Web Development
Software Testing
Development Tools
Operating System
Software Engineering
Portfolio Projects
"Atkins Site and Safety Inspections Toolkit (ASSIST)" is an easy to use cloud based digital tool, designed to assist field staff with gathering and automating project data in real time.
It is a fully customizable tool enabling engineers to meet the specific requirements of clients, speeding up inspection time, reducing duplication & need for repeat site visits, and providing a more accurate capture of data.
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IkonV6 (Performance testing)
To give the Threshold (Benchmark) for each web Page / End point by collecting Avg Response time, Data Throughput. We use JMeter (Open Source) Tool to generate the load and collect the default metrics. To Install all these Load Agents, we require Virtual Machines which needs to provide by Product owner.
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J MeterTools
BEP - BIM Execution Plan (Manual +Automation +API testing)
The aim of this BEP is to provide sufficient indication of potential processes and technical solutions that could be applied at a project level upon contract award that meets the Client’s BIM goals and aspirations for information management.
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Visual Studio OnlineCompany
PHI (Project Health Index)- Manual + Automation
The aim of Project Health Index (PHI) project is build an application that enables monitoring of health of projects. Health of each project is measured by multiple criteria, such as technical quality of the project, from project management perspective (cost variance, schedule variance, compliances, etc.), number and severity of delivery issues that are raised, etc. This system will provide a web-based system to capture the information needed to measure project health and an interface to disseminate this information in a manner useful for business. The system will be used by internal employees of Atkins
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Visual Studio Online