About Me
To secure a dynamic position in the field of IT industry where my skills will be utilised to the utmost level and provide enough scope to explore my knowledge to serve the organization....
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Portfolio Projects
Apple Store App is an iOS application for iPhone, iPod touch , iPad and apple watch, which is used by customers for viewing and shipping of Apple products suited for them. The application has the details of the latest apple products including its accessory products. Users can add the product to their bag, checkout easily in one or two steps. It features include self- checkout, in-store mode as in if the user is in an Apple retail store, he/ she can scan the QR barcode of the specific product, make payment in app and take away the product without the interference of any sales person. It features iPhone upgrade program, pre- ordering of iPhone and various such Apple specific features. The application also shows the workshops and events happening in the nearest Apple Store and allows the user to make reservation for such events. The application shows notifications with respect to order status, reservations of events and workshops. The application supports localized texts for different countries like China, KoreaDutch’s, etc. and various accessibility features like voice over, large text anddynamic size capabilities for differently abled users. This application is available worldwide in countries where there is at least one Apple Retail Store.
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Jotun sitemaster is an internal application where in the user can view the ship/ project details. The app is mainly used to monitor the maintenance activity involved in the ship. The app allows the sitemaster to view the ship details, its pictogram inner structure and tank details. The sitemaster will record the maintenance activity performed in each part of the ship and assign it to the next sitemaster to perform the next maintenance task.
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