Manideep J.

Manideep J.

Fresh out of college with an enthusiastic approach towards my goals, As an Individual, I need a platform to prove myself and alongside to learn and grow.

Bengaluru , India

Experience: 1 Year


Bengaluru , India

Fresh out of college with an enthusiastic approach towards my goals, As an Individual, I need a platform to prove myself and alongside to learn and grow.

8007.36 USD / Year

  • Immediate: Available

1 Year

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About Me

I am seeking a challenging position with a company which offers a positive environment to grow personally and professionally. I also wish to work in an environment where people have the freedom to take their own responsibilities....

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Portfolio Projects


Developed a responsive website for Food Store where users can see a list of food items, detailed information
about a food item, offers.
● Designed page using following HTML structure elements like li, header, article, footer elements and
different bootstrap components to show different sections in the website and different bootstrap classes
for responsiveness through mobile-first approach.
● Implemented product youtube videos by using bootstrap embed and model components

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Developed tourism website where users can browse through the content, videos and images of popular
● Implemented mobile friendly layout using different HTML block, inline elements, and Styled using
CSS3 properties such as background, flex, and CSS box model properties.
● Implemented multiple images of a particular destination in a carousel using bootstrap carousel and
virtual tour videos using bootstrap embed components.
Technologies used: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

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