About Me
An experienced, disciplined, and highly-motivated data scientist who has worked on a wide range of projects within Private Sectors. An accomplished and fluent communicator with strong investigation, problem-solving and decision-making skills, combine...
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Portfolio Projects
This was developed for Hilton Hotels. There are 2000+ facilities and all of them could run separate campaign simltaneously.
We designed and developed and algorithm which generated top 5 best suited campaign for each customer based on their Geography, Theme of the campaign and booking propensity of the customer.
These campaigns were helping us to generate leads worth 6 Billion USD in a year
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Background: Detect Providers that create nexus and operate in a closed network specifically targeting members living in trailer park
Methodology: Graph pattern mining
* Claims transactional data is converted into an edge list/co occurance graph data
* Each vertex is a provider, and edge between two providers is the frequency of the provider pair fot the same members
*Clustering is done on graph data using "Clique" algorithm. A clique of graph is induced subgraph that identifies vertices/provider that are closely related connected to pne another. i,e. narrow exclusive groups nexus
Tools Used: Python
* Algorithm identified 280 providers with clique size >8 with a saving opportunity of 138 Million USD
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Business Problem: Promo are 10/15 seconds ad where Television channel promote their own contents example " Watch Blockbuster movie on weekend". Our client wanted to minimize these promotions and simultaneousle increase the viewersip for each of promoted programs
Methodology: Designed a Mathematical model to estimatetv viewershipat any time slot, which is calcualted on heuristic model based on simulated output of statistical models.
Tools used: Julia and Python Programing
Output : This was 30% more effecient than their existing manual process
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