About Me
Proven skills in Python, Linux platforms, JAVA, GIT, C/C++, Django, MongoDB, MySQL. Flexible, adaptable, and ability to work with focus, strong analytical, problem-solving, and communication skills. As a team player, I believe in collaboration to ens...
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Portfolio Projects
Nov 2021 – Current
• “AccIO” is a video streaming platform that is under development. AccIO is developing with a user-friendly UI which is constructed using React, Node.js as well as Django framework, Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript. The server is established using Kubernetes Cluster. Currently developing this project as a manager using Agile methodology and full-stack developer using React, Node.js, Django framework, Python, SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
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Nov 2021
• The project was developed using Python and AI. This project helps to control the simple tasks of the operating system just by using camera and hand gestures. The gestures are configured in a user-friendly manner. This makes the user control tasks like volume, brightness control, shutting down the system or the tasks can be configured by user’s priority.
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Feb 2021 - Apr 2021
Associated with Blekinge Institute of Technology
• I have worked as a Python developer using Sensors with Raspberry PI Zero W (Linux OS) in the project and documented the project using LaTeX.
• Self-security system is modeled in such a way that it sends an alert message to the emergency contacts with the help of a switch. When the switch is pressed then the alert SMS is sent and a mail which consists of location and captured image is sent for every one minute with updated data. This message will immediately alert the contact persons and thus the victim gets help.
• Tools used in this project are Tools and technologies used: Raspberry Pi Zero W, Python, Bluetooth, Camera, Mobile Application, MQTT, HTML, IoT
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Nov 2020 - Jan 2021
Associated with Blekinge Institute of Technology
• This is a minor project done as a group during my study at BTH at one of our course Projects based on IOT. During this course, we were to develop a Web page to control and monitor a Coffee machine remotely which is communicated using the TCP/IP protocol and made to give accurate readings by every second.
• Tools and technologies used: MQTT, HTML, CSS, Python.
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Nov 2020 - Jan 2021
Associated with Blekinge Institute of Technology
• Socket Programming: Packet tracing of TCP and UDP.
• Tools and technologies used: Python, TCP, UDP, Wireshark, Competence, Code Blocks, Latex
• Operating Systems: Linux, macOS X, and Microsoft Windows Analysis tools: Wireshark
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Aug 2020 - Oct 2020
Associated with Blekinge Institute of Technology
• Developed a client-server application that can be simplified to describe a model wherein a program (the filemanaging server) receives and handles requests of services done by another program (the client). The clientserver model is used all around us; websites, chat programs, and email are just a few examples.
• Tools and technologies used: Python, TCP/IP
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