About Me
Around 14 years of experience in SAP-ABAP programming which includes 3 full cycle implementation, support, rollout and upgradation projects.
- Well experienced in Reports, Dialog Pr... Show More
Portfolio Projects
My responsibilities are
- Resource assignment for new projects and handling escalations.
- Acting as Architect and solutioning for complex changes and projects.
- Driving Improvement initiatives in the team.
- Timely reporting of status of work and projects to Associate Director.
- Driving ABAP Competency activities.
- Handling all approvals for ABAP related changes.
As a Project Lead my responsibilities were
- Task assignment to team members.
- Responsible to complete the CTF’s and deliver the CTF assigned on time.
- Supporting the team for any technical issues of the assigned objects.
- Tracking Timesheets weekly basis and made sure that Team is not in the defaulter list.
- Providing Weekly Status Report and Monthly Status report to the client manager.
- Supporting Management team in various reports.
- Providing updates to Quality team with SLA and other details and Maintaining the SLA’s defined.
- Part of Zero-Defect Forum in providing various ideas for improve the process or automate manual process.
- Provided various ideas for Value Creation Activities whenever the Resource Utilization was low.
- Supported in various Standardization initiatives in the Organization.
- Key member in SAP Competency and supporting in all Competency activities.
- Helped the onsite FD colleague in completing a complex FD Hyperion Interface on time.
- Worked on an ECC interface of MDM replication which will send data to SAP MDM system when a material/vendor is created/changed/flag for deletion in SAP R/3 through ABAP Proxy.
- Worked on a CRM Interface of MDM replication which will send data to SAP MDM when a contact data is created in SAP CRM through ABAP proxy.
- Developed Customer Account Statement SAP Script which includes the email/fax functionality.
As a senior developer my roles in the project are
- Worked along with the Accenture Kronberg (Germany) Colleagues in Accenture Germany office for a period of 6 months in completing the tasks assigned to me.
- Takeover of Reports and forms from the old oleo system (SAP 4.6 C) into the new system (ECC 6.0) for modules MM, SD, FI/CO, PM, PP and QM.
- Few changes to the existing report and forms.
- Preparing technical design and Unit test of objects.
- Helping the functional owner in testing the gaps/RICEF.
- Helping the colleagues of the project in technical solutions.
My responsibilities are
- Supporting the team for any technical issues of the assigned objects.
- Interacting with Technical architects to understand critical changes.
- Supporting functional architects in solving issues and technical requirements.
- Involved in code review process with SMARSHIFT (code review tool).
- Extensively used ChaRM for testing process, transports and approvals of changes.
- Involved in new code review process with CODE INSPECTOR implementation for all regions.
- Handling Cambridge project, AURORA, AVLON and NA uplift refresh projects.
- Apart from projects involved in improvement activities like revisiting development standards and guidelines
- Key person in handing technical archiving for various systems.
- Trained in HANA basics and Scope & Effort Analyzer (SEA).
As a Team Lead my responsibilities were
- Task assignment to the available developers.
- Review the objects assigned to my team members.
- Responsible to complete the object and deliver the object assigned to the developers on time.
- Helping the team to complete the objects assigned to the team members.
- Escalating any issues related to the objects to the concerned Functional consultant and Owner.
- Reporting the development status and updating the DEV list portal with the latest status to the Reporting Manager.
- Coordinating the CTF related activities with offshore and SGS (onsite).
- Coordinating the release and transport request transportation to quality server.
- Analyzing the problem occurred in quality system and providing solution.
- Apart from leading the team involved in various development. Developed an Inbound interface – Direct Debit posting which posts the document from FEBKO and FEBEP table with perfect clear number.
- Developed various reusable components – Common report header, footer and common method for application file server download which was used for all the programs.
- Updating the time sheet in eprotrack plus and verifying the time sheet entered by team members
- Involved in recruitment activities for the project and organization.
As a Senior Developer My responsibilities were,
- Analyzing and Understanding the functional requirements using the Functional Specification.
- Designing the technical specification, test conditions and Unit Test Scripts.
- Developing Reports, Forms, Interfaces (ALE/IDOCs), Conversions and Enhancements.
- Unit testing the objects with the test data provided for every test condition.
- Leading the team for a period of one month.
- Peer review and QA of the objects.
- Supporting and managing the team in completing the tasks.
- Developed dispatch transport trip details which gives the weekly trip details of the vehicles involved
- Developed Check Management report which gives the cleared and clearing accounts based on the selected account on the particular date
- Developed CENVAT Cess posting report which divides the account into CENVAT and CESS and clear automatically using BDC.
- Uploaded Cin Master Data and Vendor master data into SAP based on the selection made on the selection screen.
- Created BDC for uploading the invoice number for reference from SAP to FI Screen (FB09).
- Developed SMARTFORMS for Excise Invoice printing and Purchase Order printing.
- Modified SAPscript layout for Challan printing and assigned the print program for the same.