Chennai , India

Experience: 6 Years


Chennai , India


57600 USD / Year

  • Immediate: Available

6 Years

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About Me

Seeking an opportunity to work for the development by contributing my service with a reputed R&D organization...

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Portfolio Projects

Developement Single channel and Multi channel algorithm development using FxLMS


I have devoloped ANC algorithms and mitigate the noise by 15-20dB both in single channel and multi channel


Done audio processing with piezoelectric sensors & actuators.
Done analog input-analog output (talk-through) using WM5102 audio card interfacing with STM32-discovery.
Done Multi-channel noise cancellation of an audio signal by DMA and achieved 20-25 dB noise reduction.
Done Multi-channel ANC for 200Hz & 500Hz (signal + WGN) by NLMS & FxLMS algorithms using
STM32F4 & Cypress FM4 S6e2CC and achieved 20-25 dB with a consistency of 15 dB noise reduction.

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I have been associated with the Principal Scientists and developed the Infrared Database visuals for the Pilot to avoid the landing crashes of aircrafts under the part of Enhanced Synthetic Vision Systems. I have done the image processing and viddeo processing and its integration using Elector opticcameras and IR cameras using Presagis Visualization Tools.

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I have been associated with the scientist team and developed the hybrid communication for AUV by integratingGPS, Multi-Beam Sonar, AHRS and INS sensors for navigation and Positon estimation of an AUV and exploration of coastal part in the ocean upto 500m and 1000m depth.

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Development of active noise control algorithm for an engineDone analog input-analog output (talk-through) using WM5102 audio card interfacing with STM32-discovery.Done single-channel noise cancellation of an audio signal by DMA and achieved 20-25 dB noise reduction.Done Multi-channel ANC of an engine noise by LMS algorithm using STM32F4 & Cypress FM4 S6e2CC &achieved 25-30 dB noise reduction.

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Development ofIR Database generation using MISSS toolsDone Synthetic Image rendering and drawing of tunnels using openGL and OSG and Visual Simulation / Rendering of Bangalore database in Delta3D and OSG.Done Multi-spectral physics based Visual Simulation using Presagis Tools for ESVS of civilian aircraft.Implemented Real-Time Image Fusion algorithms in C++ and OpenCV for ESVS with EO and IR camera sensors and Sensory and Advantech frame grabber/ capture cards.

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In this project accuracy of the WLAN receiver is measured by designing and implementing thecordic algorithm in VerilogHDL and it is tested in Xillinx Spartan 6 FPGA board.

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In this work, we have developed a low-cost digital signal oscilloscope usingAVRATMega32 microcontroller andsignal conditioning circuit to convert the analog signal given from the function generator into Digital signal varying itsvoltage, amplitude and frequency by a potentiometer.

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The project aims to develop a Smart Node (Powerline Embedded Node) to control, monitor and communicatevital energy and environmental data of the building to an evidence based Energy management system via Power linecommunication with environmental friendliness. In this project we are proposing LONWORKS based nodes for energyand environmental measurement. Configuring of Smart server (webserver) through Power line (PL) for communicationusing power cable. Integrate PL based energy node. Finally, PL based Embedded (energy and environmental) nodesare developed and PL smart server testing with the nodes.--Key words: Circuit &PCB Design using Altium Designer, Testing and Debugging of Energy and PhysicalNodes, Software Design using Visual Studio(C#), Smart Home Energy Management System

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In this project, I have been undergone to develop the hybrid communication system between AUV and shipthrough Evologics USBL acoustic modems by using AT commands and converted communication program fromvisual basic to Visual C++. I have done the statistical analysis of positioning technologies by accessing the data forintegration of GPS/AHRS and INS using matlab, visual studio (C# and C++) to compare the accuracy of the Inertiallabs AHRS and VectorNav INS modules. In addition to the above work, I have implemented DSP algorithms andfiltering techniques using simulink with TMS320C6713 to train the M. Tech students. I have also implemented theestimation and detection algorithms for USBL receiver based on the positioning technologies in MATLAB. Spectralanalysis and Filtering are done using LabjackUE9 and Measurement computing DAQ modules.

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