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Manage large projects delivery and technical resources including planning, estimation, and compliance requirements of the established software development process. Proactively develop efficient solutions to address customers business needs and use ca...
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Portfolio Projects
Due to the growing fraud risks associated with magnetic cards and the limited period in which magnetic stripe will remain compliant for card present transactions, a decision was made to convert to Euro-pay, MasterCard and Visa (EMV). EMV is a global standard for credit and debit payment cards based on chip card technology. EMV chip cards contain embedded microprocessors that provide strong transaction security features and other application capabilities not possible with traditional magnetic stripe cards.MPOS and ATM. As an Issuer, SBJ will be adopting the EMV Contact and Contactless technology, whilst maintaining in the short-term magnetic stripe cards. The strategy to replace magnetic stripes to chip enabled credit cards will be achieved by:
Batch migration - replace cards based on a user defined status for a list of defined card products. (See below the products conversion schedule).
Slow migration - replace cards as they expire over a defined period.
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Currently the acquiring portfolio operates with magnetic stripe enabled terminals. Enabling EMV Contact/Contactless features requires an upgrade to the PRIME4 R15-9 Acquiring module, logistics and software on the existing terminals (ATM/POS/MPOS). With contact, the chip must come into physical contact with the chip reader for the payment transaction to occur. With contactless, the card antennae must come within sufficient proximity of the reader, (a maximum of 4cm), for information to flow between the chip and the acceptance terminal leveraging RFID technology. In both scenarios, the acceptance terminal initiates interaction with the chip to enable the chip to process.
Acceptance and processing of ONUS/OFFUS EMV chip cards (Credit/Debit) and magstripe cards at our Terminals (ATM, POS, MPOS) (CONTACT).
Acceptance and processing of EMV chip cards (Credit/Debit) transactions at our Terminals (POS, MPOS) (CONTACTLESS).
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- OMNIFLOW is the legacy application or a banking platform wherein all types of banking exist such as core retail banking, online banking, credit cards, loan and Insurance.
Omni-Channel Digital Banking Platform empowers financial institutions to accelerate their digital transformation and effectively compete in a digital-first world. It unifies functionality from traditional core systems and new capabilities into a seamless digital customer experience, drastically improving any customer channel.
We are digitizing all the consumers relegated functionalities so that customer could get amazing experience across any device and channel. Everything would also be paperless. We are transforming legacy system into Omni-channel Digital Banking system.
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This solution applies to patients who have paid 100% out of pocket. The current specifications for Electronic Claims submission effectively require only a receipt from the claimant for their payment for a doctor consultation. All the other information would be entered by the insured patient at the time of claim submission.
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This is a web-based application mainly used by the Administrative Department of life, health and medical. The application is developed to assign health care Projects to employers, add new employers, view employee dependents, and all other related information. Each employer is assigned to a particular health-care Project and the user interface gives more flexibility to add new employers and assign programs.
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The submission of claims by a patient insured by Sagicor for videoconference doctor consultations. This solution applies to patients who have paid 100% out of pocket. The current specifications for Electronic Claims submission effectively require only a receipt from the claimant for their payment for a doctor consultation. All the other information would be entered by the insured patient at the time of claim submission.
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Sagicor Bank (SBJ) currently operates an Acquiring and Issuing portfolio with magnetic card products, issued under license with Visa and MasterCard. Due to the growing fraud risks associated with magnetic cards and the limited period in which magnetic stripe will remain compliant for card present transactions, a decision was made to convert to Euro-pay, MasterCard and Visa (EMV). EMV is a global standard for credit and debit payment cards based on chip card technology. EMV chip cards contain embedded microprocessors that provide strong transaction security features and other application capabilities not possible with traditional magnetic stripe cards. For the credit card portfolio, Sagicor has partnered with multiple vendors, with the experience of MasterCard and Visa EMV implementations. Sagicors adoption of EMV is planned to be executed in stages: Issuer for cards creation, risk management and Acquirer for card acceptance via certified POS, MPOS and ATM. As an Issuer, SBJ will be adopting the EMV Contact and Contactless technology, whilst maintaining in the short-term magnetic stripe cards. The strategy to replace magnetic stripes to chip enabled credit cards will be achieved by: Batch migration - replace cards based on a user defined status for a list of defined card products. (See below the products conversion schedule). Slow migration - replace cards as they expire over a defined period.
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Currently the acquiring portfolio operates with magnetic stripe enabled terminals. Enabling EMV Contact/Contactless features requires an upgrade to the PRIME4 R15-9 Acquiring module, logistics and software on the existing terminals (ATM/POS/MPOS). With contact, the chip must come into physical contact with the chip reader for the payment transaction to occur. With contactless, the card antennae must come within sufficient proximity of the reader, (a maximum of 4cm), for information to flow between the chip and the acceptance terminal leveraging RFID technology. In both scenarios, the acceptance terminal initiates interaction with the chip to enable the chip to process.
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OMNIFLOW is the legacy application or a banking platform wherein all types of banking exist such as core retail banking, online banking, credit cards, loan and Insurance. Omni-Channel Digital Banking Platform empowers financial institutions to accelerate their digital transformation and effectively compete in a digital-first world. It unifies functionality from traditional core systems and new capabilities into a seamless digital customer experience, drastically improving any customer channel. We are digitizing all the consumers relegated functionalities so that customer could get amazing experience across any device and channel. Everything would also be paperless. We are transforming legacy system into Omni-channel Digital Banking system.
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Sagicor health life insurance is one of the largest health Insurance Company in Caribbean. This is a web-based application mainly used by the Administrative Department of life, health and medical. The application is developed to assign health care Projects to employers, add new employers, view employee dependents, and all other related information. Each employer is assigned to a particular health-care Project and the user interface gives more flexibility to add new employers and assign programs.
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The ALSCOM system is deployed in Kingston, Jamaica with one centralized loan processing centre in Jamaica. ALSCOM is the existing TD Bank north direct consumer loan origination system. It allows users to decision, process and close loan applications of Home Equity and Consumer and it sends setup data on closed/locked/funded loans to the AM mainframe system for servicing. Loan applications are entered via the ecommerce Branch Admin or Customer Online sites and sent to ALSCOM.
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The ALSCOM system is deployed in Kingston, Jamaica with one centralized loan processing centre in Jamaica. ALSCOM is the existing TD Bank north direct consumer loan origination system. It allows users to decision, process and close loan applications of Home Equity and Consumer and it sends setup data on closed/locked/funded loans to the AM mainframe system for servicing. Loan applications are entered via the ecommerce Branch Admin or Customer Online sites and sent to ALSCOM.
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Europe Collection is complete e-commerce B2B logistics website developed by Deems. This is a diamond Jewelry website developed considering SEO Techniques. This website is having reminder service, affiliates module, Custom Jewelry design, Online Order placement and Payment integration and integrated the slider search tool for searching the online database from distributed environment.
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Europe Collection is complete e-commerce B2B logistics website developed by Deems. This is a diamond Jewelry website developed considering SEO Techniques. This website is having reminder service, affiliates module, Custom Jewelry design, Online Order placement and Payment integration and integrated the slider search tool for searching the online database from distributed environment.
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Target is an Ecommerce based project which revolves around multiple features such as Add To Cart, Product Selection, Logistics, Payment Gateway, Customer Queries etc. Application is about business-to-consumer transaction online. It focuses on supply product management as more companies outsourced to their consumers. This B2C module is designed based on E-Commerce transactions. We also helped client to process the images, documents, and videos to the corresponding website through different service along with taking care of consumers.
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Target is an Ecommerce based project which revolves around multiple features such as Add To Cart, Product Selection, Logistics, Payment Gateway, Customer Queries etc. Application is about business-to-consumer transaction online. It focuses on supply product management as more companies outsourced to their consumers. This B2C module is designed based on E-Commerce transactions. We also helped client to process the images, documents, and videos to the corresponding website through different service along with taking care of consumers.
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TD US Web Services program is aimed at developing Web Services for integrating TD systems to enable TD business channels provide Personal and Commercial Retail Banking services in US and in line with TDs architectural vision to move from systems to services. I have been associated with following projects as part of this program. US Web Services (currently in works) – Development/Testing of Web Services for ongoing TD US projects, and enhancement/maintenance of services developed as part of Phase-I and Phase-II of this program Web Methods Replacement (Phase-II, a.k.a. WMR) – WMR is aimed at migrating the existing Web Services and ensuing applications (including CSS, etc.) from web Method to IBM Web Sphere platform to remove any support and maintenance costs for legacy applications and services.
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SAM 2010 is a Web-based software application that measures users’ proficiency in the Microsoft Office 2010 applications suite: Access, Excel, PowerPoint, and Word. SAM 2010 offers three modes of instruction:
- SAM Exam 2010 Module
- SAM Training 2010 Module
- SAM Projects 2010 Module
SAM 2010 is a Web-based software application that measures users proficiency in the Microsoft Office 2010 applications suite: Access, Excel, PowerPoint, and Word. SAM 2010 offers three modes of instruction: SAM Exam 2010 Module SAM Training 2010 Module SAM Projects 2010 Module
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Letsgo is a travel domain project having various modules like Live website, mobile site, B2B site for office agents, back-office control for content management, web services for data feed. Site is hosted on Amazon cloud with SEO compatibility. Google analytics and third-party tracking scripts like Cretio has been integrated. Basic purpose is to sell hotel and flight packages with direct feed coming from GDS like SABRE and many hotel suppliers like Expedia, DOTW, Travco travel, Bonotel, Tourico, etc.
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Letsgo is a travel domain project having various modules like Live website, mobile site, B2B site for office agents, back-office control for content management, web services for data feed. Site is hosted on Amazon cloud with SEO compatibility. Google analytics and third-party tracking scripts like Cretio has been integrated. Basic purpose is to sell hotel and flight packages with direct feed coming from GDS like SABRE and many hotel suppliers like Expedia, DOTW, Travco travel, Bonotel, Tourico, etc.
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One Travel is a website (Live) under Travel Domain, basic purpose being selling Gift Products and hotel booking all over the world. Personalization facility for gift products is implemented using Flex controls. Other modules includes-Flash headers, web service and windows service for static and dynamic hotel data migration, Google maps integration.
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TD US Web Services program is aimed at developing Web Services for integrating TD systems to enable TD business channels provide Personal and Commercial Retail Banking services in US and in line with TD’s architectural vision to move from systems to services. I have been associated with following projects as part of this program.
US Web Services (currently in works) – Development/Testing of Web Services for ongoing TD US projects, and enhancement/maintenance of services developed as part of Phase-I and Phase-II of this program Web Methods Replacement (Phase-II, a.k.a. WMR) – WMR is aimed at migrating the existing Web Services and ensuing applications (including CSS, etc.) from web Method to IBM Web Sphere platform to remove any support and maintenance costs for legacy applications and services.
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