About Me
I have 8+ years experience with PHP, MySql, laravel, WordPress, Jquery, Ajax, Python.
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Portfolio Projects
Magnus is a workflow management system that allows stake-holders to collaborate and automate one or more business processes. it automates redundant tasks and ensures that overdue tasks are followed up. the user friendly interface helps to create and configure theworkflowprocess which will be intuitive and easy to follow. it provides an infrastructure for the set-up, performance andmonitoringofadefinedsequenceoftasks,arrangedasaworkflowapplication.ithelpsbusinesses take control of their routine processes and help businesses take controloftheirroutineprocessesand help them manage better.
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The purposeofthisapplicationistokeeptrackofanend-to-endfreelancemanagement system. It is a system used by the companies to streamline their freelance management. It helpsina variety of fields including freelancer on-boarding, management, tracking, payment, and reporting.
Aacheeisawebportalwhichconveysthehealthbenefitsofeasternandwesternfoods. Each person differ with their metabolism. This platform could be used to analyse the personalized eatables for each persontoovercomeadverseeffectsoffewfoods,assomefoodcouldbeanallergen. Aachee new portal could be used to extract the health benefits of each ingredient in a food.
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Systems health is the only platform thatprovidetrainingprogramsforwesternpeople to understand the principle ofeasternmedicine.Itshowerswideknowledgeoneasternmedicineslike siddha, and ayurveda. It explores the medical benefits of yoga, and meditation to humans.Usercan register as a free user(student), but they have topurchasethecoursestoattendtheclassandwritethe exam. If the user pass the exam, they can become an educator and can add a user as a student.
Your body your systemisatool,weusedwithinsystemshealth,whichusestraditionalSouthIndian methodology to identify the foodthatcouldbeconsumedtomaintaingoodhealthoftheindividual.It
uses a concept of vata, pitta and kapha. This could be calculated based on theindividualresponseto set of questions in the platform.