About Me
Around 9.3 years of relevant experience in JAVA/J2EE Technologies. Proficient in writing application using JAVA. Expertise in writing and deploying Servlets using Tomcat ,Websphere,JBoss Implemented Connectivity to databases using JDBC API,Hibernate....
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Portfolio Projects
BMW is one of the largest selling automobile company, located in Germany head quarters , the company not only offers the new owned cars but also involved in selling other used cars with different agents (dealers/sales agents), ERIC is one of the product which is used for selling the used cars along with new cars by the dealers which has large scale of profitable to the organization along with the dealers there are 3 modules dependent on the selling the end product to customer (Eric4N/Eric4D/Eric4C) .
Eric4N : (N Stands for National stock center) responsible for providing the information on upcoming cars/other used cars information to the dealer/agent, has access to fix the prices , keeps track of transportation of cars to various locations through out the world.
Eric4C: (C Stands for Customer) is responsible for enquiry / detailed search of particular BMW vehicles located within the concerned location with particular dealer and also can able to compare the vehicles as well.
Role : As a Team Lead
- Involved in writing design documents.
- involved in gathering Requirements, Analyzing,Coding and Testing,Documentation.
- Involved in preparing process flow diagrams.
- Preparing Unit Test cases, Code Reviews (SonarQube) , Cont. Integration (jenkins), Estimation efforts through ADM (Accenture Delivery methods Estimation).
Involved in delivering the product and getting sign off from client
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BMW is one of the largest selling automobile company, located in Germany head quarters , the company not only offers the new owned cars but also involved in selling other used cars with different agents (dealers/sales agents), ERIC is one of the product which is used for selling the used cars along with new cars by the dealers which has large scale of profitable to the organization along with the dealers there are 3 modules dependent on the selling the end product to customer (Eric4N/Eric4D/Eric4C) . Eric4N : (N Stands for National stock center) responsible for providing the information on upcoming cars/other used cars information to the dealer/agent, has access to fix the prices , keeps track of transportation of cars to various locations through out the world. Eric4D: (D Stands for Dealer) is responsible for selling the new/used cars to the customers and is also hold performing vehicle assessing of the customers who approach him for selling can do vehicle calculation /price fix for the vehicle do thorough checking of document and enters into sales contract with customer. Eric4C: (C Stands for Customer) is responsible for enquiry / detailed search of particular BMW vehicles located within the concerned location with particular dealer and also can able to compare the vehicles as well.
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State Bank of India is India s largest bank with a branch network of over 15,000 branches and 7 associate banks. State Bank of India (SBI) offers a wide range of banking products and services to corporate and retail customers. Online SBI is SBI s Internet banking portal, which provides secure access to your accounts from anywhere in the world. e-TDR/e-STDR, e-RD , SBI Life Premium, Western Union Service Transfer Funds through RTGS, NEFT & GRPT. DEMAT, IPO & NFO. Generate account statement Configure SMS alerts setup Standing Instructions .
Role : As a Team Lead
- Involved in writing design documents.
- involved in gathering Requirements, Analyzing .
- Involved in preparing process flow diagrams.
- Involved in Coding, Bug Fixing,
- Preparing Unit Testcases, CodeReviews (PMD, FindBugs) , Estimation efforts.
- Involved in delivering the product and getting sign off from client.
CITCO is a leading financial service provider for the global customers. They subscribe, redeem, manage, and also secure assets. The also manage investments and tax for the customer. With this they interact with numerous companies and NextGen is the system
which tracks all the assets, companies, price for the asset etc. The application is for the internal employees of CITCO who maintains the data regarding companies and assets etc.
Role : As a Team member
- Involved in UI Design and development and testing the functionalites.
- Involved in writing JUnit as well as in preparation of –ve/+ve test case scenarios.
- Involved in Coding, codeReviews with PMD, FindBugs,
- Involved in Fixing the tickets.
- Involved in smoke Testing, Regression Testing activites.
It is a Banking teller based application,which is developed through eclipse plugin environment through a framework named as ERIC(Enterprise Rich Client). It contains two parts one can able to develop the application at the Client-Side through rich client solution called as Rich client platform. And other through implementing the service-side called as SOA together called as Enterprise Rich Client Platform.
This usecase, is purely developed in italy based language, and most of the usecases are identified through two types either cassa(Cash) or ‘Rapporto' (Account) depending upon the selection we can able to customize the application by the customer. Any imbalance amount (Importo) is identified those are being maintained under journal entry list which are made balanced with MC called as Movimento Contante each of the usecase is being identified with a unique ID called as business process, these business process is responsible for creating an instance of navigation controller which is responsible for creating the initialization state which after creates an instance for our form controller which internally creates an instance for our UI form. And calls the business delegate operation which models the client view for processing the business functionalities and transfers the data through service called as (DTO) which again sends the data through service by transforming into dataContext to formcontroller.
Role : As a Team member
- Involved in UIdesign and development and testing the functionalites of the usecase.
- Involved in code Reviews, and functionalites of each of the usecase.
- Involved in Integration of the usecase through service related (VPN).
It is a web-based application helps to handle the operations of the hospital easily. It is very tedious job if it operates manually by maintaining books. The authorities will take a report weekly, monthly and yearly for providing necessary information according to their departments. The work will be very fast if they had a utility, which can provide him all the activity, when they have to do for creating reports
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Project Status Information System (PSIS) deals with the various levels of project development and will account for time used in analysis, design, programming, testing and verification etc. In the present system all the information in maintained in the manual records to maintain details of the organization. This system contains details of different projects which are undergoing in the organization, and this becoming difficult to maintain details of all the projects, employees working in different projects and its reports at the same time this manual process is always time taking. So in order to reduce all the drawbacks of the manual system we are for newly automated system
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