About Me
Highly motivated passionate having 10 years of experience in several phases of the software development life cycle where my main area of expertise & specialized skills is in DevOps Engineering that includes Build Automation & Management, Software Con...
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Portfolio Projects
Client: Adtran Networks
Organization: Adtran Networks India Pvt Ltd
Environment: Java, cloud-based platforms, Docker, windows, Linux, Puppet, Git, Jenkins, Teamcity, Maven
Duration: Sept 2016 to Till Date
Adtran Networks is a leading global provider of networking and communications equipment. Adtran products enable voice, data, video and Internet communications across a variety of network infrastructures. Adtran solutions are currently in use by service providers, private enterprises, government organizations and millions of individual users worldwide.
Responsibilities as DevOps Engineer:
- Producing builds of the appropriate version and run test cases as appropriate.
- Handling DevOps tickets and supporting developers and testers in many areas of SDLC.
- Creating the processes and procedures used in deploying a release.
- Maintaining and improving the processes and procedures used in deploying a release to production and test domains.
- Creating and maintaining the documentation of the processes and procedures used in deploying a release to production and test domains.
- Maintaining and Administering Continuous Integration tools like Jenkins and Teamcity.
- Automating jobs/tasks wherever required.
- Administering Github and providing support to all stake holders of the project.
- Management of development build processes and tools
- Management of release build processes and tools
- Management of version control systems and source code.
Organization: Valuelabs Technologies
Environment: Java, cloud-based platforms, windows, Linux, Puppet, SVN, Teamcity, Ant, Maven, IIS, Weblogic, Tomcat, Jobfarms, Deployment schedulers
Duration: Sept 2013 to Sept 2016
Benefitfocus is a leading provider of benefits technology. More than 23 million consumers manage all types of benefits in the Benefitfocus Cloud. The Benefitfocus Platform is cloud-based, and with multiple releases a year. I'm part of configuration management team which supports end-end build, release and configuration activities of Benefitfocus.
Responsibilities as Senior Configuration Management Engineer:
- Producing builds of the appropriate version for deployment to production and test domains.
- Creating the processes and procedures used in deploying a release to production and test domains.
- Maintaining and improving the processes and procedures used in deploying a release to production and test domains.
- Creating and maintaining the documentation of the processes and procedures used in deploying a release to production and test domains.
- Maintaining Continuous Integration and deployment.
- Automating jobs/tasks wherever required.
- Deploying the builds to production and test domains as required
- Management of development build processes and tools
- Management of production release build processes and tools
Management of version control systems and source code
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Environment: Java, Redhat Linux, SVN, Maven, Tomcat
Duration: Feb 2013 to Aug 2013
The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has been created, with the mandate of providing a Unique Identity (Aadhaar) to all Indian residents. The UIDAI proposes to provide online authentication using demographic and biometric data. Unique identification project was initially conceived by the Planning Commission as an initiative that would provide identification for each resident across the country and would be used primarily as the basis for efficient delivery of welfare services. It would also act as a tool for effective monitoring of various programs and schemes of the Government.
Responsibilities as Build and Release Engineer:
- Perform Build activities using Maven and redhat packet manager.
- Maintaining the project on Subversion repository by means of controlling access permissions to SVN repository.
- Creating branches, tags and following merging when required.
- Maintaining scripts for full and incremental backups (daily and weekly) of SVN repository.
- Responsible for creating the baselines and releasing the code.
- Managed daily builds and releases to QA. Debugged build failures and worked with developers and QA people to resolve related issues
- Worked on Redhat Packet Manager to generate RPMs.
- Worked on shell scripts to build RPMs.
- Worked closely with Development and QA team to solve complex build/deployment process through all the phases of the development.
- Maintaining the project related documents in SVN.
Southern California Edisonthe largest subsidiary ofEdison International. It is the primary electricity supply company for much ofSouthern California. It provides paperless bills. We can pay our electrical bills online by logging into SCE.COM. It will provide customer services like view current bills, pay bills, generate duplicate bills, raise complaints. Request for new connection and request for previous bills. It will provide Administration like it will track the usage of power supply from various sub-stations.
Responsibilities as Build and Release Engineer:
- Perform Build activities using Ant and Hudson tool
- Perform Deployment of War files in Tomcat application servers using Shell scripts
- Maintain Dev, QA, UAT & Production environments i.e make sure they are always up & running.
- Handle multiple builds generally 3 to 4 per week from Development team, create build and perform deployment activities.
- Administration of Subversion tool includes creating branches, tagging, access permissions and setting up hooks.
- For new applications, performing Knowledge transition from development team to SCM team on build and deployment process.
- Worked on Hudson/Jenkins tool to configure Nightly Builds to check sanity of our code.
- Perform smoke/sanity tests for the applications deployed and also troubleshoot the application for the issues that arise as part of the smoke test process.
- Troubleshoot production issues/incidents and provide RCA
- Maintain and update knowledge base periodically to cover all issues & their RCA.
- Maintain the project related documents in SVN.