About Me
An enthusiastic software programmer with highly demonstrable skillsets in Web Development with the knowledge of various technologies such as React.js, Redux, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Node.js and many more with the hardworking....
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Portfolio Projects
During this 6 months Bootcamp at edurekha! We developed end to
end zomato_clone.To develop this project By MERN stack
technologies.To develop the static pages we used
HTML,CSS,JavaScript and for functionality we used React.js(Class
components) for the frontend.And For backend we learned the
node.js and framework Express.js to create the server and API.And
for the Database we learned the MongoDB
IdevelopedendtoendEcommerceclientwebapplicaton.Todevelop this project By MERNstacktechnologies.To develop thestaticpagesiusedHTML,CSS,JavaScriptandforfunctionalityiused React.js(functional components) for the front end .And Forbackend I used node.js and framework Express.js to create theserver and API .And for the Database I used MongoDB and in thisapplicationIuseJWT,Stripepayment,hooks&many more.Forstatemanagementi useREDUX
Technologies used: reactjs, reduxjs,html,css,javascript
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IdevelopedendtoendEcommerceadminwebapplicaton.Todevelop this project By MERNstacktechnologies.To develop thestatic pages we used HTML,CSS,JavaScriptand for functionality iused React.js(functional components) for the front end .And Forbackend I used node.js and framework Express.js to create theserver and API .And for the Database I used MongoDB. From thisapplicationwecanadd,update&deletetheproductororderoruser.Forstate managementi useREDUX
Technologies used: reactjs, reduxjs,html,css,javascript
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Developed end to end Ecommerce client web application. To develop this project By MERN stack technologies. To develop the static pages we used HTML, CSS, JavaScript and for functionality we used React.js (functional components) for the front end. And for backend we used node.js and framework Express.js to create the server and API. And for the Database we used Mongo DB. In this application we use JWT, Stripe payment, hooks & many more. For state management we used REDUX.
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Developed end to end Ecommerce admin web application. To develop this project By MERN stack technologies. To develop the static pages we used HTML, CSS, JavaScript and for functionality we used React.js (functional components) for the front end. And for backend we used node.js and framework Express.js to create the server and API. And for the Database we used Mongo DB. From this application we can add, update & delete the product or order or user. For state management we used REDUX.
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