About Me
A forward thinking, capable and committed Test Lead with a proven ability to meet agreed deadlines, co-ordinate work and work to defined testing methodologies within a structured environment. Focused on any task which is in hand and able to utilize e...
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Portfolio Projects
- Successfully deployed 17 resources in less than 2 months period for GMTCI. Got client appreciation too.
- With a good relationship with the client I was able to get few more validation positions from GMTCI to be filled by Harman.
- Constant appreciation from the management for managing 3 projects simultaneously and meeting the client expectations in all 3 of them.
- Well appreciated by the team in the skip level meeting conducted by HR as people friendly manager and easygoing person.
- Client management appreciated for on boarding right resource at right time.
The GM On-Star project is all about interaction between vehicles communication devise and a support team. This also gives a customer struck in an emergency to talk to an Advisor. We at MphasiS have to do a Quality Check in terms of Manual and Automation. MphasiS is responsible for certifying the products good to go certificate.
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- Right from the day one took a challenge of leading a Data Migration and Updating (Business Continuity) testing team to a successful launch. Got appreciations from top management of GM for this success.
- Took initiative to get complete documentation creating and making it as a master copy to anyone who needs to learn the applications by themselves. Got good appreciations from client for executing this task within a limited and lean time which was available
The MDL project will consolidate all the US and International documents in one central location in order to increase efficiency by eliminating the duplication of documents. We at MphasiS have developed shell scripts for migration of the documents from various servers to one single central server which will be accessed by everyone from anywhere.
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- This project is completely based on Agile technique as this happens to be the document management system everyday a request from the client used to be there defining the document type which is very important to be migrated. The challenge here was at the end of migration activity where the requests were more. For this we from MphasiS had written a script which would pull the documents automatically at the specified time frame. This was a simple VBscript which we gave to the client and because of this MphasiS not only recognized the team also got opportunity to bag some more projects.
- Took the initiative of training inexperienced and fresh resources on-board to a successful launch of the project. Got recognised by client as well as from MphasiS management.
- Also defined Defect Life Cycle for this project which was welcomed by MphasiS management as well as client
Greenbacks (WORLD BANK USA) is an intranet application used by the World Bank employees and the Stake holders of the bank. Microsoft Project Plan Sync-up with web-based tool Web-based World Bank websites which are developed by the offshore and onsite developers and ensure for a quality product.
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COMPASS is an intranet application used by the MphasiS employees and this is a Project Management Tool. This is be used by the employees to put forth their project health and based on this Management can come to know how the Project condition is. A Web-based application with Portlet and Dashboards for Management.
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In SiliconSage handled clients directly as single point of contact at the offshore location. All the projects handled at SiliconSage were designed, developed and tested at the offshore location. Most of the projects executed were revamped for a better look and feel along with having a better user friendly application for the end user.
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Designed Indscape, Pronto networks Website using Flash, Photoshop, and Dream weaver. Designed OSS flash presentation, using Photoshop and Flash. Designed Login Page for Cox Business Los Angeles(New Orleans). Designed Color Palette for the OSS Server (Admin Side) using Photoshop. Apart from these mentioned projects I was sole responsible for designing the customer login pages and PPT presentations of the company and also company website designing.
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I was part of the animations team at Logix Microsystem Ltd. We had animated for Izmoflix projects from 2002 and 2003 under izmocars and Yahoo Autos websites using Photoshop and Flash. Have done Content Writings for Izmoflix, Izmomail, Logix Microsystems Ltd., & Auto Builder websites using Microsoft Excel.
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At Pentamedia designed using PhotoShop and Flash Icons for the Pandavas Web-site and also was a part of Pentamedia website design team. Did content writing for pentamedia HTML website using Photoshop, HTML, Java Script. Did CBT-Presentation on Pentacartist as a Team Coordinator and technical support using PhotoShop, Flash and JavaScript.
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