will provide basic functionalities like, displaying the Geographical map (State, District boundaries, Roads, Rivers, Highways, etc.), Zoom-in/Zoom-out operations, Placing objects on the map, Data entry & validation, Info Box, Distance Calculation.
- Importing Shape files (non-topological).
- Importing structure wise shapes & distributing data in GIS s/w.
- Drawing maps as per shapes.
- Exporting shape files with standard structures.
- Selecting GlS data through selecting classes\subclasses.
Drawing analyzed data in the form of charts (3D-Charts development, labels, symbols etc.)
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