About Me
Perform whatever job is assigned to me with utmost sincerity, hard work and all the knowledge and skills I have in order to ceate fruitful product for the benefit of the organisation. SNAPSHOT Presently working as Associate Consultant with Atos. Adap...
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TIS stand for Tachograph Internet services. In Europe there are various legislations which control the activities of a driver of vehicle which is above 3.5 tons. It includes a mandatory device, Tachograph, to be attached to the vehicle which records every activity of a driver. These activities are read on a driver card (which has data storing capabilities) or on the Tachograph itself. The data recorded on the card or on the Tachograph (with the help of download key) is downloaded on our application (TIS-Web). TIS-Web archives the data for a particular driver and also evaluates it. Evaluation includes judging the driver activities according to the European legislation (like has the driver has driven the vehicle on speed above fixed by legislation or has the driver driven more than hours fixed by legislation). If any disparity is found then an Infringement is generated.
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TIS stand for Tachograph Internet services. In Europe there are various legislations which control the activities of a driver of vehicle which is above 3.5 tons. It includes a mandatory device, Tachograph, to be attached to the vehicle which records every activity of a driver. These activities are read on a driver card (which has data storing capabilities) or on the Tachograph itself. The data recorded on the card or on the Tachograph (with the help of download key) is downloaded on our application (TIS-Web). TIS-Web archives the data for a particular driver and also evaluates it. Evaluation includes judging the driver activities according to the European legislation (like has the driver has driven the vehicle on speed above fixed by legislation or has the driver driven more than hours fixed by legislation). If any disparity is found then an Infringement is generated.
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