Software Quality Assurance Engineer

New York , India

Experience: 6 Years


New York , India

Software Quality Assurance Engineer

21353 USD / Year

  • Notice Period: Days

6 Years

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About Me

Currently working on Artificial intelligence and Machine learning products for Voice andspeech recognition Applications with the concept of NLU and Dialog. The basic working isusing for it by the NLP (Natural language programming) for voice over spee...

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Portfolio Projects


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Please add atleast 2 to 3 lines explaining in details what exactly was your role in the Projects.

Please add atleast 2 to 3 lines explaining in details what exactly was your role in the Projects.

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Please add atleast 2 to 3 lines explaining in details what exactly was your role in the Projects.

Please add atleast 2 to 3 lines explaining in details what exactly was your role in the Projects.

Please add atleast 2 to 3 lines explaining in details what exactly was your role in the Projects.

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Currently working in the Research and development department for the productdevelopment. My responsibilities is to doing end to end test of the product as per the requirement.Product details: - i. Geoquizii. Flight Statusiii. Currency converteriv. Public Holidays

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This are the products which are basically working on both text and voicecommands. These products are basically for the Automobiles segmentswhere which are deliverable to the customers as per their requirements.The basic functionality of the products on the basis of NLU and Dialogconcept.Product details: - i. CerenceBrowseii. WHAT3wordsiii. Wakeupwordiv. ProactiveAIv. Alexa cloud intigrationvi. Cerence SingApp

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This are the products which are basically working on both text and voicecommands. These products are basically for the Automobiles segmentswhere which are deliverable to the customers as per their requirements.The basic functionality of the products on the basis of NLU and Dialogconcept.

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