About Me
MSc in GIS & RS – University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka BSc (Hons) Town and Country Planning - University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka....
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Portfolio Projects
- Prepares GIS databases, maps, database reports and specialized queries in support of various project requirements.
- Performs GIS analysis, modeling and reporting to support decision making
- Use HTML (Basic) and operates some models
- Generates, maintains and disseminates GIS layers
- Operates and maintains GIS software and web-based applications
- Responsible for the on-going spatial data maintenance and dissemination, end-user support and the generation of maps and other GIS reports and information product
- Deliver advice on project feasibility, cost-effectiveness, regulatory conformance, and possible alternatives.
Tools and Technologies used:
- ArcGIS10.3 and Remote Sensing Techniques.
- Prepares GIS databases, maps, database reports and specialized queries in support of various project requirements.
- Performs GIS analysis, modeling and reporting to support decision making
- Generates, maintains and disseminates GIS layers
- Operates and maintains GIS software and web-based applications
- Responsible for the conversion, import and export data in and out of the GIS system
- Responsible for the collection and conversion of mapping resources and data
- Provide technical expertise related specifically to asset management
- Coordinate work with economic consultants and architects during the formulation of plans and the design of large pieces of infrastructure.
Tools and Technologies used:
- Auto-CAD, ArcGIS10.3 & 10.6 and Remote Sensing Techniques.
- Direct observations, focus group discussion, household interviews, key informant interviews, participatory field mapping, case studies and stakeholder workshop are conducted to study the area.
- Prepares GIS databases, maps and database reports
- Assess the feasibility of proposals and identify necessary changes
- Recommend approval, denial or conditional approval of proposals
- Prepares strategic plans for the local area.
- Deliver advice on project feasibility, cost-effectiveness, regulatory conformance, and possible alternatives.
- Coordinate work with economic consultants and architects during the formulation of plans and the design of large pieces of infrastructure.
- Review and evaluate environmental impact reports
- Supervise and coordinate the work of urban planning technicians and technologists
Main Objective: To examine the applicability of the types of roads in connectivity analysis technique in analyzing the urban hierarchy in Sri Lankan regional contextMethodology: To develop the study and examine the outcome, urbanization values of the urban centres were computed according to sum of weighted values of urban activities. Weightage was given based on the scale of the urban activity. Relative connectivity values were calculated as two sets by used connectivity analysis technique and weight link connectivity analysis technique. Further, correlate the results which are obtained from urbanization values and two set of relative connectivity values. Integrated analysis was used to illustrate the outcome.
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Main Objective: To identify the temporal and spatial dynamics of land use change in Jaffna Peninsula by using GIS and Remote sensing techniques during 1986 to 2014.Methodology: To detect the dynamics of land use change by using Landsat satellite images and digital format land use data. The Grid Analysis method is applied to spatially measure the land use pattern change and bivariate correlation analysis is used to identify the relationship in between the land use categories.
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