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Total 9+ years of competitive experience in IT industry. Capable to delve into the new leading Technologies....
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Portfolio Projects
WP Backup Restore (WP Plugin) Wordpress, jQuery, MySql, HTML
Environment: Plain PHP, Ajax, Mysql
Team Size 1
Description: This plugin allows you to back up your site and move it completely on another server with few easy steps. The process of backup is accomplished by packing your complete site (posts, themes, plugins, settings, etc..) into a zip archive format that you can install on the new server. To restore the zip archive backup, you just need to unpack the downloaded backup and access the PHP installer and it will automatically restore all the site setup. You also need not to worry about the new url. Wp Backup Restore is having two parts, first one is Word Press plugin and another is the PHP installer.
Vidkala Basic and Advance Version (Plugin)
Environment: Wordpress, jQuery, MySql, HTML
Team Size 1
Description: Vidkala is a Word Press plugin which will search copyright free YouTube videos and Post selected videos to user's Word Press blog / Facebook fan pages. Video title and description will be same as original but user can edit everything, such as – Video title, Description, Tags, Thumbnails etc.
Advance Version Contains 5 additional features:
1] Multilingual feature - User can change the text to any language before posting to Facebook / blog in form itself
2] Unlimited Access
3] Auto Campaigning
4] Channel Drifting
5] Spin Syntax Generation
Environment:Word press, jQuery, MySql, HTML
Team Size
Description: "AskMolly" is the website which provides end user to get access of several services like –Help in property buying, selling & renting
- Help in used cars selling & buying
- Help in employment as permanent or temporary
- Help debt counselling.
Purpose is to provide professional agents services to the customers in real time.
End user can use all the above services to meet with professional agents via "Askmolly" in there preferred provinces in South Africa. AskMolly provides this service in all 9 provinces of South Africa. Great interface with only 3 steps to reach out deserved agents via AskMolly.
All the services of this website are built in a single WordPress Plugin.
Environment: YII2, Mysql, Ajax, Javascript
Team Size 2
Description: This website is for concept of online music player system. The website enables the users to listen to the music of their choice, create playlist and also purchase a particular song or an album. The website is global and currently not targeted to use of a particular region or country. Third party music player integration. The user will have to register with the site and after logged onto the site the user is allow to search for songs, purchase songs and albums, create playlist and able to do playlists and music player related all operations. At backend admin can able to handle lists of songs, all transactions related to songs and albums, manage artist and profiles.
Environment: YII2, Mysql, Ajax, Javascript
Team Size 2
Description: Its online software designed for Landlords to manage unlimited property and investments portfolios on the rental market, remain in control of all property management & tenancy management.
Billboard Management
Laravel, Mysql, Ajax, Javascript
Team Size 1
Description: Its a simple online software designed to manage billboards in SA Using this administrator can easily track the free, occupied, booked panel faces as well as the information about customer who has occupied or booked a panel.
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This plugin allows you to back up your site and move it completely on another server with few easy steps. The process of backup is accomplished by packing your complete site (posts, themes, plugins, settings, etc..) into a zip archive format that you can install on the new server. To restore the zip archive backup, you just need to unpack the downloaded backup and access the PHP installer and it will automatically restore all the site setup. You also need not to worry about the new url. Wp Backup Restore is having two parts, first one is Word Press plugin and another is the PHP installer.
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Vidkala is a Word Press plugin which will search copyright free YouTube videos and Post selected videos to users Word Press blog / Facebook fan pages. Video title and description will be same as original but user can edit everything, such as – Video title, Description, Tags, Thumbnails etc. Advance Version Contains 5 additional features: 1] Multilingual feature - User can change the text to any language before posting to Facebook / blog in form itself 2] Unlimited Access 3] Auto Campaigning 4] Channel Drifting 5] Spin Syntax Generation
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