About Me
- Having 5+ years of experience in java, j2ee and framework technologies.
- Having Good experience on implementing the J2ee compliant application using varies Design Patterns, Struts , Spring, Hibe...
- Hands on experience in Object Oriented Programming
- Having good experience on implementing the components with MVC,DAO,DTO, Singleton and Factory.
- Having experience on creating web service by using Soap by using Apache Axis and Rest using Jersey api.
- Involved creating the Project Architecture.
- Used Hibernate to store the persistence data into database ,written HQL queries to access the data from database.
- Used Burf Suite tool to check vulnerability of the application, and fixing the vulnerability issues by raised by Audit Teams.
- Validating the user inputs at client side by using Javascript and Server side with validator framework
- I have implemented the scheduler to send the mail alert at particular time.
- I have involved in consuming the web services provided by third parties.
- Written code for sending the receiving the messages by using Spring JMS.
- Hands on experience on spring boot.
- Developed UI Screens using angular
Portfolio Projects
- Understanding the requirement based on document provided by implementation team
- Developing the View and Service layer with help of Jsp and JavaBeans.
- Writing the procedures and views based on requirement.
- Performing the code review & finding possible bugs by using PMD tool .
- I have implemented DAO layer by using JDBC
- I have created the web service component by using Soap(apache axis)
- Working with on sight team to track and Fixing the production issues on priority.
- Preparing the release document.
- I have implemented Spring Components Using Spring IOC.
- I have implemented the persistence logic by using Hibernate.
- Development of the user interface using the Html Javascript, Jquery mobile.
- Worked on Bill Desk, Pay Tm & BBPS integration.
- Worked on defect fixing in various UI Environment issues.
- Testing security issues by using Burp suite Tool.
- Worked on SVN check-in & check-out process