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Objectives: To learn more skills and to impart them for the development of the organization....
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Portfolio Projects
- Created extraction reports for Master data which includes Customer and Commercial Parameters.
- Created extraction reports for transactional data which includes billing details, Contract details, price master, Delivery details, Stock Accounting and Outbound movements.
- Report for reverse charge mechanism for calculating and identifying tax payment to be made by Unregistered vendors.
- Created an enhancement to flow tax code maintained in Invoice tab of Purchase order to MIRO.
- Enhancement to automatically pick the control code from material master in service PO and throw an error message in case the control code is blank or entered wrong. Also, the control code should not be editable.
- Created Interfaces for sending Customer details, Commercial parameters, Order types to ConnectDirect system through FTP based transfer.
- Created Interfaces for sending Billing Details, Delivery Details and Sales details to ConnectDirect system through FTP based transfer.
Job Responsibilities:
- Senior ABAP Consultant
- Vendor Aging report: Aging report giving details of vendor payment in as 0-30 ,30-60,60-90,
90 and above.
- Common Article indicator program for updating custom field BRAND in MARA table. Created a subscreen in MM01, MM02 and MM03 with checkboxes showing the active brand for the article.
- New interface to manage stock from JDA server to SAP ECC using proxy class via PI server.
- Changes in existing outbound IDOC. Sending article master IDOC to WMOS
Job Responsibilities:
- Senior ABAP Consultant
- Developed transporter penalty report. The report will penalize the transported using reason for movement and creating accounting document accordingly.
- Developed upload programs for customer, vendor and stock.
- Developed dynamic upload program to upload pricing condition records.
- Created proxy class to send details of Vendor, Customer and Invoice to PI server and then to third party system.
- Worked on DMEE, which is used to send payment information of an enterprise to banks. The DMEE file is placed in application server using configuration and the banks pick up the file and process it.
SapScript/ Smartforms:
- Created payment advice form according to the requirement of the client.
- Created smartforms for invoices, performa invoice and purchase order print.
Job Responsibilities:
- Project Lead
Client: L&T OD Project.
- Working as a Team Lead for 6 L&T Internal Projects.
- Handled team size of 10 ABAP consultant. Mentored and looking after the assignment of objects and makes sure that objects are delivered on time to client.
- Taking care of Quality compliances and maintaining almost 98% PCI in audits.
- Maintaining Reusable repository and giving solutions to Team and other projects whenever required.
Client: Skanray MED Separation Rollout Implementation Project.
- Worked as a Team Lead for Skanray Rollout and Implementation Project.
- Handled a Team of 4 consultants and also delivered high priority objects well before time.
- Finished Rollout and Implementation in a period of 3 months and got CSI as 4.9 out of 5.
Had good quality compliances during that period
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- Developed Web enabled RFC for Invoice Details. The function module takes billing document number and payer as input and gives Excise Invoice details or Depot details. If the billing document has neither excise or depot details then it gives only the billing details wherein the other excise details remain blank.
- Developed Web Enabled RFC for SALES ORDER CREATION. This function Module takes SOLD_TO_PARTY, SHIP_TO_PARTY, PURCH_NO_C, PURCH_DATE, CUST_GRP1, CUST_GRP2, CUST_GRP3, DELI_PLANT as input along with MATNR AND REQ_QTY in a array table ZSD_SALESORDER_MAT_INFO .It then creates a SALES ORDER NUMBER with successful message.
- Developed Web Enabled RFC for Sales Order Status. The Function module takes multiple Sales Order as input and generates the required status for header and item level and also gives other sales order details.
Developed Web Enabled RFC for Stock Details. The Function Module checks for available Modvat and Non Modvat Stock across different plants as well as displays open quantity for those plants
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- Worked on WEB DYNPRO Application 12 months on Design Change Note. Here the USER can create, change and delete DCN.
- Created multiple ALV Reports in WEB DYNPRO for getting details of Design Change Note.
- Apart from this the Web Dynpro ABAP will upload PDF file from anywhere on the system and then updates the data for the required DCN. These Pdf’s are further views in Reports created for User. The PDF's are uploaded in DMS Server and it's been uploaded with help of Application Server.
- Creation of subscreen in Material Master for two new fields DISRIBUTION NETWORK and CAPACITY CONSTRAINT.
- POP UP of table control showing MTO materials while saving sales order in VA01 transaction.
- RCCP Process to generate quantity value for each requirement category to be used in the weekly scheduling process.
This Implementation Project was completed in 1 month and was widely appreciated by client as well as mangers
- Handled and guided ABAP team involved in this project.
- Created new Field ‘COSTSHEET NUMBER’ in standard Purchase Order Transaction. On clicking this field it will display all relevant data in a POPUP.
- Created Smartform for LOI Display.
- Created Interactive ALV report which populates the LOI numbers, on clicking the LOI number print preview is shown with details of LOI number.
- Developed CAT Number booking Wizard where the user creates 7 or more than 7 digit systematic material number through wizard. Interface using ALE/IDOC is called when the wizard is run in PROD server and material is created in MDM Server. The material is created in PROD server when drawing is uploaded for PRO E server and uploaded in PROD Server.
- Developed document upload program for mass upload of document created before Implementation. This involves upload of class and characteristic of the material
- Developed context upload program for mass upload of document created before Implementation.
Resolved many minor and Web dynpro related issues while implementing this project
- Business requirement to change BOM quantity when material is already withdrawn/delivered and error message should appear when BOM quantity is less than DELIVERED quantity in CN33.
- Convert SAPSCRIPT to SMARTFORM and design BARCODE in smartform when TRANSFER ORDER is created i.e. at Tcode LT04 and LT06 as well as on Tcode LT31 for shipping type ‘A’.
Reports and Screen Exits
- Created HAGER AUTOMATION report to generate automatic PO and release based on sales, procurement analysis.
- Created Screen exit for Material Master to enter Distribution Network of size 1 and Capacity constraint as a checkbox. Created sub screen in Function Group ZMGD1 and Coded for save
button in EXIT_SAPLMGMU_001 exit.
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- Developed Report for Creditors Net Balance where the user finds Credits, Advances and Provisional Liabilities as per Vendors and Business Area wise.
- Developed Stock Statement Report for different materials and grouping them as IMPORTED, INDEGINOUS, FINISHED GOODS, SEMI FINISHED GOODS and WORK IN PROCESS.
- Report for Summary of Creditors for Bank wherein you get the Credit and Debit Balance of
Vendors as per Reconciliation Account and Business Area.
- Report for Debtors Report for Bank where the vendor payment is split into 0-30 ,30-60,60-90 ,
90 and above days.
- Created BADI for ME23n where certain users are restricted from accessing Tax Code V0.
- Developed a Report for Planned Independent Requirement where user can find all the material quantity used within the particular period. This report was with reference to MD61 where we cannot find all the requirement plans for a particular period.
- Developed a report for Building v/s Curing where the user can find the opening and closing stock for a particular period for finished good material and the associated GT material. In this report the user can also find shift wise details of finished goods and GT materials and their consumption for that period.
- Developed BDC for change routing CA02 transaction code.
- Developed BDC for CO11 to create Routing automatically.
- Developed BDC for ASSET block for Transaction AS05.
- Developed BDC to create Planned Independent Requirement MD61.
Developed BDC to change Planned Independent Requirement MD62.
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Grauer & Weil India Ltd. – The leading manufacturer of Chemical & Electroplating Equipments has more than 500 Employees, having Production Plants located at 4 places in India.
Job Responsibilities:
- Abap Consultant
- Report to display customer wise sales order wise consumption details.
- Report to get the outstanding amount summary zone wise and customer wise as on date.
- Report to display the sales document delivery details.
- Developed an Interactive Report to Display Bills Wise, or Customer Wise, or Tax code wise or Zone Wise Sales Register.
- Modified a layout on import purchase order.
- Modified a layout on sales order wise consumption.
- Layout set was modified for purchase order program was modified as per the client’s requirement. Made use of SAP standard report program MEDRUCK to upload the TIFF file as logo and convert the output into PDF format using RSTXPDFT4.
Dialogue Programming:
- Competitor sales analysis by different screens and table controls: This project is designed to update, append, delete, modify and save the information about competitors, customers and products.
- Modified some screens in layout.
- Developed a BDC program to convert the vendor information from external system to sap R/3.
- Developed a BDC program to upload bulk materials Master records in MM01 transaction.
- Developed LSMW objects to upload the Customer Master data.
- Developed LSMW objects to load the Material Master for
Basic Views 1 & 2, Purchasing, Sales Organization Data 1 & 2 and Accounting Views 1 & 2.
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Web RFC:Developed Web enabled RFC for Invoice Details. The function module takes billing document numberand payer as input and gives Excise Invoice details or Depot details. If the billing document hasneither excise or depot details then it gives only the billing details wherein the other excise detailsremain blank.Developed Web Enabled RFC for SALES ORDER CREATION. This function Module takesSOLD_TO_PARTY, SHIP_TO_PARTY, PURCH_NO_C, PURCH_DATE, CUST_GRP1,CUST_GRP2, CUST_GRP3, DELI_PLANT as input along with MATNR AND REQ_QTY in a arraytable ZSD_SALESORDER_MAT_INFO .It then creates a SALES ORDER NUMBER with successfulmessage.Developed Web Enabled RFC for Sales Order Status. The Function module takes multiple Sales Orderas input and generates the required status for header and item level and also gives other sales orderdetails.Developed Web Enabled RFC for Stock Details. The Function Module checks for available Modvat andNon Modvat Stock across different plants as well as displays open quantity for those plants.
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Worked on WEB DYNPRO Application 12 months on Design Change Note. Here the USER can create,change and delete DCN.Created multiple ALV Reports in WEB DYNPRO for getting details of Design Change Note.Apart from this the Web Dynpro ABAP will upload PDF file from anywhere on the system and thenupdates the data for the required DCN. These Pdfs are further views in Reports created for User. ThePDFs are uploaded in DMS Server and its been uploaded with help of Application Server.
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Received Team Award at L&T InfoTech for involvement in this Project.Creation of subscreen in Material Master for two new fields DISRIBUTION NETWORK and CAPACITYCONSTRAINT.POP UP of table control showing MTO materials while saving sales order in VA01 transaction.RCCP Process to generate quantity value for each requirement category to be used in the weeklyscheduling process.
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Business requirement to change BOM quantity when material is already withdrawn/delivered and errormessage should appear when BOM quantity is less than DELIVERED quantity in CN33.Convert SAPSCRIPT to SMARTFORM and design BARCODE in smartform when TRANSFER ORDERis created i.e. at Tcode LT04 and LT06 as well as on Tcode LT31 for shipping type A.
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Created HAGER AUTOMATION report to generate automatic PO and release based on sales,procurement analysis.Created Screen exit for Material Master to enter Distribution Network of size 1 and Capacity constraint asa checkbox. Created sub screen in Function Group ZMGD1 and Coded for savebutton in EXIT_SAPLMGMU_001 exit.
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ABAP ConsultantReports:Reports to display the local sales register, export register and indirect sales register.Report on Trade Stock Valuation to display opening, receipt, issue and closing stock and then display itspurchase cost, freight, sales tax and total value of the material.Developed Purchase Register Report to display Doc type, document description, purchase order number, miro number, Accounting Document number, Posting date, Party bill number, party code, CST &LST numbers, Quantity , material , Tax amount, Taxable amount, Tax Code with Description, Freightand Exchange rate, Total bill amount.Developed report for raw material in a FIFO manner.Developed Report for BSR valuation to display opening, receipt, issue and closing stock and then displayits purchase cost, freight, sales tax and total value of the material.Routing report to display all details in the routing.ALV Report of Daily production with displays all details in BOM with shift and component description.Developed an interactive report for Debtors Aging wherein it shows the detail as per 0-30, 31-60, 61-90,91-120,121-150,151-180,181-365, 365 & above and showing the detailed part with excise numberand commercial invoice number on clicking at any of the days..Developed a Report of Debtors Commercial Invoice list where by using Reconciliation account or byparticular customer code we can find their Open item, Clear item as well as both open and clear at atime. This report has been very handy for outstanding bills which also shows Commercial Invoice aswell as excise invoice numbers.
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