About Me
Enthusiastic software engineer with 8+ years of experience participating in the complete product development life-cycle of successfully launched applications. Seeking an opportunity for professional growth and increasing responsibility in an organisa...
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Portfolio Projects
Star-plaVorm was the main in-house product of Star India where they were able to manage the episodes, adver2sements with agencies and their costs with many other different features. I have worked on the implementa2on of new feature called slo`ng the adver2sements with their amount comes from the respec2ve agencies
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Customer Escala2on is ready to use applica2on for managing the escala2on generated by the customer. This applica2on is mainly of two parts. First part of the applica2on is for admin where they can create all the stuff related to manage the escala2on. And second part of the applica2on is for store and for their upper level guys. This applica2on is mainly for track the escala2on which comes from the customer and then we can take the right steps in order to fix the customer’s problems. And also, here we can have track of the feedback of the customer
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Faasos plaVorm is mainly used to manage the whole func2onality of an order, either it directly comes from the mobile app or website or from customer support or directly punched on faasos store. This project is mainly divided into four parts. First parts is for admin side where at the admin can login and do their respec2ve work like inventory crea2on, driver crea2on, store crea2on etc. Second part is for the store manager where the store manager can login and access the applica2on and do all the need-full related to an order. The third part of the applica2on is used by the inventory management guy and the fourth is for customer care guy.
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mVerso is the technology leader in mobile engagement. Thier marke2ng cloud empowers companies to acquire and nurture mobile connec2ons with intelligent services and applica2ons that allow customers to take ac2on in their immediate context and moments of need. mVerso helps companies deliver meaningful mobile rela2onship marke2ng with modern infrastructure and the flexibility to enhance any marke2ng ecosystem.
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This is a Cloud based Property Management So3ware. This Project is mainly subdivided into two separate parts, one is system side and another is for user (hotelier) side which consists of different modules. First part is the Registra2on module, which is used to register the hotels by sales & implementa2on people and the Second part is the Login module, where a registered hotelier can access the applica2on and do the bookings and all which are needful.
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This is an Cloud based applica2on for Travels Management. Ticket Simply takes a unique approach to Simplify Travels Management by automa2ng and cu`ng down all the error prone & expensive mundane day-to-day tasks. Communicate & follow up easily with all your business partners & passengers in growing your net revenues and building loyalty. Interface with your passengers directly by having on-line presence to allow 2cket booking. I have also Implemented Selenium workbench for booking flow.
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YSG proper2es has been rated as one of the biggest complex in West Africa. No wonder to say, that we are maintaining the one of the top most company in property called YSG(young shall Grow) which consists more than 1500 proper2es* for Rent all around West Africa. Our So3ware Designed in such a way that helps the company to maintain the huge date base of Tenants and proper2es. We have a Flexible Billing structure which is completely sa2sfied by the customer on pos2ng invoices to tenants. So far we achieved a lot but s2ll we aims at bringing more comfort to our Beloved Clients and customers.
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