About Me
I work developing since 2014 and I looking for some opportunity in a company out of my country remotelly to improve my english. My better tech skill is Laravel and I'm constant studying it and new languages like Node.js or React. I learn fast...
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Portfolio Projects
I create one website for Instagram/Tiktok raffles and develop a webscrapping to get Instagram/Tiktok photos and videos comments using PHP, Laravel and JQuery. It was my most difficult project, because Instagram and Tiktok has many of security systems to protect about webscraping. I sold this complete project to a company.
Tech skills: PHP, CSS, CSS3, PHP/MySQL, Javascript ES6, Laravel, Bootstrap, HTML5 The project still in use, but I can't talk about, because I solded it.
Security PHP Bootstrap JavaScript PHP, Laravel HTML5 Laravel MySQL CSS3 Javascript ES6 PHP/MySQL jQuery CSS
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I develop any systems for companies, but I can't talk about it, they are all secret and has contract about it. The only thing I can say is about my experience with PHP, Laravel, Lumen (for Laravel), Bootstrap, Javascript, JQuery, HTML5, CakePHP and a little experience with host servers. I have been working with that technologies since 2014, but I focus in freelas in 2018, when I started live this.
Tech skills: PHP, CakePHP, CodeIgniter, CSS, CSS3, PHP/MySQL, Security, Javascript ES6, Laravel, Lumen (for Laravel), Bootstrap, HTML5 Some projects still used, but some ended. The most of projects I develop was for Startups, so it's hard to talk about.
Bootstrap JavaScript HTML5 PHP Laravel CakePHP jQuery Lumen (for Laravel) CSS PHP, Laravel Security CodeIgniter MySQL CSS3 PHP/MySQL Javascript ES6
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I create a project to help companies who works with delivery when the pandemic started. My company provided an app, website and platform for any company who needed, helping they with the technology, knowledge and marketing. To reach it, I pay one developer to develop an app in React Native and I own develop the website, the API and the panel in Laravel/Lumen. The duration of the development was three months working alone, it was one of my big projects and I have the code to show to anyone if necessary.
Tech skills: PHP, CSS, CSS3, PHP/MySQL, Javascript ES6, CakePHP, Laravel, Lumen (for Laravel), Bootstrap, HTML5, AWS, EC2
I sold the company to focus in another things. My dream is work in a company out of my country and be free to travel the world while I work. We stop the company in 2021, but I solded the company last month and I can show it online soon.
PHP/MySQL Bootstrap React Laravel JavaScript HTML5 PHP React Native CakePHP CSS MySQL EC2 CSS3 AWS Javascript ES6 PHP, Laravel
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I work in any projects of the company using Laravel, Lumen and CodeIgniter. In the most of projects I worked using CodeIgniter or Laravel and I develop an API for one app in Lumen.
Tech skills: PHP, CSS, CSS3, PHP/MySQL, Javascript ES6, CodeIgniter, Laravel, Lumen (for Laravel), Bootstrap, HTML5, AWS, EC2
The project is running and Epics is a wonderful company that I worked.
HTML5 Laravel Bootstrap JavaScript CodeIgniter CSS PHP MySQL EC2 CSS3 AWS Javascript ES6 PHP/MySQL PHP, Laravel
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It was a site for brazilian lottery games developed in PHP, Laravel and CakePHP. I lead the team with six developers, we develop a website and an app for this project.
Tech skills: PHP, CSS, CSS3, PHP/MySQL, Javascript ES6, CakePHP, Bootstrap, HTML5
The project ended in 2020 because the government created a website for the same thing.
Laravel HTML5 JavaScript Bootstrap PHP CakePHP PHP, Laravel CSS3 CSS MySQL PHP/MySQL Javascript ES6
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It was a project to help kids grows in soccer carrer, like a social network, but our partnership in this project was Cafu(Brazilian professional player). In this project I worked in everything. I structure the project, I design it and I help my team to develop any part of the system. The project was amazing, we reach 30.000 downloads in the launch because we appear in a TV program. We developed an API for the APP and Site connect in Lumen and develop the website in Laravel.
Tech skills: PHP, CSS, CSS3, PHP/MySQL, Javascript ES6, Laravel, Lumen (for Laravel), Bootstrap, HTML5
The project ended in 2019 but I can't talk about the motive, because I leave the company before it happens.
JavaScript Laravel CakePHP HTML5 Bootstrap PHP Lumen (for Laravel) CSS MySQL Javascript ES6 CSS3 PHP/MySQL PHP, Laravel
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It was one of my first jobs, I started by trainee and in one month I turned Junior CakePHP Developer. The project was about gym supplies, we deliver it in all country with gyms partners.
Tech skills: PHP, CakePHP, CSS, CSS3, PHP/MySQL, Security, Javascript ES6, HTML5
The project ended in 2018, but I can't talk about, because I leave the company before. The only thing I know is the company CEO started another company about blockchain and focus in it!
CakePHP Security JavaScript MySQL PHP Blockchain HTML5 CSS3 Javascript ES6 PHP/MySQL CSS
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