About Me
Completed Certified Scrum Master (CSM) Certification in May 2019Presently working with Harbinger Systems Pvt. Ltd. as an Associate Project ManagerExpertise in initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and delivering on time projectsHaving good ex...
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Portfolio Projects
- Managed Saas based application on HR domain developed using .net 3.5, Sql server 2008, SSIS, XSLT
- Team management, project management and client management
- Responsible for Project estimation, SOW, Sprint planning, Project schedule tracking and controlling, risk management, change management, Delivery management and Code review
- Gathering functional requirements and help team to convert them to technical ones
- Generate Daily status report and weekly status report for providing project Status to all stakeholders
- Providing technical solution to team members and team leads.
- Managing client communication, providing Technical and functional suggestions
- Ensuring that organization/project level processes are followed at each step of the SDLC for quality deliverables
- Initiated best practices like buddy code review, sprint planning, setting centralized code and document base using SVN
- Conducting Interviews and recruiting resources for the team
Maintain product quality by carrying out reviews, security scans and etc
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Role and Responsibility:
- Managed Saas based application on HR domain developed using .net 3.5, Sql server 2008, SSIS, XSLT
- Team handling, managing their work plan, growth plan and overall progress
- Responsible for Project estimation, SOW, Sprint planning, Project schedule tracking and controlling
- Gathering functional requirements and help team to convert them to technical ones
- Managing client communication including providing Technical and functional suggestions
- Implementation of sprint items
- Providing technical solution to team members
- Creation of technical specification based on the actual implementation.
- Creation of test cases and unit testing of all features
- Bug Fixing
- Involved in code reviews
Role and Responsibility:
- Requirement Gathering
- Collaborate closely with other team members to plan, design and develop robust solutions
- Analyze requirement, provide designs and implement solutions for defined user stories
- Discussing product issues with vendor via calls and demos
- Discussing technical challenges with vendor with respect to product
- Creation of technical specification based on the actual implementation.
- Creation of test cases and unit testing of all features
- Bug Fixing
- Involved in peer to peer code review
This project is now migrated to Dot net 3.5 from 1.1. The LMS is widely used application for client internal trainings conducted in different branches present all over the world and thus needed support on various browsers like IE 7 & 8, Firefox, Safari and Chrome. The application was also to be accessed from mobile devices like BlackBerry, iPhone. The support was provided as per expectations in quick time
Role and Responsibility:
- Resolving UI and functional issues in the system for compatibility
- Making system Cross browser (Firefox, Chrome and Safari) compatible
- Also helped teammates to cover up their assigned tasks in order to meet set deadlines
- Client communication
- Creation of test cases and unit testing of all features
Integrating the Learning Management System with Invoice System responsible forgenerating invoice for each batch. LMS provides the details required and as demanded byInvoice system through Web Service API provided at LMS end. If invoice is not generated forany batch, then there was a window service that send reminder to admin for generatinginvoice of respective batch
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Nomination Tool allows admin user to configure nomination or enrolment of candidateswith various fields. It allows admin user to add the custom fields of type textbox, text area,dropdown list, checkbox list, radio buttons etc. Nomination form can be configured atprogram or batch level. The configured form is shown to end user and various inputs arecaptured and preserved even in case of page transitions. The system was built in n-tierarchitecture with Presentation, Business logic and Data access layers at code level
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It is a HR portal management application providing services for HR polices. Application hasseveral modules like Knowledgebase, Toolset, Globalization, Onboarding and CaseManagement. Application provides user friendly UI for end users. This gives flexibility forthe organization to build their own Portal with their own brandings, Postings and otherservices which are specific to their organizations easily without coding. Searching ofcontent throughout the portal is one of the widely used feature of this application
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