About Me
Python Developer (Web Applications and REST API Services Developer, Proficient in Django and Flask)...
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Portfolio Projects
Description— This product is used to analyze the data from the agreement files of the customers. My Role — In this project my role is to create the Django rest APIs which are used to analyze the content of the customer agreements in multiple ways and store those different patterns in Database. Technology — Python3, Django, MySQL
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Description— Just like google drive where customers can manage and store their files. My Role — In this project my role is to create a django rest APIs which is used to create dynamic folders on S3 and store the documents of the customers, also customers can able to create multiple folders and store the documents as required and share documents or folder with other user or group of user
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Description— This app used to detect an object and remove the background of it. My Role — In this project my role is to deploy the AR model and it's all required libraries which are used to remove the background of the image on AWS and access that model functionality via flask api.
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Description — It's a construction site safety related AI chatbot. My Role — In this project my role is to create database architecture and set up a backend with three independent services in Django which can handle admin, user, and staff and all these three independent services accessing single database and AWS deployment.
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Description — Its a company chatbot product for HR Features, Admin Features and a lot more. My Role — In this project my role is to manage a backend team and gather the requirements from customers for custom Development as per client request Also integrated Skype and Google Chat channels with chatbot Also created a whole new micro service structure in Flask for the chatbot project
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Description — Application for hiring people for Hollywood series and Movies. My Role — In this project my role as a backend developer I have created all the apis for applications and created admin panel and managed whole business logic for hiring, auction and contract management.
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Description — It’s an artwork and asset portal, in which clients can manage the artwork frames and artwork design for moles, showrooms and the road advertisement poster holders. My Role — In this project my role is to implement the modules of users like Admin, staff, customers and installers, all users have their panels with specific modules and the management of the frames and designs and to maintain the history of the frames design
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Description — It’s a secure and shareable picture wallet. My Role —In this project my role is to create core python scripts to manage the user data with their picture folder also users can create invitation code to share the folder. Paid version gives unlimited storage on S3.
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Description — It’s an airline booking portal. This portal used to give extra services to customers like luggage booking, hotels booking, Cab booking, etc. My Role — In this project my role is to implement the service panel which provides services to customers like luggage pickup drop, rooms, food etc and manage the service agents with their different services they provide.
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Description — It’s an online job portal. My Role — In this project my role is to create an admin panel which handles all the job requests and and assigning those job requests to staff which can further connect to users. Staff have their page where they can see all the requests which can show them all request progress and users' responses. In the admin panel I have managed all the candidates, Job requirements with their whole working flow
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FEI— Gemini Solutions Description— This product is used to analyze the stock market risk measures. My Role — In this project my role is to create the module of risk management system of share market on the basis of algorithms which is given by the model experts in flask as micro service. Technology — Python3, Flask, Snowflake, Docker
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Its a company chatbot product for HR Features, Admin Features and a lot more. My Role In this project my role is to manage a backend team and gather the requirements from customers for custom Development as per client request Also integrated Skype and Google Chat channels with chatbot Also created a whole new micro service structure in Flask for the chatbot project.
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