About Me
4 years and 1 month of total experience in Software Testing. Extensive experience in Manual Testing for Software Quality Assurance (SQA) and Software Quality Control (SQC). Extensive knowledge in Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and Software Te...
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Portfolio Projects
• Project Title : YODA
• Client : OCBC Bank, Malaysia
• Company : NTT Data, Malaysia
• Domain : Banking
• Team Size : 17
• Project Duration : July 2019 – November 2019
• Testing : Manual, Functional, End to End, Sanity, UAT
• Tools : HP ALM
• Role : Software Test Engineer
YODA is an acronym for Your Onboarding Device Application. It is an application to onboard Premier Banking customers via iPad where customers will not be limited to their assigned Relationship Manager. The enhanced banking services enjoyed by Premier Banking customers are made available to customers who meet and maintain at all times the Membership Criteria for Premier Banking, as revised from time to time by OCBC Bank (Malaysia) Berhad. Backed by a dedicated Premier One Team, they can get access to a committed team of specialists, who will provide them with a comprehensive range of wealth management services and privileges to help them stay ahead.
Roles and Responsibilities:
- Functional requirement gathering from client, studying and understanding the requirements.
- Taking ownership of the entire module allocated.
- Participating in writing and reviewing Functional test cases with Business team and system owner for the particular modules.
- Perform sanity, functional, integration, system, UI, End to End and User Acceptance Testing (UAT).
- Perform sanity testing for one week in every month and sending report in morning to all developing and testing teams.
- Analyzing user requirements and specifications.
- Develop various test cases for various scenarios.
- Designing, executing and attaching of test cases in HP ALM.
- Testing with iPad.
- Raising the defects and reproducing the defects for developers.
- Retesting the bug fixes and performing regression testing.
- Logging defects and closing the fixed defects in HP ALM.
- Attend daily stand up meeting.
- Interaction with developers to resolve defects.
YODA is an acronym for Your Onboarding Device Application. It is an application to onboard Premier Banking customers via iPad where customers will not be limited to their assigned Relationship Manager. The enhanced banking services enjoyed by Premier Banking customers are made available to customers who meet and maintain at all times the Membership Criteria for Premier Banking, as revised from time to time by OCBC Bank (Malaysia) Berhad. Backed by a dedicated Premier One Team, they can get access to a committed team of specialists, who will provide them with a comprehensive range of wealth management services and privileges to help them stay ahead.
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• Project Title : Maxis BIT R1 (Prepaid)
• Client : Maxis Communications, Malaysia
• Company : C. R. M. Solutions (AMDOCS), Malaysia
• Domain : Telecommunication
• Team Size : 25
• Project Duration : June 2018 – May 2019
• Testing : Manual, Functional, End to End, SIT, Sanity, FUT
• Tools : HP ALM
• Role : SW Test Engineer
BIT is an acronym for Business IT Transformation. It is a programme that will build and deliver the foundation from business processes to system functions.
It is a critical, multi-million Ringgit, organisation-wide transformation programme which aims to modernise Customer Relationship Management system (CRM), billing processes & systems and self-serve portals. BIT will propel us to Digitalisation; to be the digital solution partner to customers, meeting the needs and demands of the increasingly digitally savvy market today and in the future.
By consolidating various systems, it will enable us to create a unified customer portal. This will simplify frontline channels and make them more efficient, thus accelerating fulfillment and go-to-market speeds of solutions.
Roles and Responsibilities:
- Functional requirement gathering of the price plan allocated, studying and understanding it.
- Taking ownership of the entire price plan allocated.
- Participating in writing and reviewing Functional test cases with Business team and system owner for the particular price plans.
- Perform smoke, functional, integration, system, UI, End to End, User Acceptance and Friendly User testing.
- Perform sanity testing every morning and sending report to all developing, testing and business team.
- Analyzing user requirements and specifications.
- Develop various test cases for various scenarios.
- Designing and execution of test cases in HP ALM for migrated test data.
- Testing with various devices such as Ios and Android.
- Raising the defects and reproducing the defects for Amdocs developers for both new data and migrated data.
- Retesting the bug fixes and performing regression testing using the both new data and migrated data.
- Logging defects and closing the fixed defects in HP ALM for both new data and migrated data.
- Attend test planning meeting and defect triage meeting.
- Interaction with Amdocs developers to resolve defects.
• Project Title : Maxis BIT R1 (Prepaid)
• Client : Maxis Communications, Malaysia
• Company : Wipro Ltd., Malaysia
• Domain : Telecommunication
• Team Size : 17
• Project Duration : October 2017 – May 2018
• Testing : Manual, Functional, End to End, SIT
• Tools : HP ALM
• Role : Test Engineer
BIT is an acronym for Business IT Transformation. It is a programme that will build and deliver the foundation from business processes to system functions.
It is a critical, multi-million Ringgit, organisation-wide transformation programme which aims to modernise Customer Relationship Management system (CRM), billing processes & systems and self-serve portals. BIT will propel us to Digitalisation; to be the digital solution partner to customers, meeting the needs and demands of the increasingly digitally savvy market today and in the future.
By consolidating various systems, it will enable us to create a unified customer portal. This will simplify frontline channels and make them more efficient, thus accelerating fulfillment and go-to-market speeds of solutions.
Roles and Responsibilities:
- Functional requirement gathering of the system allocated from client.
- Studying and understanding functional requirements.
- Taking ownership of the entire system allocated.
- Participating in writing and reviewing Manual test cases with Business team and system owner.
- Perform smoke, sanity, functional, integration, system, UI and End to End testing.
- Analyzing user requirements and specifications.
- Develop various test cases for various scenarios.
- Designing and execution of test cases in HP ALM.
- Testing with various devices such as Ios and Android.
- Raising the bugs and reproducing the bugs for Amdocs developers.
- Retesting the bug fixes and performing regression testing.
- Logging defects and closing the fixed defects in HP ALM.
- Attend test planning meeting and defect triage meeting.
- Interaction with Amdocs developers to resolve Bugs.
- Project Title : Kinnser ADL
- Client : Kinnser, USA
- Company : CES IT PVT. LTD., Chennai, India
- Domain : Healthcare
- Team Size : 8
- Project Duration : March 2016 – May 2017
- Testing : Manual, UI, Functional, End to End, UAT
- Tools : Target Process, Jira
- Role : Test Engineer
The ADL Home Care Software solution provides all the scheduling and billing features of traditional home care software. It serves features like Family Care’s Online Family Portal, Text Messaging of schedules and news, Integrated Telephony for shift reporting, the industry's first GPS Timecard, split billing, mobile intake forms for new clients and leads, and even an Apple iPhone App for the iPhone or iPad. ADLware software merges sales, marketing, care management, intake, hiring, scheduling, billing and payroll all into one single system.
Roles and Responsibilities:
- Functional requirement gathering from client.
- Studying and understanding functional requirements.
- Taking ownership of an entire story.
- Participating in writing and reviewing Manual test cases.
- Perform smoke, functional, integration, system and UI testing.
- Analyzing user requirements and specifications.
- Develop various test cases for various scenarios.
- Designing and execution of test cases.
- Raising the bugs and reproducing the bugs for Developers.
- Retesting the bug fixes and performing regression testing.
- Logging defects and closing the fixed defects in Jira.
- Attend Sprint planning meeting and stand up calls.
- Interaction with Developers to resolve Bugs.
- Giving demo to Product Owner of the features tested.
- Involve in release and deployment calls.
- Project Title : UAT of Clinical Trail Databank (TrialAssure)
- Client : MMS Holdings Inc., USA
- Company : CES IT PVT. LTD., Chennai, India
- Domain : Healthcare
- Team Size : 3
- Project Duration : December 2015 – February 2016
- Testing : Manual, UAT, UI
- Role : Test Engineer
MMS Holdings (MMS) is a quality focused CRO supporting all of the top 10 big pharma as well as multiple smaller companies across its spectrum of services. MMS has over two decades of hands-on drug development experience that helps support program-level strategy and execution of projects across multiple therapeutic areas.
MMS has developed a web-based, proprietary reporting tool named TrialAssure. TrialAssure ensures quality, compliance, and completeness of clinical disclosure reporting, while serving as a centralized and definitive (single source) catalogue across an organization’s drug development pipeline.
Roles and Responsibilities:
- Studying and understanding the User Acceptance Testing (UAT) Test Script document provided by client.
- Perform UAT, UI, functional and integration testing module by module.
- Execute the test scripts and fill in the results in the document provided by client for each module.
- Logging the defects and closing the defects in the document after retesting the fix.
- Perform retesting and regression testing.
- Consolidate all the results and reporting the status to client on daily basis.
- Updating the Team Lead of the daily status.
- Project Title : Beginning Statistics
- Client : Hawkes Learning System, USA
- Company : CES IT PVT. LTD., Chennai, India
- Domain : E- Learning
- Team Size : 7
- Project Duration : October 2015 – November 2015
- Testing : Manual, UI
- Role : Test Engineer
Partnering with the educational community since 1979, Hawkes Learning provides reliable course materials with exemplary service in the shared pursuit of student success. It quickly moved into the field of mathematical software and educational publishing in 1985 and has held strong as a leader in the industry. In 2015, the company expanded into a new discipline, developmental English. Hawkes Learning has developed the existing desktop application Beginning Statistics to a web based application with statistical mathematics and accessible functionality.
Roles and Responsibilities:
- Analyzing user requirements and specifications gathered from client.
- Studying and understanding functional requirements and UI from the old desktop application.
- Participating in writing and reviewing Manual test cases in excel sheet.
- Executing the test cases.
- Perform smoke, functional, integration, system and UI testing.
- Raising the bugs and reproducing the bugs for Developers.
- Retesting the bug fixes and performing regression testing.
- Logging the defects and closing the defects in excel sheet after retesting the fix.
- Consolidate all the results and send the report to Project Manager on daily basis.
- Project Title : Go Far Rewards (UAT)
- Client : Wells Fargo & Company, USA
- Company : CES IT PVT. LTD., Chennai, India
- Domain : Travel
- Team Size : 10
- Project Duration : July 2015 – September 2015
- Testing : Manual, UAT, UI
- Browsers/ Devices : Desktop (IE11, IE8, Firefox, Chrome), iPad Air 2, Samsung
Tablet S.84, iPhone 5S and Samsung S6
- Role : Test Engineer
Wells Fargo & Company is an American international banking and financial services holding company headquartered in San Francisco, California, with "hubquarters" throughout the country. Wells Fargo introduced
rewards-based credit card for it’s clients called Go Far Rewards which can be earned virtually for all net purchases. Go Far Rewards can be redeemed with wide variety of things and one of it is travel experience which can be booked through a web application. The web application is travel oriented and it provides various facilities for tourists. The travels provide different package related to tourism in Airplane, Cruise, Car and Hotels (accommodation).
Roles and Responsibilities:
- Studying and understanding the end to end flow of the web application from BRS provided by client.
- Analyze the mockups of each module for each device and the test script document provided by client.
- Attend the internal meeting conducted by Team Lead to divide the workload.
- Execute the test scripts and fill in the results in the document provided by client for each module for each device/ browser.
- Perform UAT, UI, functional, compatibility and integration testing for each module for each device/ browser.
- Logging the defects in the document with attached screenshots.
- Involved in the consolidation process of all the results for each module for each device and reporting the status to client on daily basis.
Updating the Project Manager of the daily status.
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- Project Title : Montrose Loyalty Travel Rewards (LTR)
- Client : Montrose Travels, USA
- Company : CES IT PVT. LTD., Chennai, India
- Domain : Travel
- Team Size : 5
- Project Duration : June 2015 – June 2015
- Testing : UI
- Role : Test Engineer
Montrose Travel is one of America's Top 40 Travel Management Companies to help people travel. Montrose Travel is a fully accredited travel agency, and a proud member of the International Airlines Travel Agent Network (IATAN), Ensemble Travel Group, Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) and the Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC). Montrose LTR campaign devised to generate repeat customers for a particular company by offering a point gratification system for the customers' business. The travels provide different package related to tourism in Airplane, Cruise, Car and Hotels (accommodation).
Roles and Responsibilities:
- Studying and understanding the SRS document provided by client.
- Analyzing the Design Toolkits provided by client for designing the mockup for each module.
- Perform UI testing on the mockups designed for each module by referring to the Design Toolkits.
- Logging the bug in excel sheet and sharing it with the Designers.
- Interaction with Designers to resolve bugs.
- Retesting the fix given by the Designers and closing the bugs.
- Attend daily status call and update the client.
- Sharing the summary of the daily status call with team members and Project Manager.