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An astute professional with nearly 10 years of experience in the areas of Servicing Delivery & Technical Support with reputed organizations.Currently associated with Wipro Ltd. ...
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Portfolio Projects
As part of e-governance initiative, the Cachar district administration has implemented Mobile based MGNERGA scheme monitoring system. This project monitoring system is helping the administration to monitor and implement projects successfully. As part of project, application software system has been developed and it is deployed on web server for District Administration to monitor the progress of the projects in real time basis. In reference to functioning of application software the Project Director, DRDA creates the projects online and the BDOs and Line Departments enter the details and records initial GPS reference points. Here it is note worthy to mention that these initial GPS reference point are recorded using in built GPS chip set of GPS recording device. In most of the cases all the android mobile devices comes with in-built GPS chipsets like Broadcom’s BCM47511 or BCM47521 gps module. The advantage of using device only GPSs readings is that, it gives extremely high accuracy level reading as compared to mobile network assisted GPS readings. As such in-built GPS chipsets get reading straightway from satellites. So in our case, device only GPSs readings helped us to fetch and detect extremely precise project locations even complete network less remote areas of the district. This core feature of the mobile app is most important helping point for us while working in remote places in North – East of India. Once the relevant GPS points are feed in the online software, all the designated mobile app users will download their respective project details along with project GPS references. After that designated field officers will take the photographs of the projects in periodical stages like pre, start up , mid and final completion. However they can go for regular visits as per departments or project requirements. Now the core strength of the mobile app is that the designated officer must capture the target project within the radial perimeter of 12-15 meters only, beyond the mobile app its self won’t allow user to click the photograph. This sort of restriction is implemented get authenticated field report. This kind of perimeter restriction / GEO restriction has been implemented using GPS distance calculation of both initial project GPS reference and the current device only GPS readings of the mobile user. Thereafter once user clicks the photographs, he/she can directly upload the image from the field or from place where 3G/2G network is available. The mobile app is designed to store data locally in encrypted mode so data can be uploaded later without any deliberated manipulation. The moment project related photographs are uploaded , it is directly visible in the dashboards of all controlling officers. During the Financial Year 2015-16, total number of schemes is taken up 3135 whereas in the year 2014-15 total number of schemes was 1719 nos. It is quite impossible to monitor personally by District Programme Coordinator or by Project Director, DRDA each and every scheme. Therefore, it has been explored to find out the measures for quick supervision under one umbrella and accordingly a mobile monitoring application has been developed to monitor the schemes to track the exact performance of the working projects, and thus it was decided to use the latest technology by using smart phone to monitor them with exact location on google map. In the initial stage we have used for 2014-15 and 2015-16, gradually it would be applicable for all schemes taken up in the Cachar District.
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The system manages daily activities of the hospital/clinic in all its departments –Laboratory, Radiology, Physiotherapy, Records, Out Patient Departments (OPD) and all wards – Medical & Surgical, Maternity, Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Operating Theatre, Special side wards and isolations wards.
Management of registered members details including digital identities where the system stores members photos for easy of identification
- Patients Record management through records of medical services provided or rendered to the patient
- Stock inventory control, management of pharmacy drugs, laboratory supplies, etc
- Patients movement tracking within the hospital/clinic both for in-patients and out-patients
- Automated Medical Billing for various medical services provided to registered members who include: out patients services, in-patient services, ambulance services, etc
- Management of Cash transactions including:
* Registered Members Capitalization fees (or subscriptions)
* Casual Callers (non registered patients)
- Generating of medical statistical reports for internal use and submission to the health boards
- Interfaces with various electronic equipment in the hospital / clinic.
- Availability of separate forms for Outpatient department, laboratory, pharmacy, accounts, radiology, physiotherapy, dental, ward and in patient information
- Scheduling of daily appointments
Ward services management such as admissions, patients movement and discharges
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Poll friend was conceptualized after rigorous brain storming sessions where each stage of the election process was studied and discussed in detail and existing IT infrastructure was scrutinized. It was found that most of the preparatory and final stages of election process were linked to IT. However the missing link between the two was the actual election process and hence was born the idea of ‘Poll day monitoring’ which led to the development of “POLL FRIEND APPLICATION”. Once the idea was finalized NIT Silchar was invited to collaborate with District Administration Cachar for the project. NIT readily took up the project under National Innovation Fund where the best of minds were put to work for its development.
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'Cachar Administration Support System '
The delivery of citizen centric services is of utmost priority of the district administration besides handling matters related to Land Revenue, Law and Order, Developmental etc. It is the expectation and right of the people of a Welfare State like India to get the services delivered in a hassle free manner in the least possible time and cost. Redressal of public grievances is another sensitive issue of the government for which a suitable platform for the citizens is an urgent need. Cachar District Administration has been putting in concerted efforts to improve the service delivery system and the latest initiative in this direction is the up gradation of `'Cachar Administration Support System ' which was initiated in 2015. A toll free number dedicated to attend to public complains/suggestions is now functional in the Deputy Commissioners Office as also the Public Facilitation Center has been revamped with a special counter to cater to the needs of the physically challenged people and women. Here in this booklet, an effort has been madeto highlight the features of the e-governance application that has been indigenously designed and developed by the officials of Cachar District Administration with the technical support of district unit of NIC. The acceptance of the new system by the users, especially the assistants of the office, because of its user friendliness, flexibility and ability to give desired output in terms of auto generated orders, reports etc, is expected to make it sustainable. The application has contributed a lot in transition from the manual to the computerized system which is a need of the hour. With the constructive feedback from the citizens and sincere efforts of the officials of the district administration, we are striving to make our delivery system more prompt and effective. Road map ahead- The CacharDistrict administration is looking forward to introduce computerized systems for other subjects also in a phased manner, Food & Civil Supplies Branch being one of them. FIC records are being computerized which can prove to be a valuable database for many other future community services Programmes. Digitization of maps in the Circle Offices, Online System for Monitoring of Revenue works, Court Cases etc are some areas proposed to be focused on in near future.
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