About Me
TO WORK IN AN ESTEEMED ORGANIZATION AND BUILD A SUCCESSFUL CAREER. 10.6 years of diverse experience in .NET web development. Experience in applying System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) for applications and understanding of business rules. Comprehensi...
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Portfolio Projects
Azure service provider to Perform task as per customer requirement on time. Created Azure function App to manage task. Created Swagger UI form to create and update tickets as per customer provided values, also upload documents. Transfer modified ticket information to customer using Rest API.
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This web application creates and manage device monitoring functionality. Create & maintain work orders with sync process which are sync data with Fieldpoint application. Technician and Dispatch users can use this application and also use Api service for automate process.
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(Feb 2021 - Present)
Technology Stack : Web API , Azure function App
Azure service provider to Perform task as per customer requirement on particular time. Created Azure function App to manage task
- Development coding and design of the windows application.
- Perform regular maintenance as required.
- Resolving issues raised by the user and perform maintenance of the codebase as required.
This web application manages Point of Sale (POS) back-end functionality like user rights i.e., user
permission, generate reports like inventory, vendor info etc. with Google chart, crud of Item, crud of Item
Department, Company setup means add new pharmacy detail with admin user.
1. Development coding and design of the report.
2. Perform regular maintenance as required.
3. Resolving issues raised by the user and perform maintenance of the codebase as required.
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Technology Stack: MVC3, MS-SQL Server, JavaScript
This web application maintain cases for financial, matrimonial, family, Disciplinary, Jamat / Social ,
Annual to activate , deactivate , open inquires , open application , post settlement , closed at inquiry state ,
successful closed - verbal agreement , successful closed - written agreement and generate & export report
1. Development coding and design of the report.
2. Perform regular maintenance as required.
3. Resolving issues raised by the user and perform maintenance of the codebase as required.
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Technology Stack :(Framework-4.5), C#, MS-SQL Server 2014, Crystal Report, Web service
Maintain Purchase drugs information with payment service and customer signature using HPSPAX,
Ingenico and Verifone devices. In this application we do station wise (Pharmacy wise) payment using Credit,
debit, EBT cards. Also, cashback and discount facility using Solutran payment service. There are 111 forms. I was
work on 12 forms like POS Transaction, Item File, Customer File, Department File, TaxCode File, Function Keys,
Payout, Credit card log , Failed Rx Log , Store Credit , Delivery Reconciliation , Preferences
3. Development coding and design of the windows application.
4. Perform regular maintenance as required.
5. Resolving issues raised by the user and perform maintenance of the codebase as required.
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Create Patient, drug, prescription. Transfer patient information from one store to another store and do
payment with PRIMPOS application
1. Development coding and design of the windows application.
2. Perform regular maintenance as required.
3. Resolving issues raised by the user and perform maintenance of the codebase as required.
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This is selling application for Upload and download sale out, sale through, and model name activation
details. Using SSRS for generate all reports like Partner sellout, Distributor Sellout, Mobile product activation like
Zenfone, and PC Product activation like Desktop, Notebook. Also add new partner for Mobile business.
1. Understanding user requirements of the project and preparing a proper case study.
2. Development coding and design of the web application.
3. Design database schema and perform regular maintenance as required.
4. Resolving issues raised by the user and perform m maintenance of the codebase as required.
5. Testing new functionalities that are developed in test environment for correctness and then deployment
to the production server.
6. Create SSRS for reports.
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- (December 2014 - August 2017)
This tool is used for maintaining http://www.sushilfinance.com/www.sushilfinance.com website banners, its calendar and http://www.savashare.in/www.savashare.in website banners. This tool also facilitates for managing campaign details and backend LMS details.
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- (December 2014 - December 2015)
This web application helps in doing product trading with its user-friendly trading terminal and has a responsive user interface. This application also ensures high-level security and offers a convenience to trade from anywhere around the world
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Technology Stack :(Framework-4.2) ASP.NET, ADO.NET, C#, MS-SQL, jQuery, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3.
This is mediator between Bank and Client. This project reduces the long process of transaction between
the client and bank, and process large volume of credit or debit transaction. Computer-based clearing and
settlement facility established to process the exchange of electronic transactions between participating
depository institutions.
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This is mediator between Bank and Client. This project reduces the long process of transaction between the client and bank, and process large volume of credit or debit transaction. Computer-based clearing and settlement facility established to process the exchange of electronic transactions between participating depository institutions.
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Technology Stack: .net Core, MS-SQL Server, JavaScript, jQuery, SSRS Report,C#,Design Pattern.
This web application maintains and create customer wise network device details, customer details, Site survey, device tracking. Handle request through web services.
1. Development coding and design of the report and UI and functionality as per customer requirement.
2. Perform regular maintenance as required.
3. Resolving issues raised by the user and perform maintenance of the codebase as required.
Technology Stack: .net Core,C#, MS-SQL Server, JavaScript, jQuery, SSRS Report, Azure,Design Pattern.
This web application creates and manage device monitoring functionality.
. Development coding and design of the report.
. Perform regular maintenance as required.
. Resolving issues raised by the user and perform maintenance of the codebase as required.
Technology Stack: Web services, Azure, MS-SQL Server 2014, SSRS report
This application create incident with company details, handling truck roll logic. This application maintained from CommWorks API project
1. Development coding of the Web application.
2. Resolving issues raised by the user and perform maintenance of the codebase as required
Technology Stack: Web API, Azure
Created web service provider application to handle ConnectWise ticket, FieldPointApp, Truck Roll
1. Development coding and design of the Rest API.
2. Perform regular maintenance as required.
3. Resolving issues raised by the user and perform maintenance of the codebase as required.