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To seek a challenging position as Software Professional with a long - term commitment in the organization which provides an environment for growth, continuous learning and skillful application of my knowledge and skills....
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Portfolio Projects
Electronic Commerce for IKEA Suppliers (ECIS) is the leading order handling application for the IKEA goods suppliers which helps in managing the order. It enables the suppliers to receive and maintain their orders and dispatch information - including transmission of invoices for suppliers with smaller order volumes than the suppliers using EDI.
GPS-Global Purchasing System is an IKEA product/application used by all Trading Service Offices (TSO) within IKEA for receiving orders from various systems. GPS has interrelationships to other systems such as COS, MHS, DSP, INOS, ECIS via ISI, CNS (Cargo N/W System).
Whenever there is change in the Front end Applications or backend Database or connectivity or data flow to other Applications, we test it thoroughly to confirm that all the changes are applied correctly and data is moved as per the required flow.
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ECIS is a Web Application which is used by IKEA Suppliers. Once they receive Orders from IKEA, all the further transactions related to the Consignments are maintained in ECIS. Once the Order is confirmed, the Order is booked, dispatched and Invoice is generated and sent to IKEA. So all these transactions are handled and maintained through ECIS. Whenever there is change in the process or any fields or Screens are added in the application or any change in the process flow, we will receive in the form of CRs. So as soon as we receive any CR, we will analyze the CR and we prepare the Test Cases and send it for Approvals. Once the code is migrated, we carry out testing and execute the Test Cases.
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Eliade is a middle level Application. This application is mainly used by PSA Dealers. This Application is mainly used to maintain the logistics information of all the Vehicles. Data to Elide is received from multiple upstream applications and data is moved to multiple downstream Applications. All the data flow will be happening through batches. We have Insertion batch (data is inserted from Input file to Database), and Extraction batch (data from the Database extracted to Output file). We have few scenarios where testing needs to be carried through Eliade Front End Screens. We also have verification of Web Services in few scenarios. Whenever there is change in the File Format or insertion of new options etc., Testing is done to verify that data is moved correctly as per the requirement for all those scenarios. If we face any discrepancy, we raise Defects and retest once the defects are fixed.
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Eliade is a middle level Application. This application is mainly used by Dealers. This Application is mainly used to maintain the logistics information of all the Vehicles. Data to Elide is received by multiple upstream applications and data is moved to multiple downstream Applications. All the data flow will be happening through batches. We have Insertion batch (data is inserted from Input file to Database), and Extraction batch (data from the Database extracted to Output file). We also have verification of Web Services in few scenarios. Whenever there is change in the File Format or insertion of new options etc, Testing is done to verify that data is moved correctly as per the requirement for all those scenarios. If we face any discrepancy, we raise Defects and retest once the defects are fixed.
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IRW is IKEA Retail Web Application. This is a Web Application through which Customers who want to Purchase IKEA Articles can view the Articles and also Buy the Articles online. Wherever there is change in the Process of any more additions of Features or Expanding the Application for new Markets we receive the requests as CRs. So as soon as we receive any CR, we will analyze the CR and we prepare the Test Plan and Test Cases and send it for Approvals Once the code is migrated, we do the testing and execute the Test Cases. As per the process, we need to Test this change in 3 environments and if we face any issues, we raise DRs and retest once they are fixed.
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VST: As a part of VST Team, we will be issuing policies and performing certain transactions through CICS Online Screens and verify after cycle run and validate the transactions and other values whether they are updated as per the requirements. We also have SDFE which is Web application using which we can also issue policies.
SCM: As a part of SCM we need to create Packages and migrate components and jobs to different environments so that the jobs run successfully. In the same way to update the latest code, we need to perform procedures like Re-linking and migrate the latest code in the jobs. We also need to run the set of jobs so that all the frontend data is updated in the database.
UPI: Lincoln Financial Group is an Insurance organization which contains many sub teams working under different environments. We under UPI team handle testing of Admin Extract generation and loading into database for further process and movement to down streams. Unclaimed Property Initiative (UPI) is mainly to handle the process of Unclaimed Polices. Extracts of the unclaimed policies will be generated every monthly and we need to validate the data populated in these Extracts. Once validation is done, internal jobs run and all the data will be loaded into Database. The data in the Extracts will be validated and after running further procedures, the data should be validated in the Database at every stage of the Process
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New York Life Insurance is an Insurance organization in which agents will apply various Insurance Schemes online whenever people contact them. The application is Java, J2EE and JSP based application comprising of totally 10 Insurance Schemes and overall 25 Screens. There will be many common Screens and few unique Screens depending upon the Insurance Scheme applied and certain internal conditions. We will be receiving the Business Requirement Documents from Business Team. Based on these documents, we frame Test Conditions and execute them once code is deployed. Still this is ongoing project code is implemented in builds. So we will be performing both System Testing and Regression Testing.
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New York Life Insurance is an Insurance organization in which agents will apply various Insurance Schemes online whenever people contact them. The application is Java, J2EE and JSP based application comprising of totally 10 Insurance Schemes and overall 25 Screens. There will be many common Screens and few unique Screens depending upon the Insurance Scheme applied and certain internal conditions. We will be receiving the Business Requirement Documents from Business Team. Based on these documents, we frame Test Conditions and execute them once code is deployed. Still this is ongoing project code is implemented in builds. So, we will be performing both System Testing and Regression Testing.
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RAZOR is a Limit and Exposure Management System used by ANZ to manage Credit risk for all Corporate and Institutional Customers. RAZOR captures data from many sources from various countries in various formats and aggregates Customer limits and exposures. Data received in various formats from various sources is converted to RAZOR readable XML files using Informatica ETL tool and data in these XML files is loaded into RAZOR as per the requirements. Whenever there is change in the ETL process or Extract generation process or change in the Data format of the Extracts, we will validate the data entered through source files with the data displayed in RAZOR ensuring that data is transformed and loaded correctly into RAZOR. As a part of our ETL Testing, we will validate the data at every staging area.
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The application is a SAP based application in which the company maintains all its transactions through SAP and requires various reports by integrating data from internal and external data sources like point of sale fact data, internal operational data such as promotion history, profitability data, shipment history etc. All the data is integrated using Blue Sky Integrator and stored into SaraLee Universe. Using this Universe and few other external tables as Data source, reports are being generated using Business Objects
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The application is a Web based application in which the Students who require loans for their education apply for loans through online. The further processes like Loan approvals, Loan Disbursement and Loan Services are performed with some Front end tools (Appworks, Mainframes etc.) and all the data is stored in different databases. All the data regarding these loans will be maintained in various databases and all the data is moved to database using the dataware house tool AbInitio. We will be testing the application on the subsequent changes after receiving the info
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