About Me
Overall 11 years of IT experience in a variety of industries, which includes hands on experience in java and j2ee developmentDeveloped security implementation for the web service APIS to authenticate and authorize theuser.Developed SOAP Web services ...
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Portfolio Projects
ILCOS is an existing Net.Data macros based application, which needs to be migrated toJ2EE/WAS application. The application is available to FORD Intranet users whose CDS ID is configured toaccess ILCOS application with necessary privileges to access the screen. This project is to add the Leased CarOrdering functionality to existing HR Online Project. The ILCOS Migration to J2EE technologies primarilyfocuses on the functionality to support the user to perform Bestellung(Order creation), Meine Kosten (ViewVehicle Cost) , ILCOS Administration etc.
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SALT is a global tool for authoring and managing global program assumptions in a standard/consistent
Manner. It is a live reference for program direction from to GPDS milestones. The tool is created
and maintained (in MS Excel) by Vehicle Programs Management team in PD. It is a standard structure to
describe program assumptions, defined by PAF (Part Address Function) for each PMTs.
Role: Acting as a Full Stack Developer
- Involved in various phases ofSoftware Development Life Cycle(SDLC), including requirement gathering, modeling, analysis, architecture design, prototyping, developing and testing.
- Developed Single Page Applications usingAngular 2,Typescript,HTML5,CSS3, andBootstrap 3.
- Performed form validations usingreactive formsfrom Angular 2 framework.
- ImplementedRouterto enable navigation from one component to another.
- CreatedServicesto consumeREST API'sand to communicate between components usingDependency Injectionprovided by Angular 2.
- Developed server side application to interact with database usingSpring BootandJPA.
- DevelopedPOJOsforData Modeland made individual HBM records to delineate Java Objects with Relational database tables.
- Used Rest Controller in Spring framework to createRESTful Web servicesandJSONobjects for communication.
- ImplementedLog4jandI18Ntechnology for a broader perspective of the project.
- Developed test classes inJUnitfor unit testing.
- UsedPostmanto test the RESTful API for HTTP requests such as GET, POST, and PUT.
- UsedGITfor version control tool for merging branches and used Sourcetree to solve conflicts.
- Log4j framework has been used for logging debug, info & error data.
- Used Sql server database for data persistence and SQL Developer was used as a database client.
- Used Ant script for build automation.
Technologies : JDK 1.8, J2EE, PCF, Spring Boot 1.4.x, JPA 2.0, Typescript, Junit, RESTFul, Bootstrap 3, Angular 6, Postman, Log4j, I18N, Gradle, CSS3, GIT, SQL server 2008, Eclipse and UBuild
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GSDB (Global Supplier Database) is an existing Net.Data macros based application, which will need to be replaced with a J2EE/WAS application. The GSDB application will be implemented by Ford classic SDM process with requirements captured and development completed using a test-driven approach. It consists of one web based application following the standard transaction pattern (TP 09), deployed in the standard shared environment.
Role: Acting as a Team Member
Involved in Requirement Analysis, Design, Development and Testing of the risk workflow system. Involved in the implementation of design using Agile phases of the Software development life cycle (SDLC) that includes Development, Testing, Implementation and Maintenance Support.
Applied OOAD principle for the analysis and design of the system.
Participated in the design and development of database schema and Entity-Relationship diagrams of the backend Oracle database tables for the application
Developed complex SQL queries for extracting data from the database
Used RSA for the Development, Testing and Debugging of the application.
Used WebSphere Application Server to deploy the build.
Implemented and Consumed Jersey RESTful web services to provide the item details to different consumers.
Developed front-end screens using JSF, Prime faces,, HTML, AJAX, JQuery, Javascript, JSON and CSS.
Used J2EE for the development of business layer services.
Log4j framework has been used for logging debug, info & error data.
Designed and developed Restful Web Service APIS by generating stub classes using XSD JAX-RS, JSON and published Services (local, remote and web using MQ, Web Services).
Implementing the Design and developing modules using Agile Methodology.
Used PostMan to test the different methods in the web service.
Used SQL server database for data persistence and SQL Developer was used as a database client.
Performed Test Driven Development (TDD) using JUnit.
Experience on Jenkins continuous integration tools.
Technologies : Java, J2ee, JSF, Primefaces, JPA, SQL server 2008 and RSA.
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These applications use Oracle Application Server (OAS) hosted in UNIX environment with Korn Shells (through which jobs are executed), residing in the same server. The primary aim of this project is to remove using the Oracle Application Server. The strategy is to replace the Oracle Forms of MEVIS, PTS, and DCC with a single J2EE application, leaving the Korn Shells Scripts intact (except to move them to shared server location) and not modifying the existing Oracle DB setup for the application. Batch server using Secure Inet Factory API.To re-implement the application in the same target environment with WAS and current Transaction pattern.
Role: Acting as a Team Member
- Involved in requirements gathering from business and defining specifications for the system.
- Designed and developed Use-Case Diagrams, Class Diagrams and Object Diagrams using Enterprise Architect (EA) techniques.
- Involved initial prototype and proof of concepts.
- Configured data sources, queues in WebSphere application server administration console.
- Involved in writing test cases using Junit.
- Implementation of new module development, new change requirement, fixes the code. Defect fixing for defects identified in pre-production environments and production environment.
- Developed various reusable helper and utility classes, which were used across all modules of the application. Used J2EE for the development of business layer services.
- Developed Struts Action Forms, Action classes and performed action mapping using Struts.
- Performed data validation in Struts Form beans and Action Classes.
- Used Accurev for version control. Log4J was used to log both User Interface and Domain Level Messages.
- Create the deployment document on various environments such as Test, QC, and UAT.
- Involved in system wide enhancements supporting the entire system and fixing reported bugs.
- Involved in Unit integration, bug fixing, acceptance testing with test cases, Code reviews.
Technologies : Java, Servlets, JSP, Struts, Oracle9i and RSA.
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ILCOS is an existing Net.Data macros based application, which needs to be migrated to J2EE/WAS application. The application is available to FORD Intranet users whose CDS ID is configured to access ILCOS application with necessary privileges to access the screen. This project is to add the Leased Car Ordering functionality to existing HR Online Project. The ILCOS Migration to J2EE technologies primarily focuses on the functionality to support the user to perform Bestellung(Order creation), Meine Kosten (View Vehicle Cost) , ILCOS Administration etc.
Role: Acting as a Team Member
- Involed initial prototype and usecase document
- Involved in writing business logic & presentation logic.
- Involved in writing server-side components (Actions, Services).
- Involved Unit Test document
- Involved in manual testing.
- Involved in bug fixing
- Involved build & deployment Process by using HTEAM
- Involved warranty support after the launch the application
Technologies : Java, Servlets, JSP, Struts, Oracle9i, and RSA
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