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Application Testing and Support with cutting edge technologies in Manual and AutomationSoftware Testing using Automation Frameworks & designs.Experience Summary12+yrs of Exp. in Automation & Manual testing.4+ yrs. of Exp. Worksoft Certify along with ...
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Portfolio Projects
T-Mobile US, Inc., commonly shortened to T-Mobile, is a United States–basedwireless network operator whose majority shareholder is the Germantelecommunications company Deutsche Telekom (DT). Its headquarters arelocated in Bellevue, Washington, in the Seattle metropolitan area. T-Mobile is thethird largest wireless carrier in the United States. The scope of the project is tobenchmark, to do the regression performance verification, to do focus tests onvarious releases and provide suitable recommendations to remove performancebottlenecks
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T-Mobile US, Inc., commonly shortened to T-Mobile, is a United States–based wireless network operator whose majority shareholder is the German telecommunications company Deutsche Telekom (DT). Its headquarters are located in Bellevue, Washington, in the Seattle metropolitan area. T-Mobile is the third largest wireless carrier in the United States. The scope of the project is to benchmark, to do the regression performance verification, to do focus tests on various releases and provide suitable recommendations to remove performance bottlenecks
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KMD is one of Denmark’s largest IT and software companies, with branches in Copenhagen, Århus, Odense and Aalborg. The majority of KMD’s business derives from software development, and the company develops and delivers IT solutions for the local government, central government and private markets. We use our insight into our customers, processes and employees to deliver IT that optimizes and develops businesses. We have offices throughout Denmark, which means our customers' that we are close at hand and flexible. TechM provides KMD with much needed extra hands in SAP programming.
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Re-branding of the ING website and customer communication as part of the overall separation project for different system channels like web, call center, IVR, mail, phone. Re-branding scope focus on ‘Day 1’ only and broadly this include
Restricting and enhancing access to sale/acquisition functionality according requirement. Navigation to certain pages/functionality will be redirected to a cold hand-off page. Updating KYC and Credit check functionality according to the new standards. Existing customer functionality should be re-branded according to client requirements. Copy text around Product Features pages. Update acquisition related fulfilment being requested by customer - i.e. Requested Info Pack, Welcome pack etc...
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ING Group is a global financial company providing banking, investments, lifeinsurance and retirement services being one of the 20 largest financialinstitutions worldwide.ING Direct is wholly owned by ING Group, one of the largest financial institutionsin the world, authorized and regulated by De Nederlandsche Bank (the DutchCentral Bank) and subject to limited regulation by the Financial ServicesAuthority.Project Honey Bee is an Implementation of Current Account Functionality for INGDirect. As Part of Automation, the proposal was to Automate all the Cases (Weband UNIX) related to Current Account Product and enhance the existing SavingAccount related cases as part of Web Enhancements.
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Web enhancement project is implemented to improve the customer usability withgreat opportunity for cross product promotion. This has been implemented in twosub projects, via code conversion and Look and Feel.In code conversion, code has converted from XLS to Java.In look and Feel, following screens have been updated as per the latestrequirements.Enhanced look and feel to a selected portion of the transactional web i.e. thecustomer transactional and log in pagesSavings Application pages – VRSA single, VRSA Joint and Cash ISA (includingcontinue application) and PIN logged-in Mortgage screensEnhanced functional requirements for the Account Summary, Open New andManage My Details pages. Minor cosmetic changes to the other customerpages.Web messagingKey Error messages – new page errors (end of journey screens)Mortgage Calculator (Commercial & TPW)Web Surveys (TPW)Mortgage Web TrackerCommercial Web pages
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Project Eagle is an initiative by Goodyear for rolling out SAP Solution to differentcountries. These countries are grouped together in clusters and each of theclusters is called a Wave. To test and confirm the roll out to different countriesGoodyear has chosen for Automation testing using HP Quality Centre and HPQuick Test Professional. This project is the first kind of projects in ITC InfoTech,Integrating HP QC/QTP with SAP Solution manager and building customizedfunctionality using Open Test Architecture
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Project Eagle is an initiative by Goodyear for rolling out SAP Solution to different countries. These countries are grouped together in clusters and each of the clusters is called a Wave. To test and confirm the roll out to different countries Goodyear has chosen for Automation testing using HP Quality Centre and HP Quick Test Professional. This project is the first kind of projects in ITC InfoTech, Integrating HP QC/QTP with SAP Solution manager and building customized functionality using Open Test Architecture
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Merck Co., Inc. is a global research-driven pharmaceutical company. Established in 1891, Merck discovers, develops, manufactures and markets vaccines and medicines to address unmet medical needs. It is currently implementing SAP with business intelligence, advanced planner optimizer and enterprise portal to automate its various business processes. IBM is the consulting partner for this strategic manoeuvre. Employees will be supporting this implementation finalizing the business processes and configuring SAP as per those business processes, The COMET Program was initiated by Merck as a means to implement global common business processes, common master data, and a global ERP system to support, enable, and sustain Merck’s strategic initiatives. The program will replace many of Merck’s existing systems, both automated and manual, with the SAP Business Suite. The desire of the program is to plan and design a global, single instance of SAP and then deploy this instance to all Merck sites. The Merck sites include 18 countries in the Americas, 13 countries in Asia-Pacific and 50 countries in EMEA
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Timken India is primarily engaged in manufacture, sale and export for sale of antifriction bearings, components and related parts. The company is also engaged in import and purchase for resale and act as a Sales Agent for the products manufactured by The Timken Company.
Project O.N.E is Timken's comprehensive program to improve customer service and business performance by implementing new business processes and a new enterprise resource planning system using SAP R/3.
The scope of the project is to benchmark, to do the regression performance verification, to do focus tests on various releases and provide suitable recommendations to remove performance bottlenecks. Project ONE is:
1. Implementation of new business process that will make Timken much more efficient and responsive to customers.
2. Installation of new enterprise resource planning (ERP) system to support these new business processes.
3. O.N.E is stands for 'Our New Enterprise', because the implementation of Project ONE will in many ways make Timken a new company.
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