About Me
Seeking a role where technical proficiency is prized allowing me to drive meaningful advancements in company growthand contribute to technical innovation. Eager to excel as a pivotal figure in a stimulating and inventive setting leveragingmy expertis...
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Portfolio Projects
Dukan is a complete e-commerce solution for you to take your business online. Dukan App allows you to create your store in just 29 seconds and access a host of services that are critical for a successful e-commerce business. From product and inventory management, khata - bookkeeping, accepting online payments through EasyPaisa, JazzCash OR credit cards, multiple delivery options with Bykea or Pandago for quick 30 mins delivery to Trax and Movex for nationwide fulfillment.
Some of the key Dukan app features are as follows:
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An app putting customers in contact with insured couriers to return goods purchased online. The app facilitates pick-up timings, delivery to post offices and proof of postage. These help busy customers to return goods under distance selling regulations-DSR
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WatchSports is a Sports Event Search Engine and Live Event Programming Guide with Connect-to-Watch Service. Itprovides event schedule and watch information for professional Olympic college minor league high school andesports games & events. WatchSports enables users to search and connect-to-watch events on free and subscription-based services.
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Dukan.pk is a dynamic shift in how businesses are run in Pakistan. With any kind of business involving products to besold be it a grocery store a pharmacy an eatery or a home-based business setup you can create your customizedweb-store with Dukan.pk in not more than 29 seconds.
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From a simple picture of your catch our app leverages the power of your smart phone to pull robust NOAA data on allthe conditions - ranging from water depth & temp to tide & moon phase - that came together at the exact spot and timeyou hooked up and then organizing and storing all this in an easy and robust fishing log.
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Our app provides a personalized end-to-end solution for all your healthcare needs. Get started with your medicalconsultation instantly with one of our certified MDs whenever & wherever you are. Plus you have access to more than24000 medicines to fulfill all your prescription needs through our e-pharmacy service delivered to your doorstep acrossPakistan.
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There are two applications Music Miles & Miseia.Music Miles applies the frequent flyer program model to streaming music. This application gives rewards and points forlistening to music in the form of miles. There is integration with Spotify music for calculating the rewards. There is in-apppurchase using Google in-app payment.MiSeia is the first mobile safety application that helps to deal with sexual harassment and abuse through a variety ofPrevention Emergency and Support Services. Exploring new places walking home alone meeting someone you dontknow taking a late-night cab ride - these are some things that can make us feel unsafe especially for women.
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There are two applications PTI Venue Tech & NetMinded.The PTI Venue Tech app is a simple platform which enables you to self-diagnose service issues and select the bestaction to take. When you have a clear view of the status of services you can make better choices about who to call forsupport and when to call them — saving your valuable time in critical event day moments.NetMinded is a platform through which your service provider keeps you informed about what is going on with yourservices. By doing this they help you self-diagnose some service issues more quickly and select the best action to takewhen help is needed.
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There are two applications Feedni Seekers & Providers. Explore and connect with your service providers instructors orconsultants to get whatever you need done with the least obstacles and hassle.Ratings badges synergies and many more features help ensure getting you the quality and cost effective services thatyou are looking for
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RTN2 is the app for return parcels from customer locations. Basically two apps are there one for customer and other oneis for driver. Customer request the parcel return and nearest driver accept the request collect the parcel and deop intopost office. This app is also available on App store. Build ios and android version and upload on stores.Key Features: Login with Apple Login with Facebook Stripe Integration Map Push Notification.
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Working on different apps to operate their business. Parent child portal is completed recently and working on differentprojects like Clone of OLXMultiservices Real EstateAl Quran and many more you can see my projects below expo link.Projects: Tinder clone Donation App (wip) eCommerce Store AppSpeed Read App Application with WebviewCreateSocial App with Firebase Good Stuff
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Zash POS allows modern retailers to operate their business with the latest technologies available. The app is best usedon one of the Hardware devices provided by Zash which includes the POS Printer and card acceptance solutions. UseZash POS free of charge or sign up for the premium versions which includes integration to 3rd party services such asinventory staff management loyalty programs and much more.
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As Software Developer Group LeaderMy discussion Room (mDR) provides a platform for discussions under one roof to interact with different members wherethey create a document edit and collaborate with others at the same time. It provides a synchronized live discussionboard giving every member a chance to discuss and share the ideas. It is an online space on which every member canhave discussions regarding any research academic documents or any latest technology. It is considered to be the besttool for remote brainstorming for remote teams.
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WatchSports is a Sports Event Search Engine and Live Event Programming Guide with Connect-to-WatchService. It provides event schedule and watch information for professional Olympic college minor league high school andesports games & events. WatchSports enables users to search and connect-to-watch events on free and subscription-basedservices
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My discussion Room (mDR) provides a platform for discussions under one roof to interact with different members where they createa document edit and collaborate with others at the same time. It provides a synchronized live discussion board giving every member achance to discuss and share the ideas. It is an online space on which every member can have discussions regarding any researchacademic documents or any latest technology. It is considered to be the best tool for remote brainstorming for remote teams.
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Purpose of eMart is to provide a place to buy any product from one place online. This forum provides the platform under one roof toInteract. with different B2C/wholesale C2C/retailers where persons share their products for sale. People add products to our website sothe team approves/authenticates products for users. Users can access products without any restriction of time and region. Hence our webapp would provide a shop for users to sign in and buy the product from there.
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