Kuldip Y.

Kuldip Y.

Software Developer

Noida , India

Experience: 4 Years


Noida , India

Software Developer

10576.5 USD / Year

  • Immediate: Available

4 Years

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About Me

Having 6+ years of professional experience as a web application developer in analytical programming using Python object oriented programming. Good experience in developing web application implementing Model View Control architecture Django frameworks...

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Portfolio Projects


Role : Developer(coding)

UNDER-TAKEN BY : P2P System Pvt.Ltd

Domain : Traveling

Key Responsibilities

  • Requirement Analysis.
  • Functional Implementation (Coding )
  • Coordinate efforts for completing planned activities within team.


  • Platform : Microsoft Window7/window10
  • Technologies : Python, MySQL, Django.
  • Web Server : Tomcat
  • Tools : PyCharm


Fundamentally school management system needs to manage the records of student regarding admission, courses, examination part and exam result summary for particular student and also other facilities to provide generating reports for faculty. These all needs are fulfilled by make a general layout of School ERP is a web application that manages all activities related to the school management system, to handle information management by different modules.

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Project : Idea Management Tool

Role :Developer(coding)


Key Responsibilities

  • Requirement Analysis.
  • Functional Implementation (Coding )
  • Coordinate efforts for completing planned activities within team.


  • Platform : Microsoft Window7/window10
  • Technologies : Python, Django, MYSql,RestAPI
  • Web Server :Tomcat
  • Tools :Pycharm, VScode


Get Solution for The Problems Quickly By Interacting With Skilled Users. Idea management tool is an one-stop hybrid solution that offers quick solution for your all-technical and non–technical problems by paying for solution proposed by skilled user. And which employee working with customize tool, if anyone know how to improve productivity and time consuming they can make a roadmap and go to Idea management tool post their Ideas.

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Role : Developer(coding)

UNDER-TAKEN BY : P2P System Pvt.Ltd

Key Responsibilities

  • Requirement Analysis.
  • Functional Implementation (Coding )
  • Coordinate efforts for completing planned activities within team.


  • Platform : Microsoft Window7/window10
  • Technologies : Python, Django, python Scripting language, CSS, HTML,
  • Web Server :Tomcat
  • Tools : Pycharm, VScode

Project Description

For making a Smart Hospital we make a general layout of hospital which contained different departments like OPD, IPD, Pharmacy, Pathology, Radiology, Operation Theatre, Blood Bank, Accounts, Admin etc. where we execute different patient and hospital related activities. Apart from above we also like to provide access to our Smart Hospital to different users like Doctors, Accountants, Pharmacist, Radiologist, Pathologist, and Patient. For these Smart Hospital have 9 inbuilt user's roles - Super Admin, Admin, Doctor, Accountant, Pathologist, Radiologist, Nurse, Receptionist and Patient. Effectively we can create unlimited number of user roles for staff members.

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whitebrinjal project for technology providers and technology seeker platform so this project different type modules and function like apply, track application, login and logout, so first time user applies for membership application as technology provider and technology seeker then provides all requirement details for membership like company information and specialization industry and use case and company description, self-assessment all inbuilt user roles in this project.

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Get Solution for The Problems Quickly By Interacting With Skilled Users. Idea management tool is an one-stop hybrid solution that offers quick solution for your all-technical and non–technical problems by paying for solution proposed by skilled user. And which employee working with customize tool, if anyone know how to improve productivity and time consuming they can make a roadmap and go to Idea management tool post their Ideas.

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Designed & prepared Model for Automatic Cab Rescue System using GPS receiver and GSM modem. It is an embedded system design which uses GPS to locate and GSM to communicate its position for continuous monitoring A Mobile App To Get Complete Control Of Your Location On Your Phone And Instant Access To Distance. Managing pick up and drop and alert to every employee who are fill the next day data and detect traffic area and guide to driver shortest path.

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Project : Whitebrinjal

Role :Developer(coding)

UNDER-TAKENBY : NextGen Vision Technology

Key Responsibilities

  • Implemented CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins tools and setup aws cloud environment.
  • Involved in analysis and design of the application features.
  • Implemented MVC architecture in developing the web application with Django framework
  • Developing the methods for Create,Read,Update and Delete in active Record.
  • Creating an APIs for login and Apply functionality


  • Platform : Microsoft Window7/window10
  • Technologies : Python3.9, Django4.2,Postgresql,RestfulAPI
  • Web Server :Ngnix ,gunicorn
  • Tools :VScode

Project Description

whitebrinjal project for technology providers and technology seeker platform so this project different type modules and function like apply, track application, login and logout, sofirst time user applies for membership application as technology provider andtechnology seeker then provides all requirement details for membership like company information and specialization industry and use case and company description, self-assessment all inbuilt user roles in this project.

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Project : Floten

Role :Developer(coding)


Key Responsibilities

  • Requirement Analysis.
  • Functional Implementation (Coding )
  • Coordinate efforts for completing planned activities within team.


  • Platform : Microsoft Window7/window10
  • Technologies : Python, Django, MySQL,RestAPI
  • Web Server : Tomcat
  • Tools :VScode


Designed & prepared Model for Automatic Cab Rescue System using GPS receiver and GSM modem. It is an embedded system design which uses GPS to locate and GSM to communicate its position for continuous monitoring A Mobile App To Get Complete Control Of Your Location On Your Phone And Instant Access To Distance. Managing pick up and drop and alert to every employee who are fill the next day data and detect traffic area and guide to driver shortest path.

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