About Me
Im motivated by innovation, very curious about how things work and restless about solving problems!...
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Portfolio Projects
Responsible for developing new integrations with e-commerce platforms, acting in the SQUAD of big accounts and platforms and together with the team UI/UX and marketing.
Meetings with other developers to define the best architecture/implementation of new features or improvements to the APP.
Implementation of abstraction layers for code reuse, agility in the integration of new platforms and maintenance centralization.
Meetings with the Product Manager and Scrum Master to define activities, product alignment and reports.
Daily meetings with SQUAD members to exchange information on activities performed.
Responsible for maintaining and supporting the application for collection and billing of hazardous residues.
- Integration with SINIR - government system (without documentation);
- API REST (JSON type) with JWT and Bearer Auth;
- Development and maintenance of a pipeline to control the flow of incoming and outgoing hazardous residues;
- Development of analytical reports.
Responsible for maintaining and supporting the company applications, developing features and fixing bugs.
- Algorithm and integration with Google Cloud DNS to pre-create DNS on demand for propagation to occur and integration with mobile APP that is used to make phone calls;
- Platform version migration tool;
- Deployment of a with load balance horizontally distributed environment to improve performance and ensure high availability of application;
- Corrections in several bugs and improvements in the code that allowed to decrease the demand in the company help desk, reducing operational costs;
- Github management.
Founder of online store for selling swimming pool products.
- Development and Deploy of the company e-commerce platform;
- First online store in the business with a responsive layout at the time;
- Integration with payment gateways (PayPal, PagSeguro, Pagarme) and Banks;
- Integration with Hub to sell products on marketplaces.
- Application maintenance;
- Integration with REST APIs;
- Business management;
- Relationship with customers and suppliers;
- Other administrative functions.