+1 (415) 644-5123
+44 1253 335595
+91 9875 492266
Guadalajara , Mexico
Experience: 1 Year
736.074 USD / Year
Immediate: Available
1 Year
Now you can Instantly Chat with Jessen Alejandro!
Im a frontend developer with knowledge in React, JavaScript, GraphQL and AWS Appsync...
This project was made so that the metafinanciera Mexico company can see its records, its reports, and can give a credit to certain groups of women, dealing with several users
Made fromn scratch the SIM in React to see the reportsSign up prospectsMake the structure for the projectMake tunit tests
This project is an ecommerce made with the MERN stack from scratch
Balvaneda is an ecommerce made from scratch
Phone Verified
Spanish - Native/Bilingual
English - Conversational
Corporate Mgmt. – PMG, HR, legal, MIS/ERP
Senior QA test engineer
SAP BI Consultant
Senior Software Engineer
Software Architect
Experienced .NET Software Engineer
Jack of all trades, master of several.
Have coded almost everything from firmware through apps, dev to valid to customer suppport
Seniors Micro-Services consultant
Project Manager