About Me
19+ years of overall IT experience (14 Years at Offshore and 5 Years at Onsite UK/US/Germany Client Location) experience in Test management; Test consulting, Project Management. A seasoned thought-leader in Quality Assurance space and have extensive ...
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Portfolio Projects
BMW originates in an intensive and passionate process. Its most distinctive feature is the unique BMW internal design competition. This is where designers in the disciplines of exterior and interior compete against each other with their proposals. Their ideas and designs are first sketched two- dimensionally on paper or on the computer. They then later assume a three-dimensional form as elaborate clay models or in virtual renderings.
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RBS Group will divest the Rainbow Business by building an independent technical platform and business operations to support all divesting banking services- the Rainbow Platform. This platform will be a mirror of the current NatWest / RBS platform. However, agreed exceptions, optimizations and simplifications will be applied where this is mandated or achieves a lower risk/cost profile. The Group will provide any banking services not replicated on the new Rainbow Platform under Transitional or Commercial Services Agreements. Transitional Service Agreements will be supported for a defined period of time, and Commercial Service Agreements will be provided on commercial terms (including definition of cost and time period). The data associated with the Rainbow business (e.g. customer relationships, assets, staff, non-customer data) will be transferred to the separate technical and operational platform. After Legal Closing, the platform could be enhanced and optimized as per the new Rainbow business strategic agenda.
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KPN is the leading telecommunications and ICT service provider in The Netherlands, offering wire line and wireless telephony, internet and TV to consumers, and end-to-end telecommunications and ICT services to business customers. KPNs subsidiary Getronics operates a global ICT services company with a market-leading position in the Benelux, offering end-to-end solutions in infrastructure and network- related IT. This project is based OSS-BSS operation which enables customer can use this application to order the different type of telecom products and services.
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The group set up Standard Life Bank, its UK mortgage and retail savings banking subsidiary, in 1998 and Standard Life Investments, which had previously been the in-house investment management unit of the groups life assurance and pensions business, was separated into a distinct legal entity in the same year, with the aim of establishing it as an independent investment management business providing services to both the group and third party retail and institutional clients. The group acquired Prime Health Limited (subsequently renamed Standard Life Healthcare) in the United Kingdom in 2000. Standard Life Healthcare expanded in March 2006 with the acquisition of the PMI business of First Assist. Barclays Bank PLC acquired Standard Life Bank on 1 January 2010.
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NSN is a market leader when it comes to 2G and 3G networking. A focus on advanced data capabilities such as direct tunneling and bandwidth management sets its Flexi ISN up for 4G, but weak capacity and a questionable platform choice weigh on it. This report contains insight and analysis of the product or service strengths and weaknesses, list of buying criteria and how the product or service fares in each category, and a comprehensive table of product or service metrics and specifications. The Serving GPRS Support Node, or SGSN for short, takes care of some important tasks, including routing, handover and IP address assignment. The SGSN has a logical connection to the GPRS device. As an example, if you were in a car travelling up the M1 on a long journey and were browsing the Internet on a GPRS device, you will pass through many different cells. One job of the SGSN is to make sure the connection is not interrupted as you make your journey passing from cell to cell. The SGSN works out which BSC to route your connection through. If the user moves into a segment of the network that is managed by a different SGSN it will perform a handoff of to the new SGSN, this is done extremely quickly and generally the user will not notice this has happened. Any packets that are lost during this process are retransmitted. The SGSN converts mobile data into IP and is connected to the GGSN via a tunnelling protocol.
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Common Management Platform (CMP) is used as a common platform to enable consistent and co-resident network management for IMS, Wimax and CDMA Core network management offerings. GSM/UMTS OAM offerings are also intended to be based on CMP going forward as an evolution of the existing W-NMS platform.
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Telenor is a leading provider of communications services and one of the fastest growing mobile operators worldwide. At year-end 2005, Telenor held controlling interests in mobile operations in Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Ukraine, Hungary, Montenegro, Thailand, Malaysia, Bangladesh and Pakistan. Telenor also holds minority interests in mobile operations in Russia and Austria.
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HP Open Call Intelligent Network Server (INS) software makes possible two intelligent network (IN) functions: A service control point capable of receiving, managing, and sending SS7 data messages that travel on the intelligent network of a telecommunications network provider (carrier) A platform for installation of application programs which deliver the service capabilities that network and service providers sell to their customers. An INS installation establishes a single SCP node. The main purpose of an SCP is to deliver services to network customers. Because the design of an SCP requires that service application programs be independent of the node functions, application software is not considered part of the INS platform. Interaction between an application and either the server software or the node service delivery functions must be provided for within the application itself, and certain information about the application must be provided to the node software before the application can run on the SCP. An INS service application and the INS platform software are practically identical.
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In August 2009, BMC had over 450 software applications to primarily manage mainframes and distributed systems, as well as virtual and cloud computing IT environments.[71] Generally, the software is used to help information technology managers, typically in large enterprises or agencies, manage operations, make IT more efficient, remediate issues, increase compliance and lower IT costs. For example, BMCs BSM platform improves efficiency for government agencies such as New York Citys Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications. A June 2009 press release issued by the City of New York [75] credits the implementation of BMCs IT Service Management (ITSM) software and integration of automated monitoring tools has produced dramatic improvements in interagency communication and streamlined City services with considerable cost avoidance.
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GSM Product Evaluation Testing refers to the Regression test effort to be done for the switching component (MSC/VLR/HLR) of every customer Delivery. This is done as per the PE process of Lucent Technologies Inc. For every delivery of GSM, as per the Lucents project cycle, a regression test effort is done to ensure that the base wireless functionality that existed in the load being delivered is not broken because of addition of new features.
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Central Module consists of a message switch and a space switch to provide inter-module communication and perform voice and data switching between base modules. It provides control message communication between any two base modules and between base modules and administration module for operation and maintenance functions. It provides clock and Synchronization on a centralized basis.
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