About Me
My non-technical skills include:
- Self-sufficient
- Effective communication and team work
- Work well to meet deadlines
My technical skills include:
- HTML, CSS, Vanilla Javascript, Node, E...
My technical skills include:
- HTML, CSS, Vanilla Javascript, Node, Express, PostreSQL, GraphQL, React, Redux, Sequelize, mongoose, mongoDB, Git, Heroku, Travis CI, jQuery, Bootstrap
- Restful APIs (design and implementation)
- Wordpress, Shopify, and Nationbuilder.
My experience includes:
- (React) Software development internship at Jetsweat
- (Node, Express, GraphQL, MongoDB, Mongoose) Wrote a server that processes requests to a database
- (Wordpress, CSS) Freelance front-end projects on UpWork
- (Wordpress, CSS, JS) Communications consulting with a non-profit (web maintenance, newsletters, and migration)