About Me
To continue to work in challenging & fast paced environment, leveraging my knowledge with many learning opportunities. 6+ years of Information Technology experience in understanding, analyzing the software & hardware engineering ...
Managed complete project cycle right from requirement analysis to system study, designing, coding, unit testing, de-bugging, documentation & implementation.
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Portfolio Projects
Regional Claim System(RCS) is web application provide easy platform to register the claim. Assessor can register & do the assessment for claims types Death, TPD & Medical cases. One claim can move through the stages as Registration, Confirmation, Evaluation, Payment Calculation, Payment allocation & Approval. Through these stages different rules (drools) are consumed to do the assessment. Based on certain business conditions & criteria RCS will decide to claim approval. Once the claim approved the final amount will be credited to the claimant.
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Project is to offer Tab application Platform to AMHI. AMHI agent uses application to create the policies online as well as offline. Also allows renewing expired policies through application. Renewal policies are given extra benefits as increase in their sum insured or product upgrade based on certain criteria
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Project is to offer Tab application Platform to AMHI. AMHI agent uses application to create the policies online as well as offline. Also allows renewing expired policies through application. Renewal policies are given extra benefits as increase in their sum insured or product upgrade based on certain criteria.
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