About Me
17+ years experience in Microsoft Technologies as an Assistant Director/Technical Architect/Delivery Manager roles with proven track record of delivering innovative solutions for startup and Fortune 500 companies in healthcare, Fi...
DevOps- Azure DevOps, Boards, Repos, Azure Pipelines, CI/CD, Release Management (Git, Github, Git for windows, VSTS, MSBuild tool, Sonarqube, Jenkins, Dockers, Git for Windows, Puppet, Ansible, YAML..)
Cloud Computing- AWS/Azure
.Net - C#,ADO,ASP.Net, WCF, WPF, MVC, Angular JS, Node JS, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Visual studio, JIRA, ASP.Net Core, Even driven programming, Micro services
SharePoint 2010/2013/2016- SharePoint 2016/2013/2010, Office 365, InfoPath, Search, BCS, Workflows, OOB, CSOM, SSOM, CAML,LINQ
Project server 2010/2013/2016- Architecture, Configuration, Schedule management, Security, Customization with SharePoint, PSI
Project Management/Delivery- Managing delivery to ensure maximum customer satisfaction, Scrum and Agile proficiency, Technical reporting, Data analytics, Budgeting, Work Scheduling, Project Evaluation, Risk Management, Staffing, Record Keeping, Cost Management, , Expertise in coordinating diverse teams and resources to complete objectives, organized, proactive and hardworking
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Portfolio Projects
is a tool for Portfolio management activities. Some of the features are
Manage Business Proposals, Forecast Financials, BP Approvals, Initiate, Plan, Execute, Test, GX Prime Individual Project Branding, Roles/Responsibilities, Managing Financials, History, Documents etc.,
.Roles and Responsibility:
- Collaborate with client to determine functional and non-functional requirements
- Defining Azure Cloud infrastructure and developing/deploying apps
- Connecting VSTS with Azure DevOps, build CI/CD Azure pipelines
- Project management using Azure Boards for scrum
- QA automation using Selenium C# Web driver on TDD Framework
- Experience in configuring & monitoring different attributes and handling scale up and scale down scenarios for the application in Azure
- Defined all aspects of development from appropriate technology and workflow to coding standards
- Communicate successfully all concepts and guidelines to development team
- Oversee progress of development team to ensure consistency with initial design
- Provide technical guidance and coaching to developers and engineers
- Ensure software meets all requirements of quality, security, modifiability, extensibility etc.
- Approve final product before launch
EPPM is a tool for Portfolio/Project management activities. Some of the features are
Manage Ideas, Investments Request/approvals, Related Project creations, engagement codes generation, integration with Service now tools, workflows for project lifecycle, RAID logs, EY Branding, Customized Security model, OneNote, Artifacts management, Project Dashboard SSRS, KPI, Bulk Imports etc.,
.Roles and Responsibility:
- Involved in automation technologies like CI/CD, Jenkins, Ansible, Docker
- Defining Azure Cloud infrastructure and developing/deploying apps
- Daily interaction with client to determine functional and non-functional requirements
- Decision making on Software Design/architecture
- Use tools and methodologies to create representations for functions and user interface
- Developed high-level product specifications with attention to system integration and feasibility
- Defined all aspects of development from appropriate technology and workflow to coding standards
- Communicate successfully all concepts and guidelines to development team
- Oversee progress of development team to ensure consistency with initial design
- Provide technical guidance and coaching to developers and engineers
- Ensure software meets all requirements of quality, security, modifiability, extensibility etc.
PMx is a tool which enabled project manager and key stake holder to better manage their projects with the help of dashboard, interface and extensions over traditional project management tools. This enables users to have dashboard with key indicators to take decisions for each projects. The extension of RAID allows having Risks/Action Items/Issues and Decisions with each project to manager it well and CR with workflow helps to connect key stakeholders in decision making process. Application reports can cover multiple projects/program or portfolios at once.
.Roles and Responsibility:
- Involved in Analysis of the requirements
- Defining Azure Cloud infrastructure and developing/deploying apps
- Involved in providing the technical solutions to team
- Implemented CI/CD pipelines using Jenkins
- Involved in Sprint planning, product back log and sprint back log discussions
- Involved in Daily scrum calls
- Involved in Resource allocations, task allocations
- Planning and effort estimation, Reviewing FRS, Design documents
- Creating SRS, Design documents, Test cases getting sign off’ s from customer
- Unit Testing, System Integration Testing, Data Integration Testing, UAT
- Designing an enterprise DevOps framework using Dockers, Git, Jenkins, TFS and VSTS.
- Involved in resolving the issues in all phases of testing
Involved in Migration of this project from Project server 2010 to 2016
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ESP Derive Enterprise Standards and Productivity. The overall scope of ESP project will include the following Access to dashboards, reports and project plans will be role-based like Global/Regional/Function level . Users will see only what is important and relevant to them based on their role and permissions. Reports and dashboards deliver real-time data and generated automatically based on their permissions. It will eliminate the need for ad-hoc reporting as much as possible. Reports can be exported to standard office productivity formats such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint and PDF. Fetching specific data from Microsoft Project server 2016 for different program/project as per API request and security policy. Sources of data for reporting will be primarily Project Server or SQL Server databases for automated reports. Identify and develop controls and components for logging, exception handling and security, this will serve as a foundation for the overall system.
.Roles and Responsibility:
- Involved in core team meeting with client
- Involved in Analysis of the requirements
- Involved in Providing the technical direction to team
- Involved in Sprint planning, product back log and sprint back log discussions
- Involved in Daily scrum calls
- Involved in Resource allocations, task allocations
- Designing an enterprise DevOps framework using Dockers, Git, Jenkins, TFS and VSTS.
- Planning and effort estimation, Reviewing FRS, Design documents
- Creating SRS, Design documents, Test cases getting sign off’ s from customer
- Unit Testing, System Integration Testing, Data Integration Testing, UAT
- Packaging and Deploying Web Solution Packages
- Involved in resolving the issues in all phases of testing
- Involved in Migration of this project from Project server 2010 to 2016